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163 No. 163
i was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what style the outfit in the pic is? where it may have come from and if they know of any where that might be able to make it or if their is a site that sells outfits similar to the one in the picture?
>> No. 164
If you mean with the zentai and anime mask, it's kigurumi (but you probably already know that).
If you mean the dress with all the frills and laces and stuff, I think that counts as "gothic lolita".
>> No. 166
yes i did mean the the dress with the frills and lace and stuff. thank you for saying it might count under "gothic lolita". was also wondering if you might know any good places that might sell types of dresses like this one? or any good sites that might commission this outfit or something similar?
>> No. 168
I don't know of any off the top of my head... if it were me, I'd probably check eBay and just google it to see what options are available.
>> No. 203

There are several clothing stores in Japan which sell Lolita garments. It is a legitimate clothing style. Search for Baby the stars shine bright among others.

There are also several costume makers who will duplicate a specific Lolita outfit worn in an Anime.
>> No. 249
i sent Baby the stars shine bright among others an email and never got a response back. you mentioned that other costume makers could duplicate a specific lolita outfit worn. would you happen to know the name of any of these costume makers that would be able to make these types of outfit? and that would respond to an email?
>> No. 269
The clothing is certainly NOT Goth Lolita. Lolita fashion has to have a knee length (or close to it) skirt/dress that can accommodate a bell petticoat (or a-line for classic). Leg warmers are not suitable accessories. Bare shoulders must not be showing (either wear an op or a blouse). The lace on that outfit is terrible quality and would result in the outfit being called 'ita' (meaning a lolita so ugly it hurts people's eyes).
The clothing in that picture is just generic mall goth.
If you are interested in actual lolita check out 'Hello Lace' for guidance. And check out 'Qutieland' or 'Bodyline' if you wish to buy outfits.
Hope this helps.
>> No. 272
that did help me out. thank you did not realize that it was not Gothic Lolita. a question though. are you saying that it would be a bad idea to try and get an outfit made that is similar to this? i was kinda hoping that this style was not a bad one to chose as i do like the outfit style but would like to have better lace Incorporated. I will check those sites out. thank you for providing the names of them.
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