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File 134448544084.jpg - (206.22KB , 1214x1024 , mostly_naked_demon_by_awalon-d4l88kw.jpg )
76 No. 76
Glad to see a dedicated board for this - nice initiative :)

I've been fiddling around with the technical aspects of this stuff for a while now. Granted, I'm spending most of my effort on the masks so far.

Threw together a demon outfit from all the miscellaneous research parts last year, with a latex bodysuit base. Much easier to do stuff when you don't have to worry about perfect skin-tones :)
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>> No. 77
File 134448603432.png - (1.70MB , 900x1717 , little_demon_by_awalon-d4tdech.png )
Pic from a test run of the halloween outfit - shows off the nailed gloves (usually skip 'em, lose too much dexterity). Sunglasses because the mask eyelids glitched a bit during the shoot :)
>> No. 79
Oh neato, I didn't know you lurked the chonz!
Maybe some day you could teach me some of your secrets and I could make my ugly mug presentable while still being able to move my face, like you :D
I've seen your stuff on deviantart, and I must say, I'm pretty impressed.

Man, I need to step up my game... when I took these pictures, I'd never really intended for very many if any people other than me to see them and now I'm showing off to /d/ and the rest of the world.
>> No. 80
I tend to keep an eye on that particular thread series :)

The only secret's hard work and an insane resource funnel - if you hit the stage where you want to start fiddling with faces, lemme' know and I'll point you in the right direction!

It's refreshing to see decent-rez shots of the femskin, keep it up! Also, I reckon board-admin'ing counts nicely as an upstepped game in itself ;p
>> No. 90
Woah, that's a mask and not make up?
>> No. 91
It's my shtick ;p
>> No. 93
I see you've been doing some Samus Aran cosplay...

>> No. 94
File 134784493988.jpg - (60.36KB , 600x1080 , bsg__starbuck_2_by_awalon-d3imyhb.jpg )
Who doesn't? ;p
It was either that or the old Starbuck. Needed something that'd give me an excuse to try the skin-toned face. Less effort with a full bodysuit!
>> No. 97
Oh my God, just watched that video. Your mask is incredible!
>> No. 99
Okay, I'm sure I'm not the first person to ask, but how much would you charge for one of your awesome masks?

I want one.
>> No. 101

Still doing R&D, not quite at a marketable stage yet. Patience! No way to get stuff below hilariously expensive levels though, lots of time and effort involved with custom work.
>> No. 102
Totally understandable. If you ever feel like you're ready to start commissions, definitely let us know.
>> No. 133
File 135591577350.jpg - (22.60KB , 300x529 , DSC_0021_small.jpg )
Y'all get a sneak peek, this board needs more movement ;p
>> No. 134
Yesssss. Also, hi Avvers. It's been a while since I hit you up.
>> No. 135
File 135660925111.jpg - (52.93KB , 600x708 , DSC_0036mini.jpg )
Yes it has ;p
>> No. 137
Someone is going all out it seems C: I look forward to the whole outfit. Besides, messaging back and forth on DA blows. Get one of them fancy IM programs :V
>> No. 138
PM:d on DA. Get readin'!
>> No. 139
Mad Moxxi!?
>> No. 140
I reckon I can pull off the "mad" part effortlessly ;p
>> No. 141
i am in awe of you and everything that you do
i wouldnt have been able to tell your samus mask
was just that, a mask unless i had been told(and a slight bit of wrinkling) this is the sort of quality masks that youd expect to see in a spy movie simply amazing
but i want to say 2 thing
A: holy crap you must have but a lot of skill and a shit ton of money into this
B: if you manage to find away to produce these for the public(im not sure how you could as i assume youd need a model of their face, you would literally have the female mask community at your knees
>> No. 142
File 135879759683.jpg - (41.96KB , 600x462 , IMG_5337ds.jpg )
A: Mostly a combination of money AND time :)
B: Pretty much that. But that's a challenge, and I like challenges!

Vaguely related, sneak peek o' test shooting with a full-head mask and a slightly upgraded Mox-torso
>> No. 143
Here's an interesting question;

What's it like to kiss someone while wearing one of you masks?
>> No. 144
Surprisingly annoying, since the silicone glue is a bit sensitive to moisture. Slobber a bit on the lip joint and you lose 90% of the kinetics. Improving the moisture sensitivity is a bigass part of the overall improvement potential.
>> No. 145
does that mean there's no real porn in form of videos of stuff like this?
>> No. 146
Hollar if you find some ;p
>> No. 217
Im sorry if this is an upsetting or offensive question: are you a guy? either way I find your work sexy and awesome =)
>> No. 218
Deviantart profile says male, so I'd assume so.
>> No. 219
Upsetting or offensive? Pscht, I'm proud o' my beard :p

DA always speaks the truth!
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