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329 No. 329
Can we talk about masks? What is your favorite mask? What is the best-looking mask? What's the best mask for someone who doesn't have a lot of money?
25 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 430
I have a greyland lolita mask. Its a bit loose on my head around the top and back of the head. I have spirit gum, can I use it to make the mask get my more facial features. Where should I apply the spirit gum?
>> No. 433
To improve the fit of my lolita mask, I glued some velcro strips in the back to tighten the mask, it does improve a bit. The few tests with gum only resulted in weird seams, if the mask doesn't fit perfectly, odd things may appear. If someone has some tips, please share :)
>> No. 459
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New realflesh female mask incomming
>> No. 488
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I recently found "CC Candy" who appears to be a female masker from China. I honestly think his videos are the best female mask videos I've ever seen!


In this video he shows off his "Real flesh The Doll" mask in full getup:
>> No. 489
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Another insanely hot video with the Playgirl mask:
>> No. 493
I know that this post is kinda old, but I ordered a playgirl, and I can't find the breast cup size. Do you know it by any chance?
>> No. 496

I'm not Bestan, but I'm reasonably sure the Playgirl has C-cups.
>> No. 498
The video says it's a RealFlesh "The Doll" mask, but it looks quite different to the one called The Doll on RealFleshMasks here: http://www.realfleshmasks.com/our-silicone-masks

Is it the same one?
>> No. 499
Yeah, it is. CC is just really good with makeup.
>> No. 500
Damn... I didn't know you could put makeup on masks to make them look that much more realistic. I'd think that he's actually a female masker if I didn't know any better.
>> No. 501
Yep. Not even just on the mask though; a lot of the makeup you see on CC's stuff and, say, CreaFx's videos, is on the face like normal. Helps to hide the eyeholes and such.
>> No. 551
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Any of you know if there exists a video of someone putting this on? I know the suit is probably too large for most westerners/people, I just wanna see it in action.
>> No. 552
*forgot to post link
>> No. 553
New awesome videos by the amazing CC Candy!

>> No. 558
File 150411874455.png - (374.74KB , 324x868 , 20863716_1013776182097603_134584765_n.png )
We've got a female bodysuit for only 980$ in sale! Complete with wig, and mask!

Take a look on

>> No. 603
I too have searched to no avail...
>> No. 604
This is video of a similar suit:
>> No. 623
Hi everyone! First time poster here, and I have a question: what are the best masks for someone with a budget around 400$? Also, are the Eyung masks available on Aliexpress any good? Thank you very much for your answer!
>> No. 645
Bit late, but here are some pointers. First and foremost, CONTACT THE SELLER. Had a bad experience with one of the companies, where I lost about US$700+ and I never got the mask, because I never realized they couldn't send to where I live. Always ask if they send to your area, though if you live in the US or any major country, it's a good chance.

Currently ordered a mask from Metamorphose Masks, but it hasn't arrived yet so I can't tell, but their Femme Fatale half-mask is under $400, even with the shipping. Might tell more when/(if it) arrives, but it has a nice look IMO.

Dreammask Studios (DMS) also has some affordable half-masks at around $270, but they're much like Natoris' masks in that they offer no facial movement. They do offer open eye slots, though.
>> No. 647
Thanks for the tips! However, after considering all the options, I think I'm gonna save a bit more and get a CreaFX one. They seem to look great on everyone, plus the movement looks pretty good (at least for the applied version)
>> No. 648
Most people go for a Taylor anyways, but do note that you should consider your head size and shape. The Taylor mask fits males well, but it's relatively small and fits females better. The Monica mask is a bit larger (IMO, can't say as I only got a Taylor) and a bit cheaper, and doesn't look bad.

That said, if you want a better fit, go for the Applied version, though do note that the Telesis adhesive can be pretty expensive to find on your own.
>> No. 649
Which online store is the place to buy greyland film masks now?
>> No. 650
Owner of an eyung mask (with chest) here, would not recommend. It gets really sweaty in there in under an hour, and saliva and slobber builds up in the lips and can even go up into the cheeks, which is pretty disgusting.
>> No. 651
Well, I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was awaiting a mask, and it finally arrived! (Was expecting it today, it arrived a few days ago, ahead of schedule). For your info, it's this mask:


I'm not the kind to post personal photos, so you'll have to imagine how it fits, but I think words are enough?

