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File 157769840569.jpg - (406.70KB , 720x1184 , 2019123004125110.jpg )
697 No. 697
Hey folks! It's been a minute, but I'm back. Thought I'd make a dedicated thread for people to post their masked pics in the hope of stimulating this place a bit. I took this one recently and wanted to show it off; hope you like it!
608 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 1438
File 172177138484.jpg - (2.65MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_042712.jpg )
It's been a while, but here's the first of the 2023 photos. (Of which there's a lot.)

This is mostly with the Hathaway while using this cute red bob wig.
>> No. 1439
File 172177154418.jpg - (2.65MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_042738.jpg )
Side shot, showing part of the outfit.
>> No. 1440
File 172177171315.jpg - (1.97MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20230103_042758.jpg )
Close-up mug shot, mostly to show off the wig.
>> No. 1441
File 172177350949.jpg - (2.94MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_042848.jpg )
Another side shot, showing the outfit a bit better.

In essence, it's a two-piece set, comprised of a stretchy black sleeveless dress and an equally stretchy black jacket, acting as the sleeves. You can easily see the straps of the bra, but not the corset.

Also, the angle of the shot hides the seams of the mask pretty well and the lighting helps a lot to blend the color of the mask and the breastplate, though it does little to hide the eye seams.
>> No. 1442
File 172178582698.jpg - (1.70MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_042859.jpg )
Body shot.

As you may have noticed, there's a new addition to the outfits - a garterbelt. I felt curious as to how it'd look, but most importantly, it helps stretch the stockings when having big hips.

Did I mention I love these big hips?
>> No. 1443
File 17217861788.jpg - (1.58MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_042916.jpg )
Side body shot, showing the shape, as well as the straps of the garterbelt.
>> No. 1444
File 172178813577.jpg - (2.20MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20230103_043122.jpg )
Mirror selfie.

This shot shows the straps of the dress, in contrast with the other shots where the jacket covers them.
>> No. 1445
File 172178826253.jpg - (2.23MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230103_043325.jpg )
Side shot, showing off the earrings.

(And the cleavage, of course.)
>> No. 1446
File 172178885685.jpg - (2.57MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230103_043557.jpg )
Sitting shot.

I'm trying to nail down these shots, looking for the best angle. Wearing corsets makes sitting down difficult, since it presses the stomach and cuts a bit on breathing.

The biggest difficulty, though, is trying to cross my leg in a proper feminine way. Part of the reason is because the prosthetic doesn't exert a lot of pressure on the groin, so there's still a little bulge preventing me from clamping down my legs closer.

(And just so you know, I'm wearing panties there. I was simply laying my hand there, and only later I noticed the skirt lifted up a bit too much.)
>> No. 1447
File 172178926450.jpg - (1.91MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_055530.jpg )
Body shot on other room.

This shot perfectly exemplifies the combined effect of the new breastplate and hips as well as the corset.

Humongous breasts. Broad hips. Thin waist. Is it a reasonable hourglass feature, or is it too exaggerated?
>> No. 1448
File 172178966847.jpg - (2.53MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230103_055814.jpg )
Sitting shot on other room.

Of all the outfits I got, this one is... weird, to say the least. The design invites spending the night on a party, striking a balance between elegance and flirtiness, but the textile seems suited for sleepwear with how stretchy it is. I'm not sure if I'd use it to step out (if for some reason I had the opportunity, the chance and the bravery to step out of my house while masked).
>> No. 1449
File 172178989324.jpg - (3.23MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20230103_060214.jpg )
Wide selfie while sitting.

This should do for today. Hopefully I'll update more in the upcoming days, to deal with the 2023 pics ASAP.
>> No. 1450
File 172248464540.jpg - (3.18MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_032851.jpg )
New photo set, wearing the Hathaway, the S-cups and the Kim with the rocker girl attire.

You've seen this wig before, but this time it looks a lot better for some reason.
>> No. 1451
File 172248529638.jpg - (2.66MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_032941.jpg )
Body shot.

