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File 157769840569.jpg - (406.70KB , 720x1184 , 2019123004125110.jpg )
697 No. 697
Hey folks! It's been a minute, but I'm back. Thought I'd make a dedicated thread for people to post their masked pics in the hope of stimulating this place a bit. I took this one recently and wanted to show it off; hope you like it!
Expand all images
>> No. 699
File 157885528724.jpg - (368.80KB , 719x1080 , uri_mh1578819028981.jpg )
Here's another... hopefully I'm not posting these into the void lol.
>> No. 700
From the void I'll say that I like it. Still sitting on the fence on what to buy for myself.
>> No. 702
Oh no, you're not posting into the void. Activity is great, and activity with photos even more so.

Thing is - not everyone who has masks is too keen to do photos. I know; I have a good set-up going on, with the right mask, wig and clothes, but that'd imply getting photos on the phone, and the last thing I want is people looking on my phone and finding THAT out.

You're pretty brave on posting your photos (and so does everyone that has posted photos here), but for some of us, privacy matters a bit more.

The two photos look lovely, BTW. First one looks...flirtier, maybe, but the second one has a better filter that hides the eye holes. Maybe you could do a photo that combines the first photo's outfit with the second photo's "filter" that should help with hiding the eye holes and making a better image overall.
>> No. 703
Aw, thanks! Yeah, I've been taking steps to make things look more real; I'd love to be on the level of those Chinese maskers who look completely flawless someday, but for now filters will do.

Also, I totally understand people being apprehensive about posting photos. It really doesn't help that our fetish is so niche; it's like a feedback loop where people's shyness about it keeps it from becoming more widespread and so people continue to be shy. I just hope even a few more people find their way to posting here. Apart from just wanting to see people all done up (which is always neat), I think it's nice because of the bravery involved, you know?
>> No. 704
That's basically it.

I guess I've thought too much about it, but yeah, this fetish is quite narrow. In the broader aspect of things, it's essentially a variant of a crossdressing fetish, where you're essentially adding an additional prosthetic (the mask). However, the interesting thing is that this seemingly little addition can make a world of difference. Since there's no studies per se, and only one documentary that tries to put the masking/doll fetish in a more neutral-to-positive light (Secrets of the Living Dolls), information is scarce, so you can't really define the demographic. Crossdressing has a wider demographic, more information and more content, but also its own baggage. It doesn't help that masking often has an overlap with certain other fetishes; because of it, the stereotypes and negative perceptions of those fetishes bleed into this one. And, well, masking has a negative connotation of its own, sadly. (Why, thanks, Silence of the Lambs, for making people scared of the fetish! I'd rather have people think of Mrs. Doubtfire when thinking about masking, and how it can be actually something positive...)

Those connotations "help" to make other maskers (like myself) keep their stuff private. Given how this world is becoming unfortunately far too polarized, it makes this even harder. I mean, crossdressing is starting to get "some" acceptance, but it's still relegated to clear association with the LGBT+ community. It also doesn't help that some people in the crossdressing community seem to have a bias against maskers. (It also doesn't help that stories related to bodysuits and masks are often of the "kill/replace" type, which serves to alienate even more.)

But, that's me overthinking it. Can't really help it. I mean - you *could* try promoting on 4chan's Bodysuit thread, and there's the Kawamono subreddit that has a link here (as well as all the other subreddits related to masking), but that's as much as you can "promote". Doesn't help that there's not exactly such a thing as a "community", so to speak.

Unrelated question: how many wigs you have, and are they all black?
>> No. 705
Okay, before I answer the easy and self-indulgent question: yeah, I agree with basically everything you said. And I've thought about promoting this board, but I feel like I'd just get written off as an attention whore, unfortunately.

As for wigs... I own way too many. Like, dozens. I posted a pic a while back wearing a red one, and they're in a whole variety of colors; I just happen to have gone for the black ones lately.
>> No. 707
Yeah, makes sense to seem like an attention seeker, but not if done sparingly. I think this board has been mentioned once or twice, but it's basically declared as defunct. (Occasional spam doesn't help either.)

Also: dozens? That means over 30, which is...quite frankly a lot. Then again, it's probably for purposes of varying styles and hair color. Probably having black wigs adds to it? (And here I thought that I had a lot, basically having around 20.)

Maybe add more content by showing off your favorite wigs?
>> No. 708
You know, I've never actually counted how many I have, I'm just estimating. Though there are some old ones I could stand to get rid of. But yeah, I like being able to pick whatever color or style I'm feeling at the time. Though if I'm being honest, it's also because I'm into wigplay as a part of the masking process. Someone mentioned it a little while back in the skinsuit thread on /d/, and I felt seen lol.

Also, have another pic.
>> No. 709
File 157901410598.jpg - (224.61KB , 860x1296 , 2020011322425451.jpg )
I hit 'Reply' instead of 'Choose File'...oops.
>> No. 710
Haha. No worries. It happens.

But yeah; I agree that changing styles is part of the fun. It can turn a bit too addictive, though. I don't really like black wigs, though - prefer blonde or ginger wigs myself.

I must say, the blonde style really suits you. Helps with the image, at least more than the black wigs. Is it a lace-front? Also: contacts?
>> No. 711
Tell me about it. I've probably spent more on wigs than on my mask...

Thank you! Yeah, it's lace front, and human hair too. Also, not contacts, just an eye color filter.
>> No. 712
Fetish can be quite expensive, that's true. Moreso when you have more than one mask. Or additional prosthesis.

Wow. Human hair can be quite expensive, from what I've seen. I'd rather stay with synthetics, though I *do* have one human hair wig. It's a pixie cut and it's rather stiff, but the seller claims it's human hair. I actually bought it by accident (liked the style, saw it at a rather good price, didn't notice it was human hair), curiously enough.

...Must be sounding like a tease right now. (Or a braggart.) Sorry if I seem like such, but...well, it's very strange to find places where to speak about this without being, well...judged.
>> No. 713
I bought it at a pretty steep discount; I almost never buy wigs at full price. Ebay and clearance sales are where it's at.

No worries. It's nice talking about this stuff for me too. You don't seem like a tease to me, though if you ever did work up the nerve to post a photo, I certainly wouldn't object.
>> No. 714
Not like I do either, though for the most part I often buy them at a 20-30 dollar range. (Shipping costs are what kill me, though AliExpress does deliver a few wigs with free shipping.)

I mentioned either "tease" or "braggart' because I keep speaking about all the content. Most people that visit here are either on their first purchase and see the investment as too steep (so mentioning the hauls can be quite frustrating), or might show some interest but lack the money (ditto), when it should be a place to support people that are interested. The photos are a great idea to convince people thinking on their first purchase, at least if you provide information on how the mask feels, whether there's a place where they're sold cheap, or the right moment to buy them (hint hint: Black Friday sale usually, or on a big sale).

I've seriously thought about posting a photo, but I still can't seem to work the courage for it. Feel kinda jealous that you can, but...I feel it's a big step to make.
>> No. 715
That's true. I did post a pretty extensive review of my May mask a while back, so hopefully between that and the pics I'm helping someone out there.

And hey, no pressure. I understand how it is.
>> No. 716
Hmmm...I was hoping here to give others a chance to post, but it seems that no one has seen the activity.

Any new selfies?
>> No. 717
File 157984542445.jpg - (586.75KB , 861x1241 , 2020011622070829.jpg )
I have a few; I've also been waiting to post them in the hope someone else will show up. Here's this one though.

It occurs to me that I could be posting these on Dollspride, and maybe I will to avoid having this be the Evie Exhibitionism Thread. But that would require using Dollspride.
>> No. 718
File 157984973741.jpg - (2.05MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200124_024027.jpg )
Thanks for the photo, but I still say >>709
still suits you the best.

That said; while I was still nervous to do it, after the lull and essentially mentioning that you don't want this to be only your thread, I have decided to support you. Let's say I'm not gonna leave a sister behind. Decided to take some photos with my camera, setting up a nice outfit and standing on a place I feel I could be inconspicuous, and this is the result. Can't say we're twins, but the mask is the same, so there's that.
>> No. 719
File 15798498764.jpg - (1.84MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200124_024055__01.jpg )
Upper body shot. I'll admit I added some padding to it. The knot below is a corset; yes, I need it for that sexy figure.
>> No. 720
File 157984993618.jpg - (1.81MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200124_024114__01.jpg )
Profile shot, showing a very specific spot. Again, some padding and the leggings below.
>> No. 721
File 157984999695.jpg - (1.78MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200124_024404__01.jpg )
Better shot of my upper torso, showing up a bit of the body.
>> No. 722
File 157985007365.jpg - (1.95MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200124_025044__01.jpg )
This is me with my human hair wig. I agree with you that it's nice to wigplay. You'll tell me if I look better with a short pixie cut or long wavy curls.
>> No. 723
File 157985018880.jpg - (1.80MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200124_025845.jpg )
And one more for the show, this time on an upper shot, showing a bit of leg. This one I did wearing the short wig below the curly one.

So...how do I look? Passable or need some work?
>> No. 724
Hey, you're cute! And I love that outfit, though I think the long wig suits you better. Congrats on working up the courage to post these, they look good.

If you want to be more passable, by the way, I would suggest fussing around with the eye holes. A little goes a long way.
>> No. 725
I've tried, but that's as best as I can get it. I'll have to settle for eye makeup and fake lashes to help that, or failing that, fake glasses or sunglasses. Still, this one fits me the best, and that's saying a lot.

I'll see if I can wear some red wigs next with this outfit, then mix and match with other outfits.
>> No. 726
Sounds great, I can't wait to see!
>> No. 727
File 158001243691.jpg - (1.62MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200124_044022.jpg )
Not the red wig ones (those I'm leaving for tomorrow; I think I got one that's actually quite interesting, if I may say so), but I took a few more shots after I posted the ones I took. Those, plus a few others I didn't post, should suffice for today.
>> No. 728
File 158001280931.jpg - (1.65MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200124_025232.jpg )
Another one with the short wig, but this one from the top. I don't have long arms, and the jacket restricts my arm movement a bit, but at least it showed some leg. (And cleavage, of course, which was basically the point.) Sadly, most of these shots don't show the boots I was wearing - some knee-length high-heel boots. Since they're platform boots, they're actually pretty easy to walk with, though since I can't move freely enough, I can't move as naturally as I'd like. I didn't want to post this one because the eyes look even weirder, but I figure it's fair enough on second glance. Also - after a look, I do like how I look with short hair, though I prefer long hair better.
>> No. 729
File 15800129296.jpg - (1.65MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200124_043612__01.jpg )
Here I was trying to sit down and show some leg, because I really wanted to show the boots. YMMV whether it worked or not.
>> No. 730
File 158001347859.jpg - (526.24KB , 793x1290 , uri_mh1579419955081.jpg )
Still looking good. The eyes in the first picture are particularly well done, I think.

