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File 164713608293.jpg - (2.88MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20211208_025925.jpg )
1130 No. 1130
As I promised, the serious discussion.

Though I showed a bit of a heads-up on the Selfie thread, I got a few prosthetics of darker color than usual - mostly a pair of masks, a breastplate and padded "pants". I've worn them and even took pictures of it, but that made me think. What are your thoughts on wearing prosthetics and masks of a different skin color than yours?

For emphasis: I'm not Caucasian, but I'm pretty light-skinned. Most of the masks I wear (like the Hathaway) are actually lighter than my own skin color (as you can probably see on the pictures), but most of the popular masks are tailored towards the "white/Asian woman" archetype. Far as I know, other than an example in "Secrets of the Living Dolls", there's no example of POC masking up, either in their own skin color or a different one.

You may realize how controversial this sounds, which is why I decided to make this a serious conversation. What are your thoughts on it? How does it touch what we as maskers do? Would it be acceptable within the community, even if it might not be acceptable outside? How would that change the perception of our community as a whole?

I apologize if you feel like this isn't acceptable, but I feel it can expand the scope of what this board can do, and might even spark discussion on different places where maskers reunite.
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>> No. 1131
File 164973771770.jpg - (2.71MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211208_021141.jpg )
Hmm, no response.

Again: not in the interest to offend, but this is me wearing all pieces shown on the first picture. The mask is slightly lighter than the rest of the pieces; the chest is a H-cup with the "floating point" design that makes it easier to wear. Though the "pants" aren't shown on the second one, they have extra material on the hip and rear area, and are large enough to have me wear them with extreme ease - in fact, I think it's the best fitting undergarments I've ever worn, even though they're pretty heavy. I can add some extra padding to make them look even bigger.
>> No. 1132
File 164992145394.jpg - (2.67MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20211208_020447.jpg )
Posting some more pics with the set-up. This one is a mirror selfie with the full outfit. The top is a bit tight on the chest, squishing it, whereas the jeans are loose-fitting and hide the curves somewhat.

Note that the top doesn't reach all the way down to my waist, but the bottom prosthetic stretches upward. Also: I wore no corset or body-shaping garment; that's my actual belly that you see.
>> No. 1133
File 164992158341.jpg - (2.31MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211208_021330.jpg )
Top-down shot. This one shows how the top is shaping the breasts inward, creating cleavage, and the jeans design.
>> No. 1134
File 165226026794.jpg - (2.31MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211208_020549.jpg )
Apparently still nothing. I could just easily move these to the Selfie thread, but I'll keep these here for now.

This picture has a good image of the skin color contrast between the mask, the prosthetics, and my own. The mask is a bit lighter than the prosthetics, making it the closest fit; I presume that's one reason why masking and crossdressing in a darker skin tone is more difficult, as the different companies have different views of these colors. (That, and it's more noticeable than on lighter skin colors - though it's not that it's unnoticeable.) The end result, though, is as if I had placed some lighter makeup on my face. And of course, it's a good point to evaluate just how much of a contrast from my usual skin color to the new one.

Also: >>1131 has a good shot of the wig I used, which is curiously enough one of the styles that WOC seem to prefer. This wasn't exactly a deliberate choice; it was essentially spur of the moment, but also a style I wanted to observe myself with.
>> No. 1135
File 16522605629.jpg - (3.00MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20211225_043721.jpg )
This is from a different date, where I chose to wear my favorite top alongside the newer, lighter denim jacket. I still use the same pants as the previous date, since I was afraid my favorite jeans would be too small for the new booty. (Turns out, it doesn't.)

This is an attempt to see how I'd look with my favored style with these prosthetics, by the way. I went with different wig styles in this shoot, mostly to observe how they contrast with the new skin tone. Mostly what I do with the Haena and Hathaway.
>> No. 1136
File 165226079356.jpg - (3.49MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211225_043802.jpg )
Different shot, this time with my eyelids partially closed. Again, this is another great comparison point - the eyelids, while they aren't a perfect fit, do seem to be closer to the mask's color than others. Perhaps it's color correction from my phone or something, but it makes it harder to perceive I'm under a mask.
>> No. 1137
File 165226101671.jpg - (3.18MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211225_043949.jpg )
Angle shot.

This photo has two great things to notice. First, beyond being one of my favorite wigs, this look blends well with the eyebrows, which are actually plucked in rather than painted. The second is that this angle seems to draw the best of the mask itself - seamless eye position, as well as the best example of the mask's color.
>> No. 1138
File 165226131871.jpg - (1.95MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20211225_044124.jpg )
Mirror selfie with left hand.

While I got two other selfies at different angles, this one has a great combination of what I want to project in terms of look. I usually tend to showcase a "rocker girl" look with all the other masks, and I wanted to see how I'd pull off that look with a different skin tone. I feel this shot best showcases the contrast between skin tone and look, at least in comparison to similar shots with lighter skin tones.

