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File 16323190242.jpg - (2.58MB , 1284x2283 , 9A76471A-63B5-43FD-98FF-B52B61369FDA.jpg )
1031 No. 1031
what do people think about the future of masking? is the technology going to improve significantly, or is there little room for improvement from the designs we have today?

also where are we all hiding nowadays? guessing we’re all on reddit, facebook, twitter, or moved on past our degeneacy
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>> No. 1032
File 163237365714.jpg - (172.99KB , 682x1720 , P8010042.jpg )
Looking good! And I'm glad to see a new post

I'm still around, as always. Kinda reverted to silent lurker mode when nobody else is posting anything, but always watching for new posts. I got a few more I think I wanna put up, when I get around to it...

For the future of masking, my guess is it will slowly continue to advance, maybe a few more companies making realistic pretty girl masks along with their monsters and whatnot, like Creafx. Eventually I want to make my own, custom cast to my face so that the underlying structure doesn't distort the intended shape too much, then do the same for my entire body basically. Long term goals, I guess.

As for where everybody's hiding, you're probably right with the social media sites, and I'd suggest Discord as well. I tend to avoid such sites for technical and I-take-particular-offense-to-being-data-mined reasons. If everybody's posting elsewhere maybe I could be conviced to cave and start going there some, but I much prefer the imageboard format, especially when the admin (i.e. me) shares an interest and can modify the site as desired (origininal board software did not support webm, so I added it). And speaking of webm's, I got a couple of those I may post eventually too.

Pic is fairly recent, sort of "sports thot" look that I liked, and shows off some new stuff I've gotten since the last time.

Now, somebody motivate me by making lots of posts! :)
>> No. 1034
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Well, a bit of motivation always goes a long way.

That said: I guess most people have mostly moved on, either going deeper or using social media to promote themselves.

I'm doing kinda like Jess now - lurking, watching for new posts, not using social media. I've been tempted at times to get into the Female Masking subreddit, but...eh, don't feel very comfortable using a subverted entry (so to speak).

Pic is also fairly recent, showing some of the new additions. Suffice to say that's the longest wig I have.

P.S.: Really jealous of how you look, Kylie. I don't think I can achieve that kind of look - only now attempting eyeshadow and magnetic eyelashes to improve the look.
>> No. 1035
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You know, I'm always lurkng in the /d/ threads, thinking maybe I should post a link for the people into the real-life stuff, but it just feels wrong to self-promote and I feel paranoid that I'll piss off a mod so I never do. Think anybody would be interested?

Also, here's another blond one with a more classic outfit.
>> No. 1037
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Maybe not in the Bodysuit thread, since it's essentially for drawn stuff. Maybe on the photo boards, since /d/ is meant to be for drawn stuff?

Pic showing off another of my masks.

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