Also, have a pic.
>> No. 731
File 158001349759.jpg - (1.76MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200124_025030.jpg )
And another one with the short wig, but this one on profile. Again, I was a bit unsatisfied with the shoot, but I began to like it as I saw it more and more.

It's pretty impressive to see how a simple change in wig can essentially change your look. I'd love to hear what you think of each style, but I think the short wig makes me look a bit more...fierce, maybe? Definitely I'd wear it if I wanted more of a rocker look; the longer hair looks more feminine IMO, but that's me.

Also: I'll see if I can apply some more stuff during this next week. Hopefully that'll mean a better application of makeup (so that it looks a bit more natural), maybe some eyelashes, and wear one of the gloves I have so I don't have to always wear jackets. (Though I do have long-sleeved clothing, which helps me to hide my hands. One of the photos has my left hand showing, which is something I'm not exactly proud of.)

Anyways: you can post more photos now. Hopefully this won't become the "Evie and ??? Exhibition Thread", though at least you won't feel alone with a second poster. Still - a third poster would be nice.
>> No. 732
I think the short wig could be pretty cute if you tousled it a bit, got some volume in there. Also hey, why not come up with something to call yourself now that you're posting pics? Put a name to that silicone face. ;)

Honestly, I'm pretty happy about our little situation here. More people are obviously welcome, but I'm excited just to have this going on, you know?
>> No. 733
'Cause...I got no clue, to be honest. I'd prefer more people to share their opinions before deciding. Maybe after showing up some of the other pics - I went for blonde this time, but I think I'm better suited as a redhead.

Also, I have more than one silicone face ;) Probably that means I'll have to name them all? That also means our personas can't be sisters XD...

Hopefully during this week I can show the newest mask I got (and, coincidentally, the only brunette wig I got, because it was part of the deal. Got it for relatively cheap and free shipping, even!) and eventually the other ones as I go through. Perhaps if I manage to fix the Taylor mask, I could show it as well!

As for the short wig; I think I can keep it as-is. I like the fierce look that it gives me; I don't think I'm going for "cute" with those ones.
>> No. 734
I can't wait to see your other stuff! You've hyped up the red wig enough that I gotta see you as a redhead.

And fair enough with the short wig, although I think my suggestion would work for 'fierce' as well. As for a name, just one for you, lol. Something to know you by instead of just Anon.

Also, hey, how's my latest? I'm pretty proud of how I was able to hide the eyeholes on that one.
>> No. 735
Oops. I got distracted. I was about to ask - do you wear contacts? Because I see a variety of eye colors in most of the pics; I was wondering if they were prescription-based, given that you often wear glasses too.

Anyways - I have to agree that the eye holes are well hidden, and the makeup is on the spot. Not very fond of the wig, though - I preferred the blonde one, though the brunette wig from the close-up look also looks nice. Outfit looks super nice too; between the outfit and the glasses (and the wig), you look super professional.

But yeah - since you nailed it with the blonde wig, I figured I should nail it with the redhead one. The one pic I'm hyping the most, I feel you're gonna like it - it's kinda flirty, IMO.

...and I noticed the rabbit hole goes pretty deep. Yikes.
>> No. 736
Thank you! I really love the dress I was wearing there, it might be my favorite one I own. Shame about the hair, though; hopefully my next black-haired pic will win you over.

You or someone else(?) asked about contacts before, and nope, just a filter. I pick whatever color I feel suits the look best.

And what rabbit hole? Having a good time masking? lol.
>> No. 737
Too bad I don't know about those filters. I'd wonder how I'd look myself with different eye colors.

I will insist, no matter what, that the outfit in >>709 suits you the best. I also like the outfit in >>717. I prefer wearing the denim jacket myself, since I can mix-and-match it with other clothes.

As for the rabbit hole thing? Taking selfies. Not a very photogenic person, so the idea of setting up to take the best photo is new to me. I've been masking for quite a while now (four years, I think?), but this is the first time I actually share it. Mostly because, as with everyone, it's a very private thing. Consider that a few days ago I was saying "dunno" and now I'm basically compromising to a second photo shoot, and probably a third and fourth. Thing is, it's challenging my sense of privacy.
>> No. 738
Hey, if you ever don't want to do this, don't feel obligated. Your progress is impressive, and it's really nice to have you here, but I get where you're coming from.

Also, you say you liked that cross-string top? I have good news for you.
>> No. 739
Well, this fits the concept of a "safe space", even though it's mostly due to its relative obscurity, but if you see how the board has evolved, it has turned into RL masking. Even though it's a private thing (like for most people), since it's between people that share the same interests (and have proofs to that), it's easier to open up. As I took the photos, I got into the mentality of selfies rather easily, something I can't do as I really look. So, it's not a negative thing; I can see myself doing it while masked. I just can't see myself doing it normally.

Anyways, I'm intrigued by what you mentioned about the outfit. And also...I promised a few photos as a redhead, no?
>> No. 740
File 158010029654.jpg - (1.77MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200124_045011.jpg )
Same outfit, different wig, but generally a repeat of the first photos. Wig is lace-front, so it blends a lot better.
>> No. 741
File 158010040577.jpg - (1.70MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200124_045020__01.jpg )
Pic shot a bit farther, showing up the body with red hair instead. It's actually more of an auburn, but it's sufficiently red enough for my taste. To add; it's one of my favorite wigs.
>> No. 742
File 158010053333.jpg - (1.72MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200124_045306.jpg )
Another photo, this time with the hair all set to a side. It's a pretty long wig, reaching just a few inches up to my bum.
>> No. 743
File 158010060443.jpg - (1.80MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200124_045324.jpg )
Upper body pic, just like with the other wigs. One thing I noticed is that the color of the lips matches the color of the wig, which is pretty impressive.
>> No. 744
File 158010069499.jpg - (1.74MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200124_045351.jpg )
Another top pic, but this time, I definitely managed to show up the boots. I honestly wanted to show them, since the other photos don't, so it's the most awkward of the shots.
>> No. 745
File 158010089352.jpg - (2.20MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200124_045248.jpg )
And then there's this.


This is the photo I really liked the most. I went for a side shot, as with the others, but I also wanted to show the length of the wig, so I played a bit with the strands. As a last-minute choice, I decided to cover up the left side of my face, and it was a massive improvement. It somehow feels like I wanted to be super-flirty here, and I think I nailed it. This is my challenge to >>709. If you want to try and improve that, well...take it as a challenge, but in good stride.
>> No. 746
File 158010143860.jpg - (679.58KB , 972x1296 , uri_mh1579734117977.jpg )
Well then. Consider me very flirted.

That wig is gorgeous, I really love how it looks on you (and those boots are really nice as well.) This pic is definitely my new favorite of yours. It has a great energy, and I will admit I'm a sucker for redheads.

Now, as for mine...here you go. Not blonde, but definitely flirty, I think...
>> No. 747
Definitely a good counter. The way the face gives up into a slight pout is a great trick to pull. And even though it's a black-haired wig, it's a much better style. I like.

I'm gonna see if I can do some other wigs (I have a short wig with red hair, and another red wig I consider my favorite) on this new shoot. Let's see what I can work up.
>> No. 748
Glad to hear that. ;) I'd love to try adhesive sometime, but it's nice to know I can pull off a little smile without it.

Excited to see what else you've got. The rabbit hole is paying off, I think.
>> No. 749
I'd like to too, if only to have the eyelids stick up a bit better. But then again, there's a ton of things I'd like to try.

Still haven't decided on a name to pick, though. I'm between two options, but I'd like to know what name you'd actually give my persona. I'm between one that'd suit the "sisterly" theme, and another that's...well, a creative interpretation, but I'd like to hear more ideas before making that decision.
>> No. 750
Honestly, I'd have a hard time coming up with a name for anyone, including myself. What are your current options? I could give you an opinion on those.
>> No. 751
Well, there's either Sadie or Carla.

Sadie would fit with the theme (Jess/Tess <> Evie/Sadie).

Carla...well, it's an idea that occurred to me. Some relation to my name, but it's the name of a neighbor. It could also be turned into "Carlie", to fit the theme. (Though it could also refer to "Charlotte" - that's the shortened version given to one of the characters in Seiken Densetsu 3/Trials of Mana on the unofficial translation).

A third one, using the same concept as Carla, would be Mina. It could be shortened to "Minnie", which ALSO fits the theme.

...Yeah, I think things a lot.
>> No. 752
I didn't realize there was a naming convention around here, lol. I just picked one. I gotta say, I like Carla quite a bit, and it sounds like that one is calling to you...?
>> No. 753
Well, I'll go with my choice tomorrow, but I wanna make it the right way, so it'll be another Anon post. Only need to write the name, right? Or do I also need the password?
>> No. 754
I haven't been using a password or tripcode, although maybe I should. Up to you, really.
>> No. 755
Welp. Made my choice.

Hopefully I'll have a fresh batch of pics later on. Will use the same mask, but wear a different outfit and different wigs. I'm torn between an office worker look or something more casual, with long sleeves.

What are your thoughts?
>> No. 756
I like it! Welcome to the rabbit hole for real, lol.

Would like to see that office look, by thr way.
>> No. 757
File 158029480355.jpg - (1.75MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200129_055254.jpg )
Well, finished the photo shoot. I'll show...my five faves, since I took a LOT.

In this one, I tried to emulate the pose from >>745. Since it's a shorter wig, and I'm not wearing the jacket, it's not exact, but it's close.