For starters, it's pretty heavy and thick. The actual face area has a pretty thick layer of silicone, though still soft: mostly, the forehead, cheeks and eye slits. It's not so heavy as to wear you from wearing it (pun intended), but it's heavy to grab. I ordered it with eyebrows (a reason why it arrived later than the usual waiting time), and it has some lovely arced eyebrows stitched in. It's lovely painted, with two beauty marks (one on the left cheek, close to the nose, and the other between the upper lip and the nose), slightly painted lips and a skin complexion close to my actual skin tone (unlike the Taylor mask, which is a bit lighter).

There are a few issues, though. For one, the eye slits are too narrow - unless I open my lips, I can't distinguish fine lettering (I can still see fine, though; blurry, but fine). This can be an issue if you wear it for an extended amount of time. Another point is that, since the forehead/cheek area is so thick (and so do the area around the ears), it can press upon your skin, which can be a bit painful. A distant third is that the ears are higher than where your actual ears are, and because they're just as thick as the forehead and cheeks, they can affect how your wigs look. Finally, the silicone at the back of the head isn't as thick as the one at the front, so watch out for tears; that said, the neck area all around and some of the areas seem to be reinforced a bit with some mesh.

On positive counterpoints, the thickness of the area means the face won't distort (an issue I find with the Taylor mask, where if I open my mouth, the eye slit area expands too much). The upper lip reaches a bit beyond your own, and it actually moves quite well (haven't tested actually speaking with it, though; in my case, it does reach to my teeth, which is a minor nuisance). Since it's a half-mask, it doesn't expand to your chest; it remains right below the jaw, and (after expanding the eye slit a nudge) hides pretty well - with a choker, you could use one of the Celesmask bodysuits and have a pretty seamless combination. The nose openings are wide enough, so you can breathe comfortably (an issue I have with the Taylor mask is that I take most of my breath air through the eyes, rather than through the nostrils), and the ear holes allow decent hearing (not to the degree of hearing whispers, but most masks don't allow that anyways).

Personally, even with the vision impairment, I find the mask pretty comfy to wear, and doesn't look that bad IMO (though, to wit: taste is subjective). Just from the quality of the painting and detail, I'd heartily recommend it. They sell another mask (the Elektra), which is their full-head mask type; it has some breasts, though not as large as others. Do note that Metamorphose does mask repairs, though I'm not sure if they repair masks from other companies.

In my case, I'm pretty satisfied, and I got another face to wear alongside the Taylor, so might as well pay forward, no? I'd have considered the Elektra, but my funds are tight right now, and I have a few more important things on my wishlist right now. Maybe in a year or so, though I'm inclined to try the Heana/Haena/Hana/whatever mask from DMS (it looks gorgeous!).

That's it. You may return to your usual discussion.
>> No. 658
>> No. 659
Hi folks, on-and-off lurker here. I bought a Roanyer May mask a month or so ago and I've been enjoying it; would anyone be interested in a full review? I can provide a couple pics as well.
>> No. 660
Hi folks, on-and-off lurker here. I bought a Roanyer May mask a month or so ago and I've been enjoying it; would anyone be interested in a full review? I can provide a couple pics as well.

E: Posted in the wrong thread, literally. Reply to me here lol.
>> No. 661
I would very much like to see a review of this mask, if possible of course. Are you finding her realistic? Is the movement good like in Roanyer's videos? I would appreciate it if you took some photos too.
>> No. 662
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(Guess we're going all-in on the wrong thread then... but no big deal, lol)

Okay, so. Here goes.

May is made out of thick silicone, as is usual for the Chinese mask companies. Was fairly oily when I first took it out, been wearing off though. Applying baby powder before wearing and warm water afterward helps. It's super stretchy too; a few times I've been nervous about tearing it while putting my arms in but it's surprisingly tough. Unfortunately this does mean that wearing the mask gets sweaty pretty fast, unless you're not moving around much. Also, I bought the kind with liquid silicone breasts, and it's *really* heavy. Not a problem while wearing, just a bit of a pain to move around on its own, and the added realism is so worth it.