Then again, maybe I just like the look and want to show it as many times as I can?
>> No. 1139
File 165291049899.jpg - (558.61KB , 1200x1800 , c0a66d_fd7adbe235d4409493b0f6dbd4ca197f_mv2.jpg )
That's not me in the picture, but this mask really appeals to me. It's somewhat relevant to the topic although it obviously isn't meant to mimic a darker skin tone but rather draws from latex fetishism aesthetics.

I just can't decide between this one and the normal one. Sorry for OT.
>> No. 1140

I've also been a bit enticed by the Poppy - particularly the vampire version with the fangs. I understand it's suited for the bonding fetishists because of the added gag, but it's a good point - it's just too dark.

Come to think about it: just how many non-light skin female masks exist out there? I recall CFX had the Denise mask, but that was female fit, and I think I got the other two (a Kathy mask and the one I show in these pics). It'd be great for those wishing to enter masking to have more options other than Caucasian or Asian.
>> No. 1152
File 165527404442.jpg - (3.05MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211225_060830.jpg )
Figured I'd show off one last batch of photos with different wig styles in order. I often like to see the combinations, and this isn't the exception. This is the short human-hair wig look, as the first comparison.
>> No. 1153
File 165527436656.jpg - (2.95MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211225_060838.jpg )
Isometric angle, this time with open eyes.

This one also shows the outline of the breastplate and a good contrast between the color of the mask and the rest of the prosthetics.
>> No. 1154
File 165527471116.jpg - (2.83MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211225_060938.jpg )
(Kind of) signature look with short hair wig.

If you see my eyes red, it's because wearing the mask for too much causes me a bit of allergies, and it shows.

Since the mask has a full neck, I had to wear it under the breastplate, which may be the reason the neck looks so awkward.
>> No. 1155
File 165527491042.jpg - (3.36MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211225_060951.jpg )
Side look with closed eyes.

This one, as well as the first photo with the short wig, have me with closed eyelids. This is something that I can't seem to control at times, mostly because of the camera from the phone I'm using shuttering seemingly a second later. However, in this case, it's an interesting shot because it showcases my own eyelid without makeup. Does the mask blend well with my natural eyelid?
>> No. 1156
File 165527533589.jpg - (3.46MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211225_061542.jpg )
Switching to short bob-cut cherry red wig.

Another thing you can notice is that the mask isn't very expressive, making me look way too serious. I can change it through a bit of effort and different angles, though - one thing I definitely like to explore. I'd dare say it's a great deal of the fun of masking: how to make it much more realistic.
>> No. 1157
File 165527588833.jpg - (2.56MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20211225_061433.jpg )
Side isometric shot, which happens to have a slight catch-up of the mirror.

I personally feel this wig doesn't seem to fit the mask (much like the Haena, it seems to yearn for blonde wigs), but I like this one despite the "bored" look, mostly because that capture gives a good show of just how good the breastplate covers the shoulder blade. It almost makes me feel like I'm fully covered.
>> No. 1158
File 165527664222.jpg - (2.84MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211225_061937.jpg )
Side look with...uh, dark fuchsia (or maybe wine?) ombre bob wig. (I get weird wigs sometimes...)

It's a pretty interesting half-body shot, particularly because the way the lips pose feels different from the stiffness of the other photos. Maybe it's the angle or just how the wig looks on me?
>> No. 1159
File 165527721950.jpg - (2.64MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20211225_062136.jpg )
Finishing with selfie shot on mirror. This one also happens to have a good look on the whole outfit (and also on the curves!).
>> No. 1221
File 16683103424.jpg - (2.36MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220519_031137.jpg )
Well, I also took a couple of pics with this prosthetic setup. Wig is mid-length ombre blonde lace-front bob, top is new, pants are older but since I could combine them with the boots, I decided to go as short as possible this time.
>> No. 1222
File 166831046219.jpg - (2.79MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20220519_031213.jpg )
This pic shows off a bit of the wig itself. It's longer on the front than on the back, which I like.
>> No. 1223
File 16683107277.jpg - (3.59MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220519_031454.jpg )
Booty shot. Just gratuitous booty shot. That's all. Really.
>> No. 1224
File 166831084921.jpg - (3.66MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220519_031711.jpg )
Body shot, though it doesn't show the legs. As usual, the idea is to simulate an hourglass figure, and I hope that I nailed it, but it always depends on the corset.
>> No. 1225
File 166831099553.jpg - (3.12MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220519_032002.jpg )
This shot, which I took while sitting down, shows everything a bit better, including the boots. These are knee-length boots, which seem to have faux-fur inside. The lower prosthetic in this color reaches all the way down to the knees, which is the reason why I chose the very short pants this time.