Also: that's a silicone glove I'm wearing. Yes, it's not the same color, but it's close. I only wore one, because I lose a lot of dexterity when I wear them.
>> No. 758
File 158029520039.jpg - (1.50MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200129_055518.jpg )
Here's me again, giving a coquettish kiss. As you can notice, I'm wearing false eyelashes, to add to the image.
>> No. 759
File 158029533176.jpg - (1.78MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200129_062551.jpg )
Upper shot, showing outfit and pumps.
>> No. 760
File 158029563775.jpg - (1.59MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200129_061713__01.jpg )
Here, I'm biting my pinky in a very flirty way. Again - the color of the glove and the color of the mask differ a lot, but it's the only way I'd show one of my hands. I noticed that it gives me a wider range of poses I can make.
>> No. 762
File 158029625431.jpg - (1.62MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200129_060710.jpg )
And here's a surprise kiss for my fans, with a surprise wig change!

I still have several photos to do, but if I can do it today, I'll do more photos, but this time with a different mask (and a different set of boobs too!) We'll see if that happens.
>> No. 763
Damn girl, you look good! This is a great look, and the glove adds a lot; I'm a little jealous of you owning a pair. I will say that I do prefer the auburn wig, though.
>> No. 764
File 15803460128.jpg - (593.38KB , 972x1296 , uri_mh1580275966113.jpg )
Thought I'd drop this here, I totally forgot I had it. A little tugging action; enjoy.
>> No. 765
File 158038530755.jpg - (1.64MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200130_062442__01.jpg )
So here I was thinking...

I found a Reddit that has photos with other maskers, which is currently quite active: https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleMasking/ If you want to make an appearance there and show some of your cute photos, go ahead. I might not do it, since it'd involve making a second account (I have one for other stuff, and I don't want to have the same account for my normal hobbies and this one), but you could promote this thread here. I know it's having a few issues with connectivity (make sure to post that out), but it should bring more traffic, and you'd get a second place to post your works of art ;)

As I promised, here's my newest mask. It's from a company called OOGXXD, with the brand Milantoy. I liked it because it's a cute western face, with what I'd consider Slavic features. Thus, I could appear a bit as a Russian female...with massive breasts! As you may have noticed, I also have a vest with lovely G-cup breasts, which I wanted to wear just for show.

Once again, I'll do a selection of the photos I think are the best, but this time, it may be top 10. I shot almost like 90 photos this time...
>> No. 766
File 158038544261.jpg - (1.66MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200130_061101.jpg )
I'm so gonna make this my signature look!

Wig is a lace-front from the Dorosy brand; actually, they were selling this as the last remaining one, and it's quite lovely. It's essentially a natural ginger color, which I actively look for. It curiously fits nicely with the color of the mask's lips and stuff. Other than that, the mask has no makeup, and what I like is that the eyeholes fit almost too perfectly; perhaps some minor imperfections, but when I open my eyes wide, it feels like there's no seams.
>> No. 767
File 158038550973.jpg - (1.82MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200130_062501__01.jpg )
Another one I'd consider a "signature" look. I really like to show my glove, right? But, it helps with the coquettish look.
>> No. 768
File 158038563821.jpg - (1.87MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200130_060400__01.jpg )
And here I have to apologize, because I took a page from your selfies and tried to pull off the same half-smile look, with some help of course.

Shirt is a...let's say "hand-me-down" from my sisters, in that they're not using it anymore and I decided to renovate it. Can you believe it's a 90's shirt, more or less? That's a 20-year old look that never goes out!
>> No. 769
File 158038577122.jpg - (1.93MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200130_061452__01.jpg )
Lovely upper look, showing the full outfit. This time, I went for some jeans, which are stretchy enough to contour the leg while fitting comfortably. That means I can't show my lovely legs, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the sake of different looks.
>> No. 770
File 158038611077.jpg - (1.80MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200130_073846__01.jpg )
Body shot, no head.

I like it because it shows the effort I make to shape and fill my body to resemble a more delectable feminine figure. With all the stuff you have to add, and cinch, and wear, you really have to admire those women with real-life figures like this. Then again - there's a lot of curves. You have to admire those women that aren't afraid to show their curves.

I'll admit. I'm more of a Material Girl than anything - no need for real women to feel jealous.
>> No. 771
File 15803863921.jpg - (1.81MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200130_061712.jpg )
Feelin' lucky, punk? 'Cuz this girl's not holdin' her attitude back.

Yes, I do have some clutter around my room. And those are a bunch of cables, yes. I noticed only now that they're there. But it's a great shot nonetheless.
>> No. 772
File 158038665481.jpg - (1.77MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200130_073649.jpg )
Another upper look, but this time showing my boots.

I love that, in most of these images, the seam between the mask and the vest isn't that visible. This is more important with this shot, which has natural sunlight in contrast to electrical light; the latter helps hide the seams better, though close-ups will show it nonetheless. Also - another show that the eyelids are just lined perfectly.
>> No. 773
File 158038673445.jpg - (1.64MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200130_073437__01.jpg )
A profile shot from the opposite angle. By this time, I took off the glove, since I can't use any touchscreen while wearing it. That's the main disadvantage when wearing the gloves.
>> No. 774
File 158038687298.jpg - (1.79MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200130_073303.jpg )
Another upper look, but this time with the big ladies in full bloom. As you can see, they are quite massive in size, something that might not seem obvious from close examination. The bra is actually larger than the breasts, but it fits the vest nicely, which is exactly what I wanted from them.
>> No. 775
File 158038710481.jpg - (1.77MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200130_074425__01.jpg )
And here's a simple shot showing the lace-front...with the lace. I haven't taken it out, because it has baby hair, which further adds to the illusion. So, I decided to wear the ornament on all the others, which added to that rocker look I wasn't exactly aiming towards, but enjoyed nonetheless. The good thing about the lace is that it's similar to the color of the mask, so it's not visible until it hits the eyes or the brows (which are painted, BTW), which is fairly decent.

...Wait, whaddya mean this is the 11th pic? ...Oh dear, I think I went a bit overboard with the pics, ain't I? Can't really decide!
>> No. 776
That will be all for now, but trust me - I have pics from the other two shoots I can still show, so I should have material for the rest of the week.

I do enjoy the little tease in >>764, Evie. I think you should go for a little session, methinks? Show off those other outfits and wigs you have, maybe try some more poses?
>> No. 777
Carla, you're looking better (and sounding more confident) by the day. I love it.

I dunno how soon I'll be able to do a shoot, but I'll consider it! I do have a lot of wigs...
>> No. 778
File 158043027667.jpg - (1.75MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200130_061140__01.jpg )
I'll be waiting. After all, it seems that I took that little push a bit TOO far, methinks.

Also; have you considered the suggestion of promoting this thread in the subReddit? I'm pretty sure that most of the people there will like a third place where to post their pics.
>> No. 780
File 158079525895.jpg - (596.24KB , 796x1296 , uri_mh1580783639711.jpg )
After a short break, I'm back. Got a few pics to post; it was a small shoot, but I'm dure I'll do another before long. I have a lot of wigs to show off, lol. I'll start it off with something I'm sure Carla will like...
>> No. 781
File 158079536239.jpg - (739.24KB , 972x1296 , uri_mh1580784042313.jpg )
I don't wear this wig often enough; I always forget how nice the lace is. I think it looks pretty cute, personally.
>> No. 782
File 158079551097.jpg - (826.04KB , 972x1296 , uri_mh1580754219466.jpg )
I kind of wish I'd gotten the hairline in this photo. It's lace, and the wig is black at the roots. I might try going for something gothy with this eventually.
>> No. 783
File 158079574266.jpg - (114.36KB , 772x1292 , 20200203030621321580717375020~2.jpg )
And finally, another glasses pic. This time with a different pair! It occurred to me at this point that I would've liked to wear the glasses with the other wigs too, but ah well. Next time.

And that's all for tonight...enjoy!
>> No. 784
I was getting worried that you weren't posting. I'm getting used to quick replies. Again; have you considered posting in the Female Masking subReddit? Maybe choose your best photo (>>709, hint hint?) and draw awareness of this BB?

Anyways, let's go for opinions!

Very true, I like that wig a lot. It's one of my favorites in your collection. I like on one hand that you're doing less filters, but on the other hand, the eye holes are more visible. Do like the combination of wig and dress; I think it's the wig that does the trick!

You should! It looks so nice on you! Lovely curls. If only the mask had some freckles; you'd look a lot nicer with that combination...

That wig gives you a very sharp Asian look. Love to see the full effect, actually.

While I've mentioned that I'm not much of a fan of black wigs, I do dig the style. It's actually the glasses; while they make your expression seem more...well, "plain", it's actually a great look because it expands your range of looks. Nothing like a girl that looks nice even while seeming plain.

That said; I do have a mini-shoot I made with my new mask (which I gave a review of) and about a third of my wigs. Lemme go for them.
>> No. 785
File 15808012948.jpg - (1.62MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200131_023220__01.jpg )
As I mentioned on the Mask Discussion thread, this is the wig that came with the mask itself. It's the only brunette wig I have, and it's long and pretty lovely. It's shimmery and curly, but one thing I don't like is that it always tries to end up in my face. I'd say it's my "plain" look.
>> No. 786
File 158080145082.jpg - (1.72MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200131_033713__01.jpg )
First wig I showed, the one with the short platinum curls. I like this one, but it has some of the same issues with the brunette wig.

I took the chance and wore the first breastforms I had for this mini-shoot; a vest with rather small breasts. They're smaller than the May mask and little limes to the melons of my G-cup breast, but they still feel nice.
>> No. 787
File 158080160441.jpg - (1.48MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200131_033919__01.jpg )
Short red wig with ombre black roots. One of the ones I wore for my "office" look. I like the style, and I definitely love its volume. With the denim jacket, I can definitely nail that sexy rocker look.

This shirt is another "hand-me-down" from my sisters, but I definitely love that look. It's one of my favorite shirts. Then again, I do love wearing T-shirts...
>> No. 788
File 158080173819.jpg - (1.55MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200131_034204__01.jpg )
Short blonde wig with ombre black roots. My other wig from the "office" look. Just like the red one, I love the look it offers me. Has less volume than the red wig, though.
>> No. 789
File 158080190777.jpg - (1.45MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200131_034711__01.jpg )
Lace-front large curly reddish auburn wig. As I said, it's one of my favorite wigs, because it combines everything; color, size, form, look. It's also the one I need to nail my (hopefully) iconic look.