Apparently Roanyer tried to do a more "Western" look for May, which is why I chose it over the other models, as I thought it'd probably fit me better. I have a large-ish nose, and it's still a bit too small in that area. Overall though, it's pretty comfortable and could probably accommodate a lot of people. Even the chest stays surprisingly well-fitted (I'm a woman with average-size breasts. Fellow boob-havers: unless you're already a D cup, rest assured this mask is fine for you).

As far as realism goes, I'd say YMMV (as is true of all masks), but May definitely falls on the more realistic end of the spectrum. The main problem for me is the eye holes, because of the nose, but if I'm just wearing the mask in private, I don't mind. Makeup helps a lot, and if I ever want to go for total realism, it's nothing a little adhesive on the inner eye corners wouldn't fix. The skin color is also a bit darker than mine (I'm pale as fuck), and I probably should have made sure I was getting the lightest color, but I'm not too bothered. Again, makeup works wonders. Finally, the mouth movement is just okay. I'd imagine it would work a lot better with a bit of adhesive.

So yeah, overall... I'd recommend it? If you're willing to put in some $$$ for a mask, this is probably one of the best ones out there. I should mention though - I got this during a Black Friday sale for about $300 US (counting shipping), so it ended up being a great deal. Normally it would run you more like $550, and if you can afford that, it's probably still worth it. Just know that Roanyer is willing to sell it for much less, so keep an eye out.

Okay, I hope that was helpful to at least one or two of you! Not sure how many pics I'm willing to post here (or almost anywhere), but I thought I'd at least attach one just for reference. Cheers :)
>> No. 663
Wow, you look amazing !!! I'm tempted by Roanyer's prices, and I'm already thinking about how to make savings for that. Thank you very much for sharing this review, because if you are to get a silicone mask, I would like to take with them, this model that already brings the breasts. I have a rather wide head and nose and I do not know if it would disturb. I also think, at first, of getting a greylandfilm mask, a French model. The reviews here are very encouraging.
>> No. 694
It's been a while since there's been content here (mostly because of rollbacks tied to spam content), so how about reigniting discussion?

I've realized I have a sizable collection of masks now. My oldest (and still favorite) is a Taylor mask from CreaFX - it's a bit worn, the hairs on the brows are somewhat gone and there's a small tear on the back of the neck, but it's still hanging after all these five years. I'll see how I'll repair it so that it can still last - it's been a while since I wore it.

Next is the Femme Fatale mask from Metamorphose Masks (see: post #651 for my review on it). That one is in serious need of repair, since it has a pretty nasty gash. It's my least favorite mask, so to speak, since I couldn't use it a lot, but I have an attachment to all my masks anyways.

The third mask I have is most likely an earlier model of this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/IMI-Western-female-mature-style-mask-Realistic-silicone-masks-trick-mask-Cosplay/352669048208?hash=item521cb69d90:m:m6CVjFnDf
TgCdws_bqx90LA It's pretty thick (not as much as the Femme Fatale), and has a very narrow eye opening (which doesn't affect vision like the Femme Fatale one, but does get bothersome after hours of wearing). It has a pretty Asian face design, though it doesn't fit as well - nevertheless, it's been the mask I've been wearing recently.

Fifth mask was a very cheap one, in case you wanna feel what it is to get one but don't have that much money: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32977379770.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000014.27.3f6f5027CmH3r4&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.13338.128125
.0&scm_id=1007.13338.128125.0&scm-url=1007.13338.128125.0&pvid=1887837b-22a1-4e9c-9df7-49b509b4f677 Let's face it - it's a cheap mask, though it's definitely not latex (I'd know, because of the smell it has). Fun fact: it comes exactly as described, meaning it also comes with the wig, so it's a 2 for 1 offer. It's pretty big, so it can fit just about every head, but it's fit for a costume party or when you wanna play a prank. Still - I got it for...what, less than two hundred? YMMV on that one.

