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1375 No. 1375
I thought I would be nice to start up a thread on masking equipment and gear.

What kind of equipment are you using from what seller? Are there any brands or masks you would recommend, and the opposite would there be things you would advise against? Im planning on beginning masking myself but i am not sure what is good to start with. Whats your favourite mask and boob combo? How do whole bodysuits work? This may also be a good place to generally discuss other masking equipment like wigs and clothing.
>> No. 1383
I got quite a good collection, always finding a way to buy more stuff.

Mask-wise, I tend to prefer those from Dreammask, as they fit very well. MoliFX has turned to be my second choice - their Luxuria mask looks amazing. I've also purchased from Roanyer and from others, and my first mask was a CreaFX but it's too damaged to be reused.

As for other prosthetics, I tend to purchase breastplates, girdles and gloves. I've gotten them from multiple sizes, though ever increasing.

Breastplates: I find the ones I use the most are those from Dokier, followed by MoliFX. Dokier sells good, long-lasting breastplates at a relatively cheap price, though sometimes they can make them pretty thick.

Girdles: Since I like big curves, The Kim has solved many of those problems. I got a couple others from Dokier, EYung and Roanyer; the latter is more of a panty, with thin and stretchy silicone, but the genital opening is very wide. I usually have issues with those little tubes, which is why I like when they're wide and stubby, I will say that I think I got more EYung girdles than anything else.

Gloves: I started with ones from Celesmask, which I still have, and moved to test a few others. Gloves are the least exciting because they're hard to put in, hard to take out, and prone to tearing. The ones I got from Dreammask fit snugly and nicely but got a nasty tear after a couple uses, mostly because their nails are glued on properly and I was trying to avoid breaking them.

As to where I buy everything - AliExpress, though the MoliFX stuff I buy directly from their site. You can find them cheaper while still being the real deal.

And as a final remark: I have that Hathaway mask in OP's pic. Hathaway is one of my favorites, though my favorite mask still has to be the Haena.

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