By now you may have noticed that I started to sweat a bit on my abdomen. Can't help it, though; night was rather hot, and I was taking pics as fast as I could. Plus, since I have nothing to cover the abdomen (didn't use the corset for that one, mind you), sweat went right off and stuck to the shirt.
>> No. 790
File 158080204310.jpg - (1.50MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200131_035228__01.jpg )
New wig to show! This is a wig with a boyish cut, blonde on top and black on the sides. It's a strange look, and when I wore it first, it seemed weird, but it seems it was the size of the mask I was wearing at the moment. With this one (and hopefully the May), it looks...I dunno, tomboyish? It's quite a contrast. Took me a while to work the style to where I wanted it, but I do like the result.
>> No. 791
File 158080221160.jpg - (1.52MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200131_040208__01.jpg )
And finally, the last wig from that mini-shoot. Short-cropped red hair. I wanted to show this wig off in previous shoots, but I didn't find it until now. It's rather stiff, but I still like wearing it every now and then, even though I have some issues styling it. Again, it's for that flirty tomboyish look, especially when coupled with the small breasts.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it! I'll probably post two "bonus" pics from previous shoots, as well as other photos I wasn't really happy with, but nonetheless I'll probably show. Unless I have new content for tomorrow... ;)
>> No. 792
I think I might go for it. I just haven't yet because I'm lazy; I'd have to make a Reddit account, lol.

I love the look of those ombre wigs on you, by the way. And the short red one is really cute too!
>> No. 793

Thank you. I've grown on the short-haired wigs just because it's great for a change of style, and given that I tend to prefer long hair, that's super strange.

I'll see if I can do a shoot later on, but I'm gonna post some "bonus" pics.
>> No. 794
File 158087352216.jpg - (1.74MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200129_062750.jpg )
Since you liked both ombre wigs and wigplay, I found this quite interesting. Me wearing the red ombre wig while holding the blonde ombre wig. Twice the wigplay!
>> No. 795
File 158087367152.jpg - (1.50MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200130_073208.jpg )
Close-up of the big boobs.

I decided to do a close-up to show the size, but I found an issue - a stray short hair. If you don't pay attention to it, though, it's a pretty nice shot.
>> No. 796
File 158087399235.jpg - (1.62MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200129_060722__01.jpg )
When I did the one biting the pinky, I tried other shots where I bit different fingers. This is me, with the blonde ombre wig, biting my index. Not sure which of those is cuter.
>> No. 797
File 158087425763.jpg - (1.80MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200129_060652.jpg )
Prequel to >>762. Essentially, these are meant to be a duo, with one following the other. I decided to do the "kiss" one without the "covered mouth" part because it was a nice finisher, and also because this one isn't exactly as impressive, but I decided it was necessary to post nonetheless.
>> No. 798
File 158087455876.jpg - (1.69MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200129_055152__01.jpg )
Larger shot of the "office" outfit. The outfit's buttons were stitched somewhat poorly, so I'd often get the shirt unbuttoned, or worse, the buttons would fly up. Thus, I had to use my gloved hand to bind the shirt a lot. This is one of the many shots that show that issue.
>> No. 799
You really are quite the flirt. I like >>794 and >>795 a lot... no further comments on that.
>> No. 800
File 158089801794.jpg - (1.60MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200129_055740__01.jpg )
I thought I was more of a "tease" than a flirt...

As for the Reddit account: you're probably the bravest of us two, so thanks for volunteering. Will help both the Reddit and this BB, which is what you were looking for in the first place, no?

Have a pic for support!
>> No. 801
Tease, flirt, whatever. It's cute and fun.
>> No. 802
Well, good news and bad news. The good news is, I've just introduced myself to the subreddit. The bad news is, my mask ripped along the underarm as I was putting it on (I'm typing this in mask; hello). So I'm going to be looking into silicone glue soon, and if anyone has any tips for repairs, that would be much appreciated.
>> No. 803
File 158096868537.jpg - (1.78MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200130_060412__01.jpg )
I knew you'd use that pic!

Also...ouch. I had to repair a suit, and what I got was some sort of epoxy and some stretchy plastic net to bind the tear from behind. While it won't make it a perfect fit, it does help to strengthen it. You could probably buy the repair kit from EYung at AliExpress, but I'm not sure if it'll fit Roanyer's kind of silicone.

I was planning to use some epoxy and the lace on wigs to improvise, but I've been too lazy to try. I figure that epoxy is the best solution since it's both very sticky and rather stretchy, and if I use the wig lace (which is just as stretchy as the net they sent me), I might probably have a good alternative. I'll try on the Velcro from the first breastplates I had before going for more...precise repairs (the Femme Fatale half-mask, as well as the little tear in the Taylor mask, and another tear in the full-body suit). All I know is that epoxy will be pretty messy, which is why I haven't done anything.

Hopefully we'll see the responses there. Pic kinda related.
>> No. 804
File 158096990197.jpg - (473.20KB , 723x1296 , uri_mh1580964641465.jpg )
Good luck with your repairs. Let me know if you get good results so I can copy your technique, lol.

I'll probably keep wearing the mask as is for a bit, tbh. I can still put it on and look realistic enough if I'm wearing clothes, and it's not at risk of further tearing (fingers crossed). Pic related.
>> No. 805
File 158103853779.jpg - (2.24MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_085035__01.jpg )
Hey, no fair! You didn't tell me you had such a cute wig there! Because of that...I'm gonna post more photos with newer wigs and my favorite top!

But before that, two things: first, stretching tears in silicone can end up in disaster. You're fortunate that it's on the underarm, because you could use the bra strap to keep it in check, and since you'll always try to hide that one way or another, it won't affect the image overall, but exercise extra caution when wearing it from now on. Second is: congrats on getting the attention in the sub!

I'm gonna do top 10, but you'll see I'll be doing some odd alternations. (Have you noticed that I'm getting pics that reflect my general feeling when I'm posting? ;) )
>> No. 806
File 15810390281.jpg - (2.00MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_084838__01.jpg )
This is, I consider, the pic that best shows the wig. It's not a lace wig, but it's one of my few long blonde wigs.

A curious story is that this is the blonde version of the first wig I ever bought (the other one, of course, is auburn red). The second one I ever bought is the auburn red lace wig I'm wearing in >>740 and the rest (you know, the one that ended up with my favorite pic overall?) Some time later, I decided to buy blonde versions of those two wigs, so I have a lace-front blonde wig that's exactly like the one in those pics in terms of style.
>> No. 807
File 158103915118.jpg - (2.14MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_084931__01.jpg )
Top view of the wig and outfit. I deliberately chose the flirtiest look there, because you're always insisting I'm such a flirt.
>> No. 808
File 158103929070.jpg - (2.28MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_085811__01.jpg )
Side view.

Come to think of it, I'm actually choosing the tamest shots. I'm checking the shoot right now, and I got some downright cute and spicy ones.

(But then again, I wouldn't be a tease if I didn't do so, right? Oh, I'm so going with that!)

Brace yourself, though - not gonna return to this wig until the very end.
>> No. 809
File 15810395245.jpg - (2.01MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_081411__01.jpg )
This is another of my faves - medium-length, red ombre wig. Two curious things involve the style (it's my only asymmetrical wig) and...well, it's a lace front. I decided to buy one after seeing the style of a former employee from my work that really rocked that look. (And herself - very dedicated to her health; always asked me to keep her away from the fries...) So, when I saw this look around, I decided I had to rock that look too. And...guess I nailed it?
>> No. 810
File 158103981974.jpg - (2.14MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_082115__01.jpg )
Body shot.

Here, I wanted to do emphasis on the top. The reason why it's my favorite top is because I can basically customize it. If I want, I can just rise the zipper up and have a more conservative look, or take it all down and show my lovely cleavage. There's a photo sequence where I take the zipper up, and then lower it up to show the difference. The color and the stars seal the deal.

So, how do I look? Ready for a party, or ready to rock on a concert? (I hope it's the latter. I really hope so - between the wig, the denim ensemble, the boots and the top, I feel this would be the kind of thing I'd wear to a heavy metal concert. Did I mention I'm a fan of thrash and power metal? 'Cuz I sure hope you didn't think I was a fan of pop...)
>> No. 811
File 158103992018.jpg - (1.97MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_081903__01.jpg )
Here, I was going for that "artiste" feel, taking advantage of the longer bang on that side to hide my face, just showing up a bit. The position of the hand adds to that feel.
>> No. 812
File 158104006751.jpg - (1.87MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_082103__01.jpg )
Leaning in front, trying to show up the outfit a bit more.

If you notice the bright spots, that's because I did this during the morning, when the sun was mostly leaning towards my room. You won't notice it on the blonde wig pics, because by then an entire hour had passed, and the way I placed the windows made it so that less sunlight filtered in. But once again, taking advantage of sunlight - the great photo equalizer.
>> No. 813
File 158104021957.jpg - (2.20MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_081726__01.jpg )
Side look, and I'm particularly proud of this one. I think I projected ferocity into it, this kind of "don't mess with me" vibe, which I think the entire outfit should project.

With all five red-hair ones, I'll do the last blonde wig, and there's a reason why I wanted to do so...
>> No. 814
File 158104051179.jpg - (1.94MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200206_085958.jpg )
Here's me trying to convey a feeling of saying "bye" (or, in this case, "see you later!"), which is pretty hard to do on a pic. I think I did it nicely.

Of course, it fits this particular session per se (it's the last pic of the session), but don't worry - there's still a TON of pics I haven't revealed. (And you said you were scared of being the exhibitionist here, hmm?) Anyways, now you know what's my favorite pic, and you have an idea of how many wigs (and outfits) I have. I still haven't shown most of them, but since I sorta kinda made a request of you (the cross-string top), I think it's fair for you to make a request from all the wigs, tops and jeans/skirts I have. You can take your time, though. I still have several stuff to show, including what I'd consider to be the more "conservative" attires.

Anyways, see you around. Toodles!
>> No. 815
File 158104776142.jpg - (116.61KB , 749x1296 , 20200206135926931581015945522~2.jpg )
Ooh, I can't decide. Surprise me!

