No. 651
Well, I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was awaiting a mask, and it finally arrived! (Was expecting it today, it arrived a few days ago, ahead of schedule). For your info, it's this mask:
I'm not the kind to post personal photos, so you'll have to imagine how it fits, but I think words are enough?
For starters, it's pretty heavy and thick. The actual face area has a pretty thick layer of silicone, though still soft: mostly, the forehead, cheeks and eye slits. It's not so heavy as to wear you from wearing it (pun intended), but it's heavy to grab. I ordered it with eyebrows (a reason why it arrived later than the usual waiting time), and it has some lovely arced eyebrows stitched in. It's lovely painted, with two beauty marks (one on the left cheek, close to the nose, and the other between the upper lip and the nose), slightly painted lips and a skin complexion close to my actual skin tone (unlike the Taylor mask, which is a bit lighter).
There are a few issues, though. For one, the eye slits are too narrow - unless I open my lips, I can't distinguish fine lettering (I can still see fine, though; blurry, but fine). This can be an issue if you wear it for an extended amount of time. Another point is that, since the forehead/cheek area is so thick (and so do the area around the ears), it can press upon your skin, which can be a bit painful. A distant third is that the ears are higher than where your actual ears are, and because they're just as thick as the forehead and cheeks, they can affect how your wigs look. Finally, the silicone at the back of the head isn't as thick as the one at the front, so watch out for tears; that said, the neck area all around and some of the areas seem to be reinforced a bit with some mesh.
On positive counterpoints, the thickness of the area means the face won't distort (an issue I find with the Taylor mask, where if I open my mouth, the eye slit area expands too much). The upper lip reaches a bit beyond your own, and it actually moves quite well (haven't tested actually speaking with it, though; in my case, it does reach to my teeth, which is a minor nuisance). Since it's a half-mask, it doesn't expand to your chest; it remains right below the jaw, and (after expanding the eye slit a nudge) hides pretty well - with a choker, you could use one of the Celesmask bodysuits and have a pretty seamless combination. The nose openings are wide enough, so you can breathe comfortably (an issue I have with the Taylor mask is that I take most of my breath air through the eyes, rather than through the nostrils), and the ear holes allow decent hearing (not to the degree of hearing whispers, but most masks don't allow that anyways).
Personally, even with the vision impairment, I find the mask pretty comfy to wear, and doesn't look that bad IMO (though, to wit: taste is subjective). Just from the quality of the painting and detail, I'd heartily recommend it. They sell another mask (the Elektra), which is their full-head mask type; it has some breasts, though not as large as others. Do note that Metamorphose does mask repairs, though I'm not sure if they repair masks from other companies.
In my case, I'm pretty satisfied, and I got another face to wear alongside the Taylor, so might as well pay forward, no? I'd have considered the Elektra, but my funds are tight right now, and I have a few more important things on my wishlist right now. Maybe in a year or so, though I'm inclined to try the Heana/Haena/Hana/whatever mask from DMS (it looks gorgeous!).
That's it. You may return to your usual discussion.