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461 No. 461
I'm not sure if this is quite the right place to ask, or even if this place is even really active anymore, but since this board seems to mostly revolve around the flagship product of pic related's producer and similar things I figure it's worth a shot.

So I'm planning to purchase an item like the attached image sometime soon. I'd go with a full femskin kind of deal or their girdle but my budget's kind of limited at the moment so items like this Cherry Popper are all I can do for now. However, I'm trying to decide whether I need the full deal or whether the cheaper Chaste model would do just as well. Does anyone know how the Chaste stacks up against the full Popper?

Alternatively, I kind of wish a full briefs version of this product existed, but all I can find are nonfunctional (read: nonpenetrable) ones, a penetrable but rather hideously unrealistic gaping one with an unsightly amount of fake pubes, and one on a Japanese site somewhere that as I recall cost so much that I might as well buy a full Femskin with all the options for the price they were asking. Are there some sort of penetrable prosthetic vagina briefs for sale somewhere I haven't looked that won't totally break my bank?
>> No. 462
I'd help you out if I could, but I've never dealt with either, so I can't say I know anything about it.
But, I hear they are pretty good at responding to questions via email and maybe they could get you the details you want to know.

Alternatively, maybe sign up for an account at dollspride.com (if not already) and ask there? There's bound to be a few people there who can describe their experiences...
>> No. 463
There's always the RealBreast shorts, but starting at $1300 they're not budget friendly.
>> No. 464
I just signed up, actually... I think. It's taking forever to process my application for some reason. The username and full name I went with kind of suck, but considering I'm just there to ask a couple of questions on the forum and do some lurking I figure it's good enough for now.
Wow, you weren't kidding about the price, but hot damn that looks good.
>> No. 469
So, all this time later... is dollspride usually so dead, or so antisocial, or for that matter so paranoid? The forums seem dead to the point I'm sure I'm the only one that's given my thread any views (and I'm defintely the only one that's posted anything in months), and the admin seemed to think I was probably some /b/tard out to destroy the whole site from within or something when I asked if my username at the time was keeping my account from being approved.
>> No. 473
I know the forums aren't too active, just a few occasional posts here and there, and probably a little paranoid about new users. Since it's a bit of an odd culture, there does tend to be a few trolls so I can't blame 'em for wanting to screen people. It seems to me like the site is by far the most active in just posting pictures and comments, maybe a bulletin post could work a little better... not really sure. I wish I could just answer your questions but I don't know any more about it than you do.
>> No. 557
the head mod, T-vyrus, definitely gets off on a power trip. Your best chance at getting approved is to suck up to him.
>> No. 560
Heh, over a year later and I still haven't gotten around to getting one.

Considering that T-vyrus is as I understand it heavily associated with the company that makes these I'm probably going to end up looking for a similar product from a different maker out of sheer spite... if one of comparable quality even exists yet, at least. Nice job repping your company, T.

Man their subculture's FUBAR. Someone must've trolled them hard or something, and whoever it was is probably still laughing about it today considering he managed to lock down an entire web community for who knows how many years. You'd think people would realize by now that locking their communities down like this is basically handing trolls a "you win forever" card.
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