I really like that red ombre wig, I think it's my new favorite of yours. Also, damn, you've got a nice figure there. I know you've mentioned wearing a corset before, but do you use padding at all?

I'm glad you like that auburn wig of mine, BTW. It's a personal favorite. Maybe I'll put it on more often. For now, though, I've got this pic for ya.
>> No. 816
File 158105660393.jpg - (1.82MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_081717__01.jpg )
I figured you'd like the ombre ones. I do like the longer-haired ones, particularly if they're lace front, though.

I guess I can't really surprise you any more, though - the outfit from the last shoot is basically peak outfit.

As for the figure? Sort of. Yes, I do use padding - large silicone hip pads and small butt pads - but that complements my...ahem, natural padding on the butt and calves. (I owe that to my mother.) The corset adds to that figure, so I'm always on tip-top shape. Otherwise...you'd see a nasty tummy and flat hips. And of course, either my lovely ladies or the ones that come with the May mask, which are just as lovely.

Pic showing off that lovely body and the wig.
>> No. 817
File 158128972358.jpg - (198.79KB , 967x1296 , 1581232832472~2.jpg )
Did a quick little shoot last night; here's my favorite picture that I took. Same wig as the last photo I posted, but featuring glasses and different makeup. What do you think?
>> No. 818
File 158129523912.jpg - (2.06MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200206_085537.jpg )
With the filter, it really evokes an Asian feel. I believe it's the combination of the wig (brunette), the glasses that help hide the eye holes, and the wing-tip makeup makes the eyes look a bit slanted. Add that to the lips and the dress, and you could probably pass as Japanese (IMO).

Anyways: congrats on becoming popular in the sub. People are loving your shots (as I figured you would). I presume you're gonna place this one on the sub as well?

Have a pic from the last shoot. I'll see how many shoots I can do this week, but I think I'm gonna go with my little black dress ;)
>> No. 819
File 158129629878.jpg - (105.42KB , 759x1296 , 1581021274389~2.jpg )
Wow, you think so? I dunno - I definitely couldn't pull it off IRL, lol.

Thank you! It's nice to be appreciated, heh. I may experiment with makeup more for the subreddit's sake, I kinda want to try the blackout method on the eyes.

And an LBD you say? Can't wait to see. ;)

Here's a shot from a little while back, BTW. Not as happy with it as some of my others, but I guess it's cute enough to post.
>> No. 820
File 158132991421.jpg - (2.09MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200130_061018__01.jpg )
Oh, you don't have to! I mean...I post some of my least-appealing pics anyways. I don't have the magic of filters helping me, after all. (Just more prosthetics?) Anyways, it looks super-nice; it reminds me of a certain Asian actress that's...well, cute and a bit tomboyish in her own way. (Familiar with Charlene Yi? If you saw the House series, she was part of his team during the last seasons.)

I'm definitely gonna go with the little black dress on the May mask, and probably also with the first wig I ever wore; the jewelry will be familiar, of course. Gonna be a bit earlier than Thursday to be a throwback (won't be today, for sure; a bit too late for me to change up, unless I suddenly change my mind?), but it'll be an old-school outfit.

Pic because...I feel like it.
>> No. 821
File 158136256563.jpg - (1.04MB , 1080x1440 , faceu_0_20200106075908719.jpg )
Oh, this place has been dead for so long I stopped checking it. Hi!
>> No. 822
File 15813628407.jpg - (1.96MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200206_085409__01.jpg )
Oh, hi! As you can see, name's Carla, though I posted here as an anon a few times. Yes, after Evie decided to bring some life into this BB, I decided to support her because otherwise it'd remain dead. Hopefully this'll bring even more life to the BB. Don't be afraid to post more pics, dear! You look very pretty with that Haena. Is that v1 or v2? Also - love that wig. I think I can see the lace, but it's pretty easy to hide.

Pic because it fits. I still have another one to post with a similar pose in case someone else comes back.
>> No. 823
Wow, you look great! Welcome to our little masking hideaway (courtesy of its owner). Hope to see you around more!
>> No. 824
File 15815263601.jpg - (1.36MB , 2592x1940 , 00000PORTRAIT_00000_BURST20190721045620762.jpg )
She's a v2. Haha thank you! Yeah, I know I can trim the lace a bit more and blend it, but I think she gets the job done, especially since I have no plans on leaving the safety of my room with her on just yet :P


I more or less stopped visiting this place a few years back because of how quiet it is. Most of us are on Facebook and EzChat now, if you girls are interested :)
>> No. 825
File 158158517090.jpg - (603.59KB , 972x1228 , uri_mh1581583301661.jpg )
Had a fun little sesh tonight. Got pics with a few different wigs, but I'm saving the real good stuff for tomorrow. For starters, a wig you'll probably never see again since I'll be selling it - enjoy it while it's here!
>> No. 826
File 158158528384.jpg - (524.82KB , 825x1296 , uri_mh1581582522724.jpg )
Next, a personal favorite. For a generic straight synthetic wig, it's really full. Feels great to wear.
>> No. 827
File 158158555183.jpg - (601.71KB , 972x1242 , uri_mh1581582834962.jpg )
Another pic as a blonde. Tried to emphasize my assets. ;) And that's all for now, but like I said, good stuff on the way.

Oh, by the way, Ash... I'll consider joining Facebook. Social media is already a lot for me, though, and making accounts just for my masking hobby is even more of a commitment, so no guarantees.
>> No. 828
Ash? Consider me officially jealous. I love absolutely everything about that pic: the wig is dreamy, I would LOVE to have an outfit like that, and other than a little thing with the eye, the mask is just perfect. I know I'm a newbie at this, but that is just beyond my current level, or any level I can achieve at all. I just NEED that wig and outfit; I want to look just as lovely as you.

As for the Facebook? Well...I'm afraid I have a complete aversion to social media. I just can't stomach Facebook, and I even dread just using a chat app - the only reason I use Whatsapp is because it's a work requirement and I use it for other purposes, but if it weren't for those? I'd delete it in a heartbeat. Sorry hun, but this is my home.

Aww, such a shame to see it go! As I've said, I'm not much of a fan of black wigs, but that one looks lovely on you coupled with the glasses.

Love the combination. The wig, even if it's not lace-front, is just so cute. Love the top.

Another great pic from you. You really nail the blonde look, and that top looks so dreamy on you! Also - love that you decided to show-off the twins.

Anyways...I was so lazy that I ended up having a shoot just now, and I promised Evie I'd do a shoot with my little black dress, so I decided to do a "throwback Thursday" of sorts - choose the very first outfit I ensembled. Of course, there are some changes, but for the most part this is essentially with what I begun. Again - best selection, with 5 oics of 1 wig and 5 pics of another, and this time, I'll keep the faceless shots as a bonus.
>> No. 829
File 158160999676.jpg - (1.62MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_100326__01.jpg )
Introducing: the little black dress, with one of my favorite wigs. Above all, I would say this wig is what I'd claim to be MY style; long, curly, ginger, with color. It's the first of the wigs I bought that I ever wore, and for that reason it's the most special wig I have. As for the outfit - I bought it because every girl must have a little black dress, and this one helped me cover my arms while showing off my legs and my breasts. With the Taylor mask, I could work out a way to show some breasts while hiding out things, but with the May mask, I finally have the cleavage to show off. This should give you a good idea of how I look with the full outfit. I ended it up with the first platform boots I ever bought, as well as a nude pantyhose I bought to hide my legs.
>> No. 830
File 15816102303.jpg - (1.67MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200213_100123.jpg )
Another attempt to pull off what I want to be my signature style.

Previous pics (the office lady shoot) showed the combination of pearl necklace and pearl clip-ons I'm wearing here. The pearl necklace is another thing I bought on my first purchase of women's clothing, which I would say was the start of my journey. The clip-ons, however, are part of the second purchase, when I decided I needed a few more things to work on. Of course, the mask is a latter purchase; if it were a real throwback Thursday, I'd be using the first breastplate I bought combined with the Taylor mask I still need to repair :(
>> No. 831
File 158161041354.jpg - (1.64MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200213_095816.jpg )
I simply love this pic. It's a profile with only one eye closed, but it shows the false eyelashes and the bit of makeup I wore. I definitely need to buy proper eyeshadow, but this is a good start. The reason I love it is because the angle makes it feel like I have both my eyes closed, and it hides my arm well enough to appear as if someone else was taking the picture. But of course, it's just the right angle at the right moment. Pics like this are mostly luck, I say.
>> No. 832
File 158161060690.jpg - (1.58MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_095945__01.jpg )
Here, I used my (gloved) finger to twirl my wig a little bit. I like the end result, since it shows off a bit of the wig's curls, which is the main reason why I'm so in love with this wig.
>> No. 833
File 15816108841.jpg - (1.58MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_095708__01.jpg )
And, a proper top look, complete with cleavage. I believe this showcases the look as a whole better than the first pic - wig, pearl necklace, little black dress, cleavage, etc. The eyeholes are still visible, but they're pretty well blended. The only thing that isn't seen so well are the boots, but I have a pic that actually showcases them.

Now, for a little twist...
>> No. 834
File 158161110712.jpg - (1.82MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_105737__01.jpg )
Another pic where I twirl the curls of my wig, but this time...the wig is blonde.

I mentioned this before, but...this wig is exactly the same style as the red wig from the first few pics, except blonde. It's literally the same model (Electra, from Sepia), but with a color change. Since I loved the first Electra I wore so much, and I wanted to see myself as a hot blonde, I bought the blonde version of the same model, except strawberry/ash blonde. There is a platinum blonde model, by the way. One of these days, I'll have it.
>> No. 835
File 158161128732.jpg - (1.71MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_105605__01.jpg )
Another top view, this time with the blonde wig AND showcasing the boots!