The angle of the shot doesn't help, but at least shows the curves and the attempt at a hourglass figure. As always, it's achieved through a corset alongside the new breastplate and hips.

The jacket is what's affecting the shot, since it feels like it's too tight on me. (Which, surprisingly, isn't necessarily so.)
>> No. 1452
File 172248541451.jpg - (2.68MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_033011.jpg )
Top-down shot.

Love how the cleavage looks here, but you'll see on the next shot why that's so.
>> No. 1453
File 172248557646.jpg - (2.72MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_033117.jpg )
Side shot.

As you can see, the breasts are being squished upwards, not projecting as much. It's a combination of how the breastplate was placed and that the bra was too tight.

Thus, sweet cleavage but not too much projection.
>> No. 1454
File 172248596197.jpg - (3.15MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_033020.jpg )
Top-down shot, opposite angle.

As I've said before, I'm expanding my repertoire of options, and this is a good example. I often use my right hand to make the shots, but this time, I'm using my left. The change of arm (and hand) makes for a completely different experience, since while it's mostly on the same height and mostly the same angle (just the opposite side), the way my eyes look and how the light projects is strikingly different.
>> No. 1455
File 172248614544.jpg - (2.83MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20230118_033201.jpg )
Mirror selfie.

I really like that shot, as the light reflected by the mirror blends everything uniformly, showing the curves. Of course, the loose blouse makes me look bloated, but that's what happens when you get some pounds, no?

Mirrors definitely help with the illusion, is what I'm saying.
>> No. 1456
File 172248776994.jpg - (2.39MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20230118_033335.jpg )
Gratuitous cleavage shot.

That's it. Just boobs. Big, tight, delectable boobs.
>> No. 1457
File 172248900011.jpg - (2.28MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20230118_033352.jpg )
Side cleavage shot, aiming for the mirror.

This shows best what I mean about boobs being squished, since there's two ways to compare it; through the closer angle and the mirror providing a slightly different angle. They appear much higher than they should be (hence the cleavage) and just as wide, but not protruding.

The mirror shows the breasts protruding a bit more, but they still show how much they're squished. They're basically yearning to be released.
>> No. 1458
File 172248939681.jpg - (2.54MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_033433.jpg )
Booty shot.

Again, I love the size and shape of the hips from the Kim 2. It's great that we're getting better hip prosthetics from other companies now, but at the moment most companies offered only a couple extra inches down there. It's definitely worth the money to get them.

(Just get enough walking space, since you can knock things down with them. It has happened more than once.)
>> No. 1459
File 172248995568.jpg - (2.36MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20230118_033514.jpg )
Mirror booty shot.

This one's interesting because it shows the whole leg, including thighs. They may seem thin, but note the closer leg and compare.

Also, a little anatomy lesson. Did you know the calves are comprised of two muscles, known as the gastrocnemius and the soleus, both of which are known as the triceps sureus?

I'm saying that because they sell prosthetics for those - and I don't need them. Those calves, as I've said before, are all natural. (And they make wearing boots and tight jeans more difficult!)
>> No. 1460
File 172249033834.jpg - (3.29MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_033538.jpg )
Selfie shot.

This one is mostly to showcase the wig - the curls, the bangs and the volume. This one's becoming one of my favorites since it hits all the right spots: length, style, volume and color.

Do I look good as a redhead? Or am I missing the green eyes to look better?
>> No. 1461
File 172249051245.jpg - (3.28MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_033635.jpg )
Top-down shot.

This one is wider, which helps me make a point about opposing angles. This one is with my right hand.
>> No. 1462
File 172249105362.jpg - (3.56MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_033642.jpg )
This is with my left hand.

Both are roughly at the same height and position, but they reveal different things. One focuses more on the cleavage and the eyes, the other makes me look slimmer.

While I'm at it, lemme speak about what the jacket does. When crossdressing (not just masking), you need to hide some of your sexual characteristics and fake the others. For men, shoulders are a dead giveaway.

With this angle and how the jacket poses, I appear *smaller* than I'd normally would. The trick is that the jacket, coupled with the style of the wig, is making the shoulders look smaller, whereas the breasts being large enough helps with the proportion.