Also: the lower light helps everything blend in.
>> No. 1226
File 166831111244.jpg - (3.35MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220519_032655.jpg )
Another body shot, this time showing more leg. As you can see, there's no gap between the leg prosthetic and the boots, making everything feel a bit more natural.

I'd love silicone gloves of this color, though.
>> No. 1227
File 166831125383.jpg - (3.87MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220519_032820.jpg )
And to wrap things up, a double boob shot for y'all. (If you hadn't noticed until now, I wasn't wearing a bra in this shot.)

Can't remove the stain on the left boob, though, so let's assume it's my birthmark or something, mmkay?
>> No. 1357
File 168956986739.jpg - (2.94MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221102_034034.jpg )
Been a while, and I had these from last year, so let's deal with them.

Here's me wearing one of the new blonde bob wigs and one of the new tops (at the time, of course). I'm wearing the breastplate neck over the mask bib, which is why it's so obvious.
>> No. 1358
File 168957144729.jpg - (2.92MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221102_034203.jpg )
Top-down shot to show up ensemble.
>> No. 1359
File 168957293392.jpg - (3.21MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221102_034237.jpg )
And the customary "side shot to show curves".
>> No. 1360
That's a nice ass!
>> No. 1361
File 168957929791.jpg - (2.58MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221102_034447.jpg )
Pic in alternate room. Many of the photos I took here are either blurry or eyes ended up weird. Also, the mask was stored in such a way that it warped a bit on the side, which is more noticeable here as I'm wearing it.
>> No. 1362
File 168958001819.jpg - (2.51MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221102_034711.jpg )
Top-down shot with pouty lips.
>> No. 1363
File 168958035013.jpg - (2.42MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20221102_034529.jpg )
Ending up with this profile shot.


Thanks! I aim to please. I definitely like working on the curves, both up and down.
>> No. 1364
File 169920375160.jpg - (2.11MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221205_023507.jpg )
It's been a while, isn't it? (Year's about to end and I'm still showing photos from *last* year...) Gonna post some photos here and some photos on the other thread.

This one is a coat I got for myself, trying to look professional. Turns out I ended up looking like one of those old, cranky office ladies instead.

Then again, maybe not that old and cranky. (Missing the glasses, I think.)
>> No. 1365
File 169920416930.jpg - (2.37MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221205_025542.jpg )
Standing shot, showing off the coat.

The coat is plus-sized, somewhere between 3X and 4X size, but for Western sizes. Hence, why it's oversized.

Then again, it's relatively cheap and looks functional for a costume.
>> No. 1366
File 169921324466.jpg - (2.73MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221205_025702.jpg )
Full body shot.

As you can notice, I'm only wearing the coat, a stretchy top (which you've already seen), some underwear and knee-high boots. The coat *barely* reaches below the thighs, which is a shame because I had no good fitting skirt to match, and because I wanted it to be larger.

As for the breasts - I'm taking advantage of the stretchy top to use others, but for the most part I'm wearing a smaller breastplate under it. This causes both the larger size and also the drop down - they're on my chest, but on the lower half of the chest rather than the upper part.
>> No. 1367
File 169921469177.jpg - (2.29MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221205_033450.jpg )
Selfie on alternate room.

This, I feel, is one of the better angles for the outfit. Note that it's the same camera and no filters - the angle and different light intensity did the trick.

It actually makes me look more professional, don't you think? (Which is the whole purpose of buying this coat in the first place!)
>> No. 1368
File 169923432138.jpg - (2.64MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221205_033836.jpg )
Trying some new poses.

This one in particular has me crossing my leg, showing some thigh. I need to lean towards one side to get a better picture.
>> No. 1371
Not sure exactly what it is about this one, but I particularly like it. It's like a busty office lady posting selfies while out a lunch or something, and were it not for the fact that this is the kind of thing we do here, if I saw the thumbnail posted somewhere on the internet I might not even guess that's a mask.
>> No. 1373
I dont think you should be concerned about raceplay beind a bad thing. Skinsuits are about the other the...contrast and difference and changing race is part of that appeal. Ive seen white maskers turn into black women and thats becoming more common nowadays. I think you should not worry to much and just enjoy what youre doing without feeling concerned about feeling racist or whatever. I'd love to take a spin as an asian chick but none of the Aisan fitting masks seem right for my face so its a shame.

Just look in the mirror and enjoy what you see, and if you dont oike it you can change it. ;)
>> No. 1378

Well put. Thanks for sharing your opinion. I like how it deals with the appeal of masking outside of personal reasons - it is, as you said, a play on contrasts at its core, because it lets you be someone that you aren't.

I'll admit I made this thread out of cautiousness - given how easy it is to anger people, I didn't wanna offend the few people that enjoy this as a hobby, as an expression or even out of kinkiness. Considering how the very act of masking can be offensive to people (though the consensus seems to verge on "weird", apparently), I figured touching on the community's consensus would help clear things out.

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