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File 136970196914.jpg - (64.89KB , 841x621 , P5132005.jpg )
204 No. 204
No idea how this happened... This wasn't here when I put it away last time :(
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>> No. 205
File 136970235355.jpg - (90.27KB , 870x583 , P5132006.jpg )
All hope is not lost, however... I've had some experience repairing similar things.
>> No. 207
File 136970342843.jpg - (122.89KB , 690x663 , P5132018.jpg )
It was taking too long, I could lay it on much thicker on the inside without being visible...
Turned it inside out, layed it on thicker and reinforced some of the area around it.
>> No. 208
File 136970387028.jpg - (1.02MB , 3001x1405 , P5132019.jpg )
Super close up of the repair on the inside.
>> No. 209
File 136970411769.jpg - (105.52KB , 545x924 , P5152021.jpg )
Close up of outside before finishing and final touches...
Had to stop here, more later.
>> No. 211
File 137005268642.jpg - (217.88KB , 1450x1165 , P5312031.jpg )
...and you can hardly see it.
Maybe I'll get some liquid latex and mix it up to match colors and cover it up and fix up the paint job a little.
>> No. 215
Good to see you managed to fix it :)
>> No. 279
File 139538399261.jpg - (248.60KB , 2178x1615 , P3152710.jpg )
AWW SHITFUCK. All the way from the neck to the upper butt-cheek.

Welp, the fix worked well last time, might as well try it again...
>> No. 280
File 13953840446.jpg - (200.27KB , 1536x1157 , P3162716.jpg )
Had a little practice from last time, so this one should be even harder to see after I'm done.
>> No. 281
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The two halves tend to want to pull away from each other, so I have to weight them down and place something underneath to hold everything just right while it sets up. Don't ask why I have so many batteries, they just happen to work perfectly (small, heavy, flat surface) Also, this stuff takes at least ~1 hour to set up enough to even move it, so this is about the most I can do at one time. The previous pic, plus this one is two days worth of work, and where I had to stop for now.

I think I've explained this before, but I'll repeat it. Since I don't live alone, and it would be bad if my roomie knew of this, I have limited time to do this. It typically works out to being 2 nights every other week that I get the house to myself, and only very late at night (after midnight). This often falls in the middle of the week and I have to work the next day, so even when I do have time sometimes I'm just too tired. Since each short run of this stuff takes at least an hour and I can only stay up for about 3 hours max, this is going to be a VERY slow process.

As for what caused this, I did notice a tiny notch in the neck that's been there for a while and thought it was too small to worry about. One thing I hate about pretty much all rubber-like materials is that even a tiny tear will turn into a big one if not fixed immediately... should've paid more attention.

If I decide to replace it after this, I may try selling it on ebay, probably fairly cheap, with a big warning that there's no guarantee...
>> No. 287
File 139577208944.jpg - (59.53KB , 656x460 , P3242723.jpg )
Getting creative to speed up the curing process...
Also kind of impressed by the speed of the camera, since the fan is running in that pic. It's mostly due to the flash, I guess.
>> No. 288
File 139577284214.jpg - (93.44KB , 1024x580 , P3252725.jpg )
This shows a little better how big the tear is, and how far along I am.

I had a little extra time to work on it yesterday, so I got about twice as much as expected.
The main reason it takes so long (and why I have heavy stuff piled on top) is that I have to hold it together, perfectly aligned as the silicone sets up, otherwise it'll just peel apart or end up glued together wrong and not lined up, and this stuff takes about an hour to an hour and a half before it's set up enough to even move. So, I can only do small sections, then I have to stop and put it away for several days before I can continue.
When I finish this and turn it back right-side-out, I'll probably be able to do that in one go as I'll try to apply it more thinly, and it will already be held together in the proper position by the stuff on the other side.
I'm working even harder than last time to make this one hard to see, so with some luck, it'll be almost invisible.
>> No. 292
File 139622175454.jpg - (156.96KB , 1743x750 , P3292728.jpg )
Another small update:
Had a little extra time again.
Getting close...

About 2 more days then I can continue.
>> No. 298
File 139709708250.jpg - (99.47KB , 1024x771 , P4032730.jpg )
'nother update.
It's pretty hard to even see the tear when it's lined up right and pushed together. You can also see it looks like there's a little notch missing... that's probably what caused this.
>> No. 299
File 139709736092.jpg - (90.27KB , 500x745 , P4032734.jpg )
Now to cover it with silicone and a small piece of cloth for reinforcement.

Stopped here. I can probably turn it inside out and see what the outside looks sometime around Friday or Saturday.

Also, is anybody actually interested in this or am I just posting to hear myself type?
>> No. 300
I am! It' definitely useful knowledge.
>> No. 312
I've done a few patches just like that Jess. Twice I repaired 2 crotch and 2 neck rips. I have no issues with time so I did them slowly bit by bit. I first glued the edges together from the outside a few inches at a time. Being sure they lined up using shapes under the suit and weights like u did. And, being careful not to leave any silicone glue on the outside. Then, when the rip was all glued together, I went inside and glued a fabric strip over the tear, overlapping about 1" on either side with a thick coat of silicone glue. So far so good!
>> No. 316
File 139840689633.jpg - (255.95KB , 1939x1429 , P4122751.jpg )
Time for a bunch of updates at once!

Turned it right-side-out, not as well-glued as it looked from the other side, but it all seems to be one piece now.
>> No. 317
File 139840729677.jpg - (104.75KB , 1590x750 , P4122752.jpg )
...and there's a bit of a gap between the shoulders. Guess I should have squeezed it together harder on a flatter surface.
>> No. 318
File 139840765919.jpg - (245.64KB , 1800x1200 , P4212756.jpg )
...but there's not much I can do about it now, so I empty the rest of the tube all in one go, and let it cure for several days...
>> No. 319
File 139840822156.jpg - (394.41KB , 1450x2250 , P4232767.jpg )
...and so here's a not-particularly-flattering picture. But it's definitely survived being put on and taken off, huzzah!
It's a little more obvious than I had hoped, but not too terrible I think.
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