This shot makes my (fake) breasts look natural when in contrast to my shoulders, which makes my overall frame look more feminine. And trust me when I tell you, I'm not exactly short or slim.

If I can pull it off, so can you. You only need to know and practice!
>> No. 1463
File 172249116667.jpg - (2.24MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_055451.jpg )
Semi-nude shot, to showcase the breasts and the Kim 2.
>> No. 1464
File 172249377365.jpg - (2.41MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_055458.jpg )
Side nude shot.

This (and the previous) shot demonstrates best how both prosthetics appear when worn. For example, you can see how the breasts protrude, but also how the hip prosthetic doesn't exactly hides the bulge. You can also see where the Kim 2 ends, which is just around the knee - great for when you're wearing knee-high boots.

Which is part of why I took these - to showcase how much I can hide with these prosthetics and with only a few choice pieces of clothing. (In this case, only the jacket and corset. And the boots, if you consider them clothing.)
>> No. 1465
File 172249391731.jpg - (1.74MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_055508.jpg )
Gratuitous & nude booty shot.

Yes, the color looks a bit off, but overall it looks round and tight, don't you think?
>> No. 1466
File 172249419081.jpg - (1.58MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_055543.jpg )
Close look at the perineum. (Yes, another anatomy lesson!)

In case this seems a bit too explicit, do note that the Wikipedia page for perineum literally shows the male and female genitallia for purposes of explanation, so this isn't explicitly sexual. (That's what the nude boob and booty shots are for.)

That said, it shows how the Kim 2 replicates that area, in case you're wondering.
>> No. 1467
File 17224943764.jpg - (2.38MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_055600.jpg )
Top-down shot.

When I mentioned the breastplate looked odd, this showcases it. Like with most breastplates, there's the illusion of a clavicle, but you can see it's slightly stretched out, making it seem odd.

It's another angle that shows the breasts themselves, though, and how they fall naturally and their size.
>> No. 1468
File 17224946765.jpg - (2.26MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20230118_055620.jpg )
Semi-nude mirror selfie.

Compared to the view of the perineum, this one is actually meant to be lewd and sexy. You can see the boots up to the knees hiding the seams, the corset hiding the seams of both the hip prothesis and the breastplate. Other than the hands, I'm almost entirely covered in either silicone, cotton or (faux?) leather.
>> No. 1469
File 172249504736.jpg - (3.32MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_055959.jpg )
Sitting top-down shot.

As I mentioned previously, I'm attempting some variety on shots, and this one is excellent - sitting down makes hips look much larger, for example. It's also meant to be sexy - or at least, I'm trying to. The crossed leg, for example, emphasizes the hip over the crotch while at the same time being suggestive.

Another interesting thing is how the corset cinches and squeezes the hips to add a sense of naturality to it. The standing shots barely show this, which is the reason why I'm aiming for this kind of variety.
>> No. 1470
File 172249520358.jpg - (2.97MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_060039.jpg )
Another sitting top-down shot, with the angle hiding (partially or totally) the naughty bits.
>> No. 1471
File 172249535142.jpg - (2.89MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_060432.jpg )
Top-down selfie.

Though again standing, this one's pretty cool since the eyes look just right, the hair falls just right and the mirror completes the tale by showcasing the hips and the boots.
>> No. 1472
File 172249565954.jpg - (2.91MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_060450.jpg )
Top-down body shot, to show off some of the stuff I already talked about - the way the breasts fall, the width of the hips (and the curvature of the rear). Arguably the best example you can see of the prosthetics in use and how they can alter my body.

See you next time with
>> No. 1473
File 172249597461.jpg - (3.12MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_060606.jpg )
And finally, a selfie with hair pulled back. Nothing educative or exceptional - just a random shot. I feel like I mixed cuteness and seriousness in the way I look.

More 2023 photos soon!
>> No. 1474
File 172715751970.jpg - (2.29MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084151.jpg )
Sorry for being so distracted, everyone!

