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File 139162668563.jpg - (159.62KB , 637x750 , 3174193312466343840.jpg )
268 No. 268
I just want to throw in my vote for femask if its not too late. It can look *really* good.
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>> No. 271
File 139189924939.jpg - (299.50KB , 600x900 , T2WrNvXiXXXXXXXXXX_!!22651939.jpg )
It's never too late :)
Yeah, I usually don't go for the thinner latex masks, especially with painted on eyes, but there's just something about the Femasks I like... especilly the Fe-3 (pic related). There's a bunch of new models though and I haven't seen what they look like on people, making it hard to decide.
And while I think the Natori mask looks awesome, it makes my head too big to fit my glasses and is stiff so I can't show any facial expression at all.
So I'd finally be able to see while masked and be able to at least move my mouth. That might make me a little more willing to attempt video too, I guess.
>> No. 274
I want one of these masks so badly. I always see them listed as Much Like Real Person brand, I'm not sure if there's a more concise name. They look a little uncannyvalley and doll-like, but honestly that's what I love about them. They're all like $300 bucks though, I wish I had that kinda cash to throw around.
>> No. 275
Yeah, I've seen that "much like real person" on eBay and noticed they're using pictures of the Femask. I'm not sure if it's the guy who makes them selling them on eBay, someone else reselling them, or if it's some kind of counterfeit, which is super common in China for some reason.
The only way to be sure you're getting the real thing is to order straight from the guy who makes them at femask.com (which seems to be horribly broken right now).
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