As I mentioned, these were the first pair I bought. They have five years with me and, sadly, they're showing the wear and tear of it. You'll see in the bonus pics, but since I don't plan on going outside with this, it's just fair that I keep using them until their untimely demise.
>> No. 836
File 158161142221.jpg - (1.60MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_110850__01.jpg )
Another top look, but this time sans the pearl necklace because I really, REALLY wanted to showcase my cleavage. I mean, what's the point on having a little black dress with such a nice cleavage window if you're not showcasing it?
>> No. 837
File 158161158394.jpg - (1.69MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_110040__01.jpg )
Profile shot, but with the curls tucked behind the ears so I can showcase the pearl clip-ons. Just doing this changes the entire feel of the complete ensemble; in many respects, it makes me look a bit more modest.
>> No. 838
File 158161168866.jpg - (1.63MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200213_110342.jpg )
And a little kiss for the audience as the final of the face pics. The wink and the position of the lips make it like a real kiss, don't you think?

Anyways, I'll go now with the bonus pics.
>> No. 839
File 158161188298.jpg - (1.45MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_100412__01.jpg )
Shoot of the lower part of the body. One thing I neglected to mention was that, alongside the padding and the cleavage, the dress ends up...extraordinarily short. Like...one or two inches below the groin, tops. Maybe three if I stretch it. Between the cleavage window, the long arms and the very, very, VERY short skirt, it's probably the most provocative dress I have.

However, here you can see the wear and tear of the boots. They were supposed to have a vinyl/plastic feel, but the plastic is starting to wear off. The sole is also starting to tear off a little bit, leaving pieces of hard plastic all around. However, they did me some great service, and I'll keep them for the days to come.
>> No. 840
File 158161199545.jpg - (1.66MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_095751__01.jpg )
This pic showcases the little black dress in its entirety: full length, cleavage window, short skirt, for complete provocation.
>> No. 841
File 158161207094.jpg - (1.60MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_095758__01.jpg )
And here's a side shot showcasing the figure showcased by the little black dress. By the way - if you look for it on the site I bought it, it's literally the "little black dress". A reason why I call it that way.
>> No. 842
File 15816122955.jpg - (1.72MB , 4000x1800 , IMG_20200213_110635.jpg )
And finally...a traditional mirror shot, showcasing my "studio", which is actually my room. Yes, it's messy. Really messy. Also, the roof is all right; it's just the area near the window. Yes, it's also in need of some paint. That's the equipment I use (my phone). AND, finally...that's my other hand. Ever wonder why I wear gloves, even though they're not of the same skin color of the mask (but they fit the color of the legs)? I. Have. Hairy. Arms.

Anyways, that finishes off my exhibitionist hour for the day. Evie, I want to see your pics, because just as you have a surprise, I have a little surprise too that you'll just love. So, toodles!
>> No. 843
Ohhhh, I love it! You look fantastic! The dress is adorable and the wigs are gorgeous; this is a really good look for you. ^_^ Where'd you get the dress, by the way? I can never own too many black dresses.
>> No. 844
Bought it on an online store called Janet's Closet, alongside the wigs and the jewelry and the boots from this pic session. Sadly, I tried to find the dress I bought for a direct link, but it seems they don't sell it anymore. They do sell a few nice dresses, and there's one that's pretty similar, but it's not the same. (It looks better, tho.)
>> No. 845
Oh, okay, I know of it. Not somewhere I really need to buy from though, you know?
>> No. 846
File 158165753685.jpg - (708.44KB , 895x1296 , uri_mh1581584916336.jpg )
Okay, time for part 2. Let's start it off with some minor adjustments...
>> No. 847
File 158165762280.jpg - (670.52KB , 972x1296 , uri_mh1581584478001.jpg )
This is a great look on me, I think. Really happy with how these turned out.
>> No. 848
File 158165768897.jpg - (670.64KB , 972x1234 , uri_mh1581584778820.jpg )
Feeling cute... and I think it's well deserved. ;)
>> No. 849
File 158165785340.jpg - (667.27KB , 861x1296 , uri_mh1581583671938.jpg )
And then... bam. The money shot. This is easily one of my favorite pics I've ever taken. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. ^_~

And that's that. Hopefully I can do more soon, I still have more wigs to show off.
>> No. 850
Oh, so you are teasing with mask pulls? Flattering top, but I don't see the glasses fitting as well with the wig as the other ones. Maybe if you were to use the slimmer ones? I feel as if those fit your blonde wigs better than the round ones, which seem to fit well with your brunette wigs.

But I agree. >>848 makes you seem cute. Anyways...let's do the sequence I promised I'd show you.
>> No. 851
File 158166136697.jpg - (1.71MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_100054__01.jpg )
So, let's start with a pretty innocuous photo, where I am wearing my pearl necklace and my red wig...
>> No. 852
File 158166144732.jpg - (1.84MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_111039__01.jpg )
Here's me without my pearl necklace and...wait, why is there a strand of blonde hair in between that beautiful red hair...?
>> No. 853
File 158166155462.jpg - (1.78MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_111043__01.jpg )
Could it be that I just...?
>> No. 854
File 158166164369.jpg - (1.71MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_111050__01.jpg )
Had my red wig ATOP my blonde wig!? Oh, my!
>> No. 855
File 158166175365.jpg - (1.82MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_111053__01.jpg )
And with a flourish, I reveal that I'm not red-headed Carla, but her (evil?) twin sister, blonde Carla! Mwahahaha!!

(Now how's that for wigplay, Evie...?)
>> No. 856
File 158166193978.jpg - (1.74MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200213_110931.jpg )
So yeah, that was a fun sequence I tried just to play with the idea of a layered disguise. I could try it with a cheap wig I have, complete with a wig of its own, for an even funnier sequence!

...Of course, you may have noticed a few odd things, but it has nothing to envy the old-school Mission: Impossible masking sequences. It's all in the imagination!
>> No. 857
Heh, that was a fun idea. I like it!

Also yes, I suppose I am a bit of a tease... who could have possibly imagined? ;)
>> No. 858
File 158174460648.jpg - (1.52MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200213_110913.jpg )
I feel I must do a minor correction. What I plan to do is to wear a cheap mask over the May mask, complete with another wig. Then, do a shoot to simulate a Mission: Impossible unmasking. It should be a fun sequence, if done correctly.

Pic of cleavage and flirty pose, because I like it.
>> No. 859
Can't wait to see!

Also, just want to say... I like that pic *quite* a lot.
>> No. 860
I bet there must be two big reasons why ;)

Also, I see you've become quite popular on the subReddit. But I figured you would - after all, you go over quality over quantity. I...seem to go for the opposite. Can't believe I already have a portfolio of nearly 400 shots...
>> No. 861
Maaaaybe. >.>

And hey, c'mon girl, don't sell yourself short. You're plenty cute no matter how many pics you take.
>> No. 862
File 15818176949.jpg - (1.50MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200130_073237.jpg )
Made the comment more as a surprise of all the pics I have and less about their actual quality, though I'd definitely love to find a way to improve them - the pictures are somewhat grainy, so different from other pics I've seen. I do have some pics I just love, though, where the graininess just doesn't matter.

And if you like the two reasons for that pic, maybe I should provide two bigger reasons ;)
>> No. 863
File 15818236269.jpg - (120.45KB , 967x1296 , 2020012617533098~2.jpg )
Ooh, is that a separate breastplate? I like it... I'm a fool for silicone.

Also hey, have a pic.
>> No. 864
It's the torso that I wore on the pics from >>765 to >>775; specifically, it's a side look with the bra I was wearing at the moment. It's meant to be a G-cup, so they're quite big; the torso goes from halfway through the neck all the way to the waist, without sleeves. The breasts themselves are a bit deflated, but once I wear it my own chest pushes them a bit outward. With a bra, they form the cleavage I need. Got them by accident once when I was ordering a sleeveless full bodysuit (neck to ankles), and I liked so much how they looked that I asked the company if I could keep them. That said, the first ones tore down on the underarm, and when I sent them to repair, the package got lost. (Hence, why you need to be careful when sending a package.)

Also, the lips - filter or lip balm? The color of your lips + the wig + the blouse makes you look like a hot goth.
>> No. 865
Ooh, nice. I'd love to own a pair of G or H cups myself someday. Also, the lips are filtered, though I have every intention of buying black lipstick of my own. "Hot goth" is a look I aspire to one day pull off both in and out of mask.
>> No. 866
File 15819168379.jpg - (1.60MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200213_100831__01.jpg )
Now that you say that, most of your outfits and wig choices make a lot of sense. Though I'm intrigued on the "outside the mask" bit. Me, I prefer the rocker girl look - strangely enough, I haven't done a pic with a rocker outfit while throwing the horns.

Also - Roanyer has a breastform vest usually rounding the $230 - $270 mark, and it reaches to H-cup (with silicone filling). You'd need a separate mask for it (maybe the stand-alone May?), but keep that in mind next time you find yourself with enough money to invest. Right now, I'm in a bit of a saving mode, but I may do a purchase during March. Not sure if I should purchase some stuff due to the CoV-19, but at least I could do a purchase on the store where I bought the little black dress. Mostly to purchase makeup, maybe another wig or two, maybe a new top...who knows. But I definitely need eyeshadow and perhaps an extra eyeliner, so I can practice that part of makeup. I'm aiming for a Haena, like the one Ash has, once the CoV-19 issue is resolved.

Pic posted for fun.
>> No. 867
What, are you hoping I'll post a maskless pic? :P No chance of that, I'm afraid.

I'm definitely considering buying some stuff (once I get this year's tax return, lol). If I do buy from China, it'll probably be a Haena and some H cups, but otherwise the Playgirl is very tempting, as is Taylor.
>> No. 868
As if! (Hehe...)

There's a reason why I suggested the stand-alone May mask; it'd be your old face (sorta), but with larger breasts. Buuuut...you specifically mentioned that you'd love looking like a "hot goth" both in and out of mask, and that's what intrigued me. No need for photos - I mean, a girl never reveals her secrets ;)

But yeah. I almost forgot about the tax return. That'll probably be the summer purchase?
>> No. 869
Well, yeah, I'd love to be able to pull off a gothy look IRL; I just need to find the self-confidence. Also, I assumed you were aware I'm a girl, lol.
>> No. 870
To be honest? No. Perhaps a suspicion, but not exactly clear. Do recall that the Internet grants anonymity, so it's only certain cues that can give out information.

As for the look: well, you've had a lot of practice. Do note that you already have a lot of wigs, so you just need to work with the makeup. You could say you have an edge over me, since I'm forcing myself to do makeup just now. You'd only need to work on your makeup skills, maybe use the mask as a canvas to practice.

