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File 164049152644.jpg - (117.19KB , 495x1320 , PC240005.jpg )
1065 No. 1065
Mehry Krimbus!
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>> No. 1066
File 164109600522.jpg - (129.13KB , 525x1381 , PC240011.jpg )
...and a happy booty rear!
>> No. 1228
Will we see a return of Santa Jess this year?

(Too bad I don't have a Mrs. Claus dress. Or a dress from any of the Magi.)
>> No. 1229
File 167194713717.jpg - (301.79KB , 720x1734 , PC240007.jpg )
Well, since you asked... here's another one from the same set.

"Let's see... who's on the naughty list this year?"
>> No. 1230
File 167194744029.jpg - (353.51KB , 800x1520 , PC250117.jpg )
...and another more risqué one from a different set, with the classic brown hair, since I don't have anything more recent.

Like, literally not a single more recent picture in the last year. Huh, hadn't noticed that until now. Maybe I need some ideas for outfits, since I'm really bad at anything fashion-related and don't really know what looks good. Hrm...
>> No. 1231

Wish I could help on that, but that mostly depends on you. In my case, I go mostly for various looks: rocker gal, conservative-looking lady, office girl, etc., and then I try to mix and match. You can do the same with whatever you got - as long as it motivates you to do more shoots!
>> No. 1232
File 167255692831.jpg - (1.83MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20221225_045724.jpg )
Guess I'll have to show the booty rear this year around?

(Consider it a tease for this year, if you may.)
>> No. 1369
File 170356479047.jpg - (136.60KB , 483x1312 , PC240012.jpg )
Merry Christmas and happy once-a-year-post!
Here's one of 'Nice' Jess being a bit naughty while Santa's not looking.

I swear I'm gonna get back to it at some point...
Right now my excuse is that I've been growing all my hair out since the start of covid and now I look like ZZ Top, and stuffing it all under a mask makes it look bad. Hell, my real hair is longer than any wig I own! I think I'll shave it all off once the weather gets warm.

I suppose I could be posting more body shots in the meantime, but I dunno if people want more of that, or if they'd rather have face included.
>> No. 1372
Any activity is good activity. (And if you have something new to show, the better.)
>> No. 1374
Bodyshots are always nice to have especially when youre good at covering up the lines
>> No. 1486
File 17303797966.jpg - (2.37MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20241031_082410.jpg )
Happy Hallowe'en, my minions! <3 XOXO

(A taste of things to come, but this one was taken today - alongside many others.)

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