Finally, I got today two masks from Roanyer - the same May mask with silicone-filled breasts that Evie posted, and an Ann mask. Got both during the Black Friday sale, and with free shipping to boot! Decided to check on the May mask, and...wow, it's definitely one of the better masks I've worn. I'll second Evie on the comment - it's stretchy, the boobs are pretty heavy, but it's a very high-quality mask. It's also very tight-fitting, and the way the lips are designed allow you a much better degree of movement, so you can make a few more gestures. The nose bridge can be bothersome after wearing, and while the eye opening is big enough, it doesn't completely fit my eye, so I have a slight issue with vision with my right eye. Oh, but I do love how it looks on me; I'd dare say that it could be my current favorite mask, though that depends on how the Ann mask fits. If that one fits better, it may challenge my Taylor mask for which one fits better. One final thing - it's probably the only mask from which I can actually breathe through the nose holes, and not through the eye holes (not that most of those masks don't, but when the mask doesn't fit you tightly, airflow tends to go through the eye opening instead). We'll see how it goes, but for around 400 bucks for both, that's definitely a bargain.

I also tried to buy a second-hand Playmate mask, but for some strange and odd reason, it got lost in the mail. This is the second time I've had issues with a Playmate - first, the company itself refused to send it, refused to make an agreement, and cut communications after I requested a refund. It seems that I might never get a Playmate at all - and I'm surely not in the mood to hunt and buy another second-hand one unless I get a very good bargain out of it. (Easily less than 200 bucks for one; no more.)

So, there's that. Anyone else wanting to post their mask collections?
>> No. 695
Speaking of sales, looks like there’s a lot on sale at Aliexpress, lots of Ivita stuff nearly 40% off. I’m tempted to get some stuff but I don’t have spare time to enjoy it as easily as, say, a random game I bought on sale but hadn’t tried yet.

I’m also most interested in the fact that we have two people singing the praises of the May mask, kinda want that for cosplays so people can’t see my real face if I’m out in public. I’m sure good makeup would be better if I were anywhere close to actually trying to look good, but as a stopgap and minor identity protection, a mask like that is intriguing.
>> No. 696

The content in AliExpress is usually under constant sales, but the Black Friday sale is usually their biggest. There's like four main sales they have, one of them being during the summer, the other being 11/11 (Singles Day in China, I think?) and the other being Black Friday. These are because of the AliExpress Awards, and while they're good, they're nowhere near the quality of the sale of Black Friday. Usually it's like 40% or 45% off, but when I bought it, it was below 50% easily. Plus, the mask had free shipping, so it was a definite bargain.

As for singing the praises...it's because it's THAT good. Seriously. It's like it was built for my head type - eyes on the right spot for good field of vision, lips on the right spot for maximum mobility, right nose size to allow me to breathe through the nose holes, right ear holes...pretty much everything. Then you add the breasts, and it feels very natural.

Do note one thing - their previewer usually does eye makeup before wearing it. Even if you choose it under your right skin color, you may need to work your eyes to maximize blending. That said, you can only pass out to an extent - your best bet is to do careful measurements of your head, and then choose depending on the style (May and Ann are Western-style; the rest are Asian-style), head size (Ann is better for bigger heads, and it has a massive lip size just so you know) and what do you want exactly with it (breasts allow for a seamless look if you want to show some cleavage, but it doesn't cover your abdomen so you'll ether need to have it worked out or avoid using a bikini). Also - note that there's other sellers with equally good masks. I'm keeping my eye on Dreammask's Haena, which also has a breast option (but it's generally more expensive; almost same cost as a May + breasts without their discount).

To resume: do careful measurements, buy informed, and look for bargains. That can help you get started real well.
>> No. 698
Is Ann mask also fits you well?
>> No. 701

It's definitely made for bigger heads than mine; the lips, for example, have flaps that extend well beyond my own, and into my teeth, so it looks uncanny. The eye holes don't fit well, either, and the entire mask feels oversized. A bit of a shame, since it looks pretty nice.

Again - it's best if you measure your head and see if it fits your own head.
>> No. 779
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Hi. Gonna come clean and claim these as posts I've made anonymously. As you can see from the photos in the Selfie thread, I've already shown two of my masks. One is the May mask I said I have, the other is this one.