And hey - never assume anything on the Internet.
>> No. 871
Well, I mentioned my gender back in the very first post I made here (my May review). But yes, a rookie mistake to assume things here, lol. And thanks for the encouragement, BTW.
>> No. 872
Well, isn't that what mask-sisters do? ;)

But yeah - I completely didn't notice, other than suspecting due to the arms and that you weren't afraid of showing them (compared to, well...) But, that's the fun of this - masking doesn't really seem to care about the gender beneath, but the gender outside. Or the age.
>> No. 873
File 158230923387.jpg - (627.73KB , 861x1296 , uri_mh1582308915121.jpg )
True enough. At least, I would hope so.

It's been a minute, and for some reason ai never posted this, so have a pic.
>> No. 875
File 158244664973.jpg - (236.76KB , 968x1296 , uri_mh1582443237179~2.jpg )
New sesh, just one picture for tonight. Double posting because Carla is mildly AWOL. Ignore my dumb ass posting in a new thread by mistake. I really like this one, enjoy~
>> No. 876
File 158408236135.jpg - (1.67MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200227_052949__01.jpg )
Hopefully the BB hiccups are fixed.

Anyways: I wasn't AWOL, I was just waiting for Evie to post, and...well, she posted. Also: did we actually get a shout-out at the 4chan boards? Good grief!

Always love to see you blonde, dear.

You know, this one intrigues me. I recall mentioning that you looked vaguely Asian in one of your pics, what with the hair cut. This one, with the filter, makes you look Irish or Scottish. Definitely feeling some envy out of that wig - love it!

Pic of most recent shoot. Will post later once it's confirmed that the BB isn't acting up.
>> No. 877
File 158433747871.jpg - (1.76MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200227_052521__01.jpg )
Welp, Evie's MIA now. Such is irony.

I'll post some of the pics from the last shooting. As usual, it'll be around...10 pics, the ones I consider my favorites. For this one, I went for a "conservative" look, something that I could figuratively use to...say, going to church? Despite the large boobs, it has a skirt going below the knees and the pumps are quite simple, and I was using the pantyhose leggings, so everything should be nice and covered.
>> No. 878
File 158433761633.jpg - (1.78MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200227_052618__01.jpg )
Top shoot, showing the full ensemble.

For this, I went with the long blonde lace wig, as well as a full-face mask (not the May one, the...unpronounceable name one) and the G-cup boobs. I also wore false eyelashes, but no other makeup. That way, I could still look feminine but not full of makeup, for a more "natural" look.
>> No. 879
File 158433772297.jpg - (1.75MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200227_053147.jpg )
A very artistic shot, trying to emulate my signature look. I do think this one looks a bit better.

In case you've noticed; the mouth is slightly open. That's how the mask's designed; it always feels like you're breathing from the mouth. Do note that I had my mouth closed while at that. Hopefully it won't distract from the fun stuff.
>> No. 880
File 158433786426.jpg - (1.81MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200227_053333.jpg )
Fun flirty kiss for you! (With a wink on top!)

This is one of the pics that really look the most natural - the lips are cupped the right way, the eyelids show (you'll notice that, with this mask, my eyelids are naturally shadowed, invoking the Uncanny Valley effect), the wink looks proper... I feel that using some adhesive would work, but I don't wanna risk it AND I don't have ready access to spirit glue or whatever it is anyways. Then again, the same I could say of ALL the masks I have...
>> No. 881
File 158433795969.jpg - (1.55MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200227_053745__01.jpg )
A shot at a different angle. I feel that this angle makes for a more natural and nicer look. However, it requires me to extend my right arm (the one that doesn't have the glove; do recall I wear one glove to do arm expressions) a bit further. I still like this one.
>> No. 882
File 158433808673.jpg - (1.53MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200227_053801.jpg )
Suddenly, big boobs!

As with the other pics, I wanted to show the full extension of the G-cups. As you can notice, I have a pretty large bra covering them, and the top is very slightly translucent, but you can see they're quite large. Of course, there's nothing wrong with a busty babe, but even I consider they're a tad too big for me.
>> No. 883
File 158433819633.jpg - (1.85MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200227_053819__01.jpg )
Side shot of the skirt, showing the legs.

As you can see, this is a pretty large skirt. I like how it looks, because it's quite elegant - again, I tried to go for a conservative look, something I could wear to look respectable, but not too formal. It's a contrast to the short denim skirt I have, which is meant for a sexy rocker look.
>> No. 884
File 158433829321.jpg - (1.80MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200227_065543.jpg )
Shot with pearl earrings.

For this one, I went for the charm rather than the pearl necklace, because I felt it would be too gaudy. I felt the conservative look had to be as simple as possible, and I do feel I nailed it. Sometimes, simpler is better.
>> No. 885
File 158433840747.jpg - (1.81MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200227_071309.jpg )
New wig! (Well, actually, an old wig, which I've worn before, but haven't taken a photo with it yet. Therefore...new-ish wig!)

This one I like, because it combines a lot of factors; it's long enough for my taste, but not extraordinarily long, it has a cute cut, and it looks very natural. I could see myself wearing it a lot.
>> No. 886
File 158433855688.jpg - (1.68MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200227_070847.jpg )
Top look with the new wig.

As wigs go, this is...probably the third or fourth one I've bought in chronological order. It was from my second big purchase, from the same place from where I bought a quarter of the wigs I have. I've had a very good shopping experience with them.
>> No. 887
File 158433863645.jpg - (1.57MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200227_071056__01.jpg )
Here I'm trying to smile. Is it cute enough?

Another thing I can mention is that the wig fits the bustiness quite a bit. I think it also accentuates the shape of my face.
>> No. 888
File 158433876485.jpg - (1.58MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200227_071129__01.jpg )
And a profile pic to end the samples.

Anyways, given that a global quarantine is inevitable, that means I should have quite a lot of days to dress up. Hopefully that means new pics to show! I do plan to show some of the wigs I haven't shown yet, and maybe try to do the ultimate look with them. So...see you next session!
>> No. 889
Well hello again. Glad to see you finally back in action - and looking great, too. Sorry for my own disappearance there; I started forgetting to check the board after a while. My bad! Hopefully I can get some new pics sometime soon, and I think I may have some to post in the meantime as well.
>> No. 890
File 158459265998.jpg - (1.69MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200227_053628__01.jpg )
Oh my, hiii!! Missed you so much! (That issue with the BB was so mean!)

Here I was thinking I'd get more time to do some shoots (what with the quarantine and everything), but I've been so distracted. Everything safe where you live, or you're also quarantined?

Looking to see your photos. (Pic to express my surprise.)
>> No. 891
File 158460311267.jpg - (179.40KB , 870x1296 , 2020022512330967~2.jpg )
Things are... uncertain. I'm still going to work, at least for the time being. Whether or not I end up quarantined is still up in the air. I suppose if I do, though, I'll have time for some maskplay.

Here's a pic from a few weeks ago, BTW. Got a few more to ration out, too.
>> No. 892
Well, here's hoping that COVID-19 doesn't affect your area.

Anyways, I just finished another shoot. Won't post them right now (need to sleep!), but most likely later on. I'll probably do about 10 (five with one wig, five with another), plus some outtakes. However, I'm still undecided about posting one specifically, because it's definitely NSFW. It's the artistic NSFW, but it's still NSFW nonetheless. (I may have found a way to look natural while topless?)
>> No. 893
File 158473838942.jpg - (1.74MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200319_044259.jpg )
Promised I'd show pics from my new shoot, so here goes!

First: new wig! (Same as before - a wig I had, but that I hadn't shown.) This one does look fake, but it's a fun cut. Maybe it's because of the straight ends.
>> No. 894
File 158473852866.jpg - (1.80MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200319_044757__01.jpg )
Top shot, with a "come at me" look.

You've already seen this shirt before, but this is the first time I'm using it for anything but show. I'll say it's one of my favorite tops, but it's probably since it's a hand-me-down-but-they-don't-know from my sisters. I recall it was a gift from one of my cousins. They're not aware of its existence, so might as well give it some life, no?
>> No. 895
File 158473862921.jpg - (1.74MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200319_045243__01.jpg )
Another "artiste" look.

One thing I found a bit troubling with the wig is that it's a bit stiff, so it always covers my peripheral eyesight. Which means I always have to flick my hair aside. It's straight, though, so I can comb it easily.
>> No. 896
File 158473870880.jpg - (1.84MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200319_045402.jpg )
Here's an attempt to do my signature look, but I didn't seem to nail it. Little would I know that I'd unlock the secret of my signature style later on. You'll see on the wig change. (It's obvious I do two wigs per session, right?)
>> No. 897
File 158473883678.jpg - (1.62MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200319_044629__01.jpg )
"Biting my pinky" shot.

I've noticed that I've resorted to the same stances over and over again, but I've also noticed that the change of wig and attire does a big difference. It's not the same to do the "biting the pinky" style while a blonde than as a redhead, and also while wearing different outfits, and even with different blonde wigs. (I do have noticed that it works best with any wig of medium length or longer.)
>> No. 898
File 158473893735.jpg - (1.85MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200319_053349__01.jpg )
Another new wig! (You know the drill by now.)

So this one I like, because it combines everything I like: red hair, curls, length... It's also slightly two-toned (black/dark red), but it's almost unnoticeable.
>> No. 899
File 158473914097.jpg - (1.73MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200319_053433__01.jpg )
Another top-down view.

After making this shoot, I counted the number of photos and videos and...I actually have over 600 photos. Seriously: besides the ones I have here, I could post a photo every day since today to next year on the same date, ONLY from those I got, and I'd still have photos to share. Seriously - I take a lot of photos. Though...not all of them are good. And some of them are best for moods.
>> No. 900
File 158473921855.jpg - (1.51MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200319_054044__01.jpg )
"Artiste" look with the new wig. Nothing much to say here, except that it's fun to find the right positioning to take the best shot. I can understand why people struggle so much and place themselves in danger for the ultimate selfie. I don't understand why the hassle, since great pictures can be done with little risk...
>> No. 901
File 158473932070.jpg - (1.88MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200319_054306.jpg )
Again, signature look, but this time I nailed it to perfection!

