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311 No. 311
I repaired my femskin that had a tear at the neck that went down the back like Jess's. Just not as far. However, I don't believe it's possible to pull the suit over my body without it re-ripping. So, I cut off the legs and put the the suit on over my head which puts much less strain on the neck. I did this years ago and have worn the suit quite often. Altho, I did get another tear at the edge of where my patch was. I patched that area and strengthened both that and my original patch about 6 months ago. So far, so good. I like the short suit because it's so easy to get on and leaves my legs free. In fact, I wear the short out in public much more often than my other full Femskin III suit. Because it's so easy dance and go ptty in!
>> No. 315
Oh, hey Doc. Haven't seen you in this part of the woods before :)
Yeah, I thought about splitting it, but I really prefer the one-piece and want something that covers my hairy legs too.
Good to hear your experience on the matter, though.
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