Moving to February with this little mix of Haena and a ginger wig.
>> No. 1475
File 172715830613.jpg - (2.63MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084244.jpg )
Frontal shot.

Again, I'm sporting the S-cups and the Kim girdle, taking advantage of a pair of wide jeans I got. One thing I didn't notice until very late was that the bib of the mask wasn't stretched properly, making it bulge.
>> No. 1476
File 172715881488.jpg - (2.74MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084306.jpg )
Side shot, showing the jeans. These ones are pretty loose-fitting, making them perfect for large hips, but don't fit the top now that I think about it.
>> No. 1477
File 172715977916.jpg - (2.60MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084423.jpg )
Booty shot, showing how they look with the jeans.

Again, I can't stop praising the design of the Kim. They give such a nice roundness and curves to that area that I feel pads don't always provide.
>> No. 1478
File 172716056747.jpg - (2.90MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084513.jpg )
Simple selfie.

Nothing too impressive, other than to show the fit of the mask and how I like that it gives me enough upper lip control to smile.
>> No. 1479
File 172716101237.jpg - (2.42MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084630.jpg )
Here, I'm trying to make a stylish shot, placing my arm behind the door and casually resting on it. There's two others in reverse, but I feel this one, being less explicit, feels more natural.
>> No. 1480
File 172716171140.jpg - (2.39MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084735.jpg )
Boob shot.

I deliberately chose this one to explain a little something. The breastplate I'm wearing has very soft and squishy breasts. The bra I'm wearing, however, is too small for the cup, making them heave upward and outward. Despite this, they push inward in a very natural way, which you may have seen in other photos, creating a very convincing cleavage.
>> No. 1481
File 172716256213.jpg - (2.44MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20230203_084805.jpg )
Mirror selfie.

Despite the sun glare (it was morning - and yes, I know my room's a mess, but I know where everything is and I got mobility as well), you can see why I feel this outfit doesn't mesh well. The top is so stylish and slimming, while the jeans feel too... kitschy, maybe? Perhaps it's the pearl necklace that creates the contrast.

Anyways, you can see the curves. And yes, I'm wearing a corset to make them more pronounced.
>> No. 1482
File 172720173018.jpg - (3.00MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230203_085224.jpg )
Attempt at flirty shot (posting after a little rest). I usually try to take shots with my eyes open, but sometimes I blink just when the photo's being taken, and this is a good example.

Despite that.. I guess it's less a flirty shot and more of a happy shot?
>> No. 1483
File 172720357946.jpg - (3.19MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230203_085312.jpg )
Side body shot.

This is another example of what I mean by the bra squishing the breasts. From this angle, you can see how they're being pushed inward, but when you see them from the front, they spread outward. The top does seem to amplify the squishiness, though.
>> No. 1484
File 172720418498.jpg - (2.49MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230203_085502.jpg )
Selfie, mouth semi-open.

Besides mentioning that I'm using the same wig as in the previous shoot, I wanted to take this opportunity to restate the idea of why I like the Haena so much.

It's not just the smile, but also how it keeps its integrity when you open your mouth. Many masks stretch their eyeholes when you open your mouth, immediately revealing the illusion. The Haena should've done so, since it's thicker silicone, and it does if you open your mouth too much, but you could have a conversation and still appear feminine while wearing it.

Alas, it was discontinued, so I can only hope the mask lasts for a long time. It's been the best mask I've worn in a long time.
>> No. 1485
File 172721020337.jpg - (2.84MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230203_085553.jpg )
More attempts to try new shots.
>> No. 1487
File 173700746085.jpg - (141.13KB , 1080x1350 , qwertymasker-16-01-2025-0002.jpg )
I always love mask pics that show a little teeth, mouth movement is my favorite part of masking imo
>> No. 1488
File 173708125895.jpg - (2.84MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230225_020253.jpg )

I agree. It's challenging to make smiles and mouth movement look natural, especially without any adhesive. It helps when the mask fits you well and when it's stretchy and flexible enough; otherwise, the eye holes stretch and the whole face distorts.

(Pic is a little tease of unreleased photos I still have to update.)
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