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File 146881942997.jpg - (399.65KB , 1201x2290 , P7130123.jpg )
465 No. 465
So, I'm not dead yet...

Here's that pic that anon keeps pestering me about... not the most flattering angle IMO, but I wanted to include the post number and this was about the only one I could get with my eyes open... stupid fast blink reflex! More, better, pics to come soon, when I feel like it (or I get pestered enough). More info about the new mask soon too.

In other news, been continuing to murder myself with work, but I've got a new plan for fixing that, so maybe that will ease up soon.
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>> No. 466
Looks great :)
>> No. 467
Hawwwwwt! Dang I'm jealous. I'm glad you're still active, Jess! Cheers!
>> No. 468
Amazing! I love this! Would you mind sharing more pictures? Preferably while making some sexy feminine poses? Grabbing your boobs and other "lady" parts? :D
>> No. 470
Wow, that mask is great. How's the mouth's range of motion in it?
>> No. 471
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Which do you guys like better, glasses or no?

Also, fun fact: I'm rockin' a full beard under there in this and the first pic. I'm surprised how little difference it made.

Well, I don't have much to compare it to, but it seems pretty good to me. It kind of sticks to my lips a litle bit so I can open and close the lips pretty well, and could probably eat something with a spoon pretty easily. It doesn't stick quite well enough to smile properly so it just kinda looks like I'm baring my teeth in a weird way.
>> No. 472
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Of course.

I might even try a few video clips eventually (new and old ones), if I ever get around to finding one I like enough to edit, and then fixing webm thumbnail generation.
>> No. 474
You look great! And for the record, I like the glasses.
>> No. 475
The mask looks amazing, really makes you look like a girl.

I dont know but the wig kinda ruins a bit the illusion, dont know if its being worn too low or if it was just put on quickly because you had no time to properly adjust it.

I kinda like glasses better.
>> No. 476
Yeah, the wig is kind of a pain to get right, it grips the mask and doesn't move around much and it's diffcult to not get the hair caught underneath...

Not sure what you mean by too low, though. You mean it should be pulled back a bit further and show more forehead? If anything, it seems to me that it's not quite down all the way and looks a bit poofy, I guess.
>> No. 477

>> No. 478
Wow, looks amazing and very sexy. I like the wig, the glasses not so much.
>> No. 479
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Probably should have started with these for suspense...
>> No. 480
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but I promised anon some pics
>> No. 481
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...so here's some full-res glory for dat skin texturing.

I guess I'll probably do some with and without glasses, and I'll try adjusting the wig a bit more next time.
>> No. 669
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I have to ask, how many of you are transitioning or otherwise transgendered,and how many of you just think of it as a crossdressing fetish?
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