This is from the brand Milantoy/OOGXXD (don't ask), and it's a "young women mask" (sp?) I bought it via eBay, but it can also be bought by Amazon and AliExpress (and by their own store). Do note that, if my memory serves me correctly, they sell it cheaper in AliExpress or through their own store, but it usually rounds $400 (often with free shipping, at least in my case). As they mention, it comes with its own wig, exactly as shown. (The wig is pretty simple and tangles at the ends, but it's good if you don't have one yet.)

Mine got checked out, so it didn't arrive as nicely as other packages I've gotten, but it's exactly as described (photo for comparison). It's coated with powder, so it's recommended to clean it up a bit first. The eyeholes are pretty much spot-on with mine, but are pretty small, so YMMV compared with other masks. That said, the quality is amazing; it's super-stretchy, the neck is pretty wide, and it fits pretty well, though the ear holes are a bit too off-place (the holes are wide enough, so you can hear everything nonetheless). You'll notice that the mouth is slightly open, but that's because it's how it is; the lips don't have flaps that extend too much, sadly enough, so it's hard to move the mask. Eyebrows are painted, and it comes without makeup, though the eyeholes have a slight coloration near the nose which resembles the inner part of the eye. It has no nose bridge, which is both good and bad at the same time (doesn't help you fit your nose, but it doesn't press your nose either. One last thing I love is that it has a Western look, more Eastern European than other places; I say it has Slavic features, but YMMV on that. It may look somewhat plain, but it has soft feminine features, and that's mostly what I look for.

So what can I say? It can be a bit steep for the price, but if you can get it without shipping costs, it's a good purchase. It's roughly on the lower-middle range; to compare, anything from AliExpress is cheap, stuff from CFX, SPFX or CreaFX is mid-range, and anything over US$1,000 is expensive (the holy grail of expensiveness being the Rubbersisters' Petra Mask, worth almost US$2,000), but it has great quality for its worth.
>> No. 932
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Alright, so it's time to talk about the Haena mask. I got one recently (cheaper than usual, if only because I bought it during AliExpress' anniversary sale, so it ended about $10 cheaper than usual). The package arrived super fast, but because of COVID-19 issues, I had to set her in a 1-week quarantine. I also liberally sprayed it with disinfectant the last day of quarantine to maximize safety.

The first thing I'll say is...the mask. Fits. PERFECTLY. Like - the eye slits stand right where my eyes are, the lips grab my own nicely, and I can breathe through the nose holes, rather than the eye holes as with other masks.However, when I say it fits perfectly, it's no exaggeration. This is the only mask where I can actually smile, even if only a bit, and even move my lips enough to simulate I'm talking normally.

The mask itself is pretty thick, but not Natori-style thick. It's stretchy and snug, and rather heavy, but not by much. I bought it with implanted eyebrows, and they're set in a way that feel very natural. I have a pretty average face, meaning most masks will be slightly small, and those meant for large heads will be too big for me (read: Ann mask, and most likely the Hathaway mask too). However, this one fits in all the right spots.

I bought the mask with breasts, and they're lovely and perky. They're also a bit thick, so they resist a squeeze. They're not very big (an Asian D cup, which would be a C-cup in America), but they're super lovely. The nipples are smaller than others, but if you wear a bra they won't really matter.

Flaws? Other than the breasts being a bit stiff (make no mistake, though - they jiggle!), I just can't find any other flaw. The eye slits are designed in such a way that, even if you're not wearing any glue to keep the mask close to your face, it lets you show your eyes. It even has a slight cat's-eye makeup which you can complete for that amazing look. Maybe the only other complaint is that you can't use clip-on earrings with it, because the ears are rather thick; on the other hand, the way the mask is designed doesn't press your ears, so it feels very comfortable to wear. It does hug your lips a bit tightly, but again; you get an impressive control over your lip movement that other masks can't duplicate.

