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There maybe intermittent software upgrade issues... email me (any name @this domain) if you get errors or a blank page when trying to post.

File 152987466357.jpg - (949.27KB , 3088x2320 , 18AB1BD4-C4A6-410D-BF35-45AE83A9664F.jpg )
639 No. 639
But I got my Taylor in the beginning of the year and I was a major lurker here before.

Also, I’m Danielle Bittencourt on Facebook if anyone of you guys wanna befriend (even though I was thinking of quitting there an creating an Instagram account instead).

My makeup looks shit and I need adhesive but thats how I look so far.
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>> No. 640
File 152987487618.jpg - (1.34MB , 3088x2320 , FBDDC761-9058-4084-9974-28B79A72DEDD.jpg )
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>> No. 641
Looks good

Adhesive? You bought the applied version?
>> No. 642

Its not the applied version as I bought it second hand but apparently adhesive works in both but glues less in the normal version (because its already tacky). I will just glue the key areas.

I’m thinking of buying the applied version later because I love her so much already, and then I’ll sell this one.
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