So, all in all, this has become my favorite mask. (Sorry May, but Haena is just perfect!) I expect showing a lot more pics with her in the future, and maybe more with some additional makeup. I definitely recommend buying one.
>> No. 939
Would anyone know with the small eyeholes that the Realflesh Playgirl and Metamorphose Elektra masks have if someone with a larger nose depth over 3cm would cause a gap away from the eyes?
Can either mask accommodate larger noses?
>> No. 941
Hmm...can't really tell you, but I do know the Metamorphose Masks run pretty tight. I don't have the Elektra, but the Femme Fatale also has small eyeholes, and visibility can be painful. (Think of it as if wearing glasses when you don't need them.)

That said; every mask will distort a bit to match your face shape, so there'll be always a bit of a gap. Most of the masks I've worn (in particular the Taylor) make enough of a gap to cause me to breathe through the eyeholes rather than the eye nose.

The best bet is to measure your head circumference, and probably venture for a larger head size mask with something to pad it. Wearing a mask is kind of a gamble, after all.
>> No. 996
Has anyone tried using paste on eyebrows or eyebrow tattoo decals on masks without eyebrows?
Do they work well and stay on, or would they damage the mask?
I am looking at the eyebrows from Headcovers.
>> No. 997

Can't really tell you, but that'd probably depend on the adhesive. I wanted to try using the same technique some female impersonators do to work some brows, but never got to it, since I often ask for masks that have implanted eyebrows. That said - most makeup does stick to silicone for a long time (eyeshadow is one of those).

Probably it'd stick, but slip off just as fast.
>> No. 1141
Is inthemask.com legit? They have the Dreammask Poppy regular version on sale. I'm super tempted but I can't decide between the regular version and the latex one.

Any other tips or a mask with fake eyes and, uh, open mouth that you could insert... stuff... into?
>> No. 1142

Well, I ordered a couple of things from the site, and I'm still waiting for the mail confirmation, but so far it seems legit. Had to do a minor address fix and they responded immediately.

As for other masks, Dreammask also has the Violet mask, which IIRC also has either open mouth or gag version. The differences in design are minimal, to be honest.
>> No. 1143
With shipping it ended up the same price as on dreammask, so I ordered from there instead. So excited! Pricey though... I got the Poppy M08 regular version. Ahhh!
>> No. 1144

Good for you! Hope you enjoy it. Don't be shy and drop some pics everywhere!

Note that inthemask.com is a super-reseller of sorts: they have their own brand (Moli's, which also has its own page with their products and services) as well as the brands they resell, which are mostly from Roanyer and Dreammask. (Not sure if they do EYung, though, and they definitely don't do CreaFX.) The site's good if you want a combination of goods without having to rely on Amazon/eBay/Aliexpress/Wish/etc., since separate stores mean separate shipping costs.
>> No. 1145
Thanks :)

I'll definitely post some pictures when it arrives. You've got some great hairdos in your pics, got any wig tips about how to make it look as good?
>> No. 1146

Not really?

I got way too many wigs to count, but a good deal of them are synthetic lace-fronts, which aid a lot on the look. While lace-front wigs can be a bit expensive, you can get them usually around US$30 on places like AliExpress or Wish, and with several varieties. The rest is essentially looking which wig fits which mask.

I can say, though, that ombre wigs (i.e., wigs with black roots) tend to work great with masks, since most brows tend to be black or pretty dark, hence making them fit better.
>> No. 1376
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While I'm pretty happy with my mask (a Cyomi), I can't help but wonder how to conceal the eye slots, if it's bad design (either cost-cutting or the lesser-of-two-evils option since these aren't tailor-made) from most makers or there's something I'm supposed to do. Or if I can/should get plastic eyes and glue them in (and be unable to see anything from inside).

It's just... idk really
>> No. 1380

I've thought about the idea of using foundation around the eyes, making it a few shades lighter than the mask in order to compensate for shadows, and then wear makeup to blend the seams. Since most of the masks I wear either fit snugly in my eyes, it's not as noticeable, but I thought this might help nonetheless.

Using glasses helps distract people from the seams, though - at least at a distance.
>> No. 1436
well first you've gotta try and match the lower eyelid with yours as close a possible
A noob friendly way to blend the edges is to use black eyeshadow (the famous "panda style" ),
Use false eyelases (glue or magnetic) to blend the upper eyelid .
alternatively you can also try to glue eyelashes to the eyeholes with some silicone glue (Irecommend using some Silpoxy™ )
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