Turns out that the trick isn't the wig (though it helps that I had a similar wig placed on, and also the same jacket). The trick is on the camera angle. Yes, the camera angle. See what I mean when I say that the best pics don't have to be so risky?
>> No. 902
File 158473947543.jpg - (1.64MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200319_053720.jpg )
And as a parting gift, here's me showing my true colors. Yes, in case you haven't figured it out already, I listen to heavy metal. Which is why I favor these rocker looks - they echo to my tastes. (Doesn't mean that I can't nail a church-girl, office girl or even little black dress look, but I have my preferences.)

So, to everyone...rock on!
>> No. 903
File 158474848237.jpg - (546.42KB , 972x1296 , uri_mh1583049434899.jpg )
Looking hot! As is to be expected. The new
red wig is perfect for you. Oh, and throwing the horns is a fun little touch.

Here's a slightly more recent pic for you. I'm pretty fond of this look, TBH.
>> No. 904
Oh yeah, the Charlene Yi look. Curiously enough, while I was looking for that look, I stumbled upon a post where I said that I lamented not doing the horns while under a rocker chick look. (It's on >>866) Well, let's check that off the bucket list!

I'll admit that I like the cut of the wig, being a very fluffy bob. Would be interesting to see the same style but in a different color.

Anyways, I wanted to post the "outtakes" of the shoot. There's one that's NSFW, so I'm not sure if I'll post it or not, but the others are relatively safe.
>> No. 905
File 158477642420.jpg - (1.67MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200319_055044__01.jpg )
First is a rather rare pic: one with my favorite shirt, but without the jacket. The reason is because I managed to get an angle where I could hide the seam between the glove and my shoulder. Which is great, since I know the kind of top I need to hide that seam.
>> No. 906
File 158477651335.jpg - (1.52MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200319_055026.jpg )
This is a photo of my arm with the glove extended. I have four pics that have each side of the glove, so you can see how it looks. It's made of thick silicone, so it eventually cramps your arm, but it adds to the illusion.
>> No. 907
File 15847765784.jpg - (1.74MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200319_055231.jpg )
This is me showing one of my other masks. You'll recognize it, because it's the other mask I tend to use.
>> No. 908
File 158477670920.jpg - (1.57MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200319_055914.jpg )
And here's me goofing off with my Taylor mask. I said I have one. I also have a foam head which I use to place the mask inside, to help it keep stretched.

Sadly...I didn't really get to fix the little gash it had, and since I had the silicone glove placed in, when I tried to put it on the head...it stretched and turned bigger. Now it's a huge gash. I'll see if I can *still* fix it, but I guess this is the last time I'll see her in action. So, in case it's unfixable...here's to the memories. (She looks like a fun girl to hang out with, no?)
>> No. 909
File 158477688842.jpg - (1.90MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200319_045024__01.jpg )
This is something I didn't expect to do, but I did. You see, masks and wigs and female clothing isn't the only thing I like to collect. I'm also an avid fan of swords, and this one I got recently. I wanted to try how it felt while handled with the silicone glove, since the basket hilt it has is much larger and wider than my hand, so I wanted to see if the glove added some thickness.

Just so you know, I'm an armed girl, and I'm not afraid to use it. It's an interesting contrast, though - modern attire, old-looking sword.
>> No. 910
Hey, I'll have you know those are two different wigs! :P Personally, I think I managed something a bit more "femme fatale" that time around, with the makeup and all.

Wow, who knew Carla was... a total nerd?! ...Only kidding. I appreciate a lady who's armed and/or dangerous.
>> No. 911
File 158477907017.jpg - (496.10KB , 972x1032 , uri_mh1582537978669.jpg )
On an unrelated note, here's something extra-cutesy. I dunno what came over me, but I like the result.
>> No. 912
That is a really cute pic!
>> No. 913
File 158484773523.jpg - (1.71MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200319_044812__01.jpg )

Love the wig. It's such a nice-looking cut, short bob but not very tight, and yet firm. It's lively, I can say - not just lovely, but lively.

Have a pic.
>> No. 914
Thank you! And to Anon, too. It's fun to be able to pull off short hair, since I certainly can't IRL. You're looking adorable there, by the way.

I'd post more pictures, but I'm afraid of them ending up all looking pretty similar. Fingers crossed that I can get some more soon.
>> No. 915
Well, I should have new pics for later on the day, so be forewarned!

Anyways, I got good news, and bad news. The good news is...well, there was a sale on AliExpress (Anniversary Sale), and I took the chance to buy some things: a couple of wigs, a skirt, some shorts, two chokers...but the one thing above the rest is that I should have a Haena mask with breasts coming on the mail soon enough! Good news, right?

Bad news is...well, that depends if the Postal Service or Customs don't do anything to it. After all - everything will come from China, and while COVID-19 has a few days worth of survival once off the body, it might be enough to prompt a checkout or something. Best case scenario, I get everything, but I'll have to submit it to a 7-day quarantine while dousing the box with Lysol. Worst case scenario? Well...do I get refunds?

Anyways, wish me luck with that purchase. If I get the mask, you should see the new acquisitions real soon!
>> No. 916
Ooh, nice! Hope that all works out. Can't wait to see the pics, and hopefully that Haena in the future!
>> No. 917
File 158574043890.jpg - (1.59MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200331_060849.jpg )
Well, "tomorrow" became "the next day", but I won't leave you without pics!

Anyways: unseen wig! (Figures it's better than saying new, right?) I love this one - it's not a natural color, but it's very long, and full of hair. Like...it's a veritable cascade of hair. It's the kind of wig you'd like to wear with a sleeveless tank top, but...
>> No. 918
File 158574274773.jpg - (1.71MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200331_060932__01.jpg )
Went for this top instead. As you can see, it's black, tight, long-sleeved, and has an opening to show some cleavage. It's also relatively short for my G-boobs, but perfect for these lovely Ds. I will admit, though, the wig and the top clash a bit, but I really wanted to show off this wig, and also this top, so...
>> No. 919
File 158574471071.jpg - (1.66MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200331_061340.jpg )
Signature pose with the wig.

As you can see, surprisingly enough it's a lace-front, so it blends quite well. It does look a bit fake, though, considering the color's such a striking bright red color, but if it were a different color, you'd see it's a quality wig.
>> No. 920
File 158574832115.jpg - (1.58MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200331_061307.jpg )
Bit of a close-up to the chest.

The top's supposed to leave the midriff bare, so the corset's visible. I do have a black corset which I could have used, but I'm already used to that one - that said, next time, I should consider actually mixing this with the black corset.
>> No. 921
File 158575178769.jpg - (1.52MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200331_061542.jpg )
Side glance. I look absolutely bored (or unamused?) in here. Tried to make a nice shot, but it ended up curiously hilarious.

Anyways, prepare for wig change!
>> No. 922
File 158575203257.jpg - (1.78MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200331_071923.jpg )
Another unseen wig!

This one...well, it's the opposite of the first one. It has a natural color, but I'm not exactly fond of it - it's a bit too small for my head, and it sheds hairs easily. However, it does have a nice look.
>> No. 923
File 158575265540.jpg - (1.81MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200331_072013.jpg )
Top-down view with this wig.

Not much to say, except this photo shows a bit more of the cleavage. I really like that top's cleavage window.
>> No. 924
File 158575276573.jpg - (1.69MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200331_072538.jpg )
Side shot, showing the now-familiar earrings.

One thing about the top is that, while stretchy, can be a hassle to wear with the glove. It's a bit short for my size, but it fits nonetheless, so...no pain, no gain?
>> No. 925
File 158575289084.jpg - (1.71MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200331_072817.jpg )
Close-up shot of cleavage. I really struggled to get the best shot, and I believe this one encapsulates what I wanted.
>> No. 926
File 158575302278.jpg - (1.73MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200331_072343__01.jpg )
And a side body shot to finish this demonstration!

Anyways...apparently the Haena mask has been sent, and should be arriving on Monday, provided no inconveniences arise. I'll keep you gals informed!
>> No. 927
Well, have I got a surprise.

Remember I said I might get the Haena mask on Monday? Scrap that - it apparently came today. Of course, I say "apparently" because, as you may have imagined, I haven't opened the box. I'm setting the package on a 1-week quarantine. So, it'll take 6 more days to check if I've gotten the right thing or not. However...I can say the box is pretty heavy, so there's a big chance that it might be what I'm looking for. There's one more thing that hasn't been sent yet - a wig I bought off later on, taking advantage of coupons and stuff - but everything should be on the way. As I mentioned, everything will be quarantined for at least one week, and sprayed with disinfectants to avoid contagion to the minimum.

I'll tell you in around a week how everything goes.
>> No. 928
Carla? You're really pretty. You've gotten really good at making the mask look natural. That top and the red wig are both great as well. I'd love to see you do a look with heavy eyeliner sometime, I think you'd look amazing.

Also, can't wait to see the new stuff! Sorry I haven't gotten pics in a bit, I've just had other stuff going on, if you can believe it.
>> No. 929

Aww, thanks! Helps build up that self-esteem and stave off that perfectionist side of mine, the one that tells me it's not enough.

I have a felt tip eyeliner, but I definitely suck at makeup. I've gotten better at applying lipstick, and I practiced a bit with eyeshadow and fake eyelashes, but I still have a lot to work with.

And yeah - I want to get all the new stuff, but the box with the mask (which I consider the most important part) is the only thing that arrived - the rest is still on its way, and most likely will get a lot of revisions, since everything will come by the Postal Service. And once THAT arrives, it'll have its own time in quarantine before it can be used. No new tops or shoes, but I got a nice short skirt and short jeans which should look nice.

And...hey, no rush. Perfection takes time.
>> No. 930
Welp, the 7-day isolation will complete tomorrow, but I decided to open it one day earlier to check the contents. Still not wearing it until come tomorrow. That said, it got a liberal spray of disinfectant, just in case.

And yes: it's a Haena mask, with implanted eyebrows (or what seems like those). I'll see if I can do a sessie with her during this weekend, so stay tuned!
>> No. 931
File 158667352873.jpg - (1.65MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200412_023029__01.jpg )
Well, I finally could wear the Haena mask, and all I can say is...

OMG, I can smile!!! I can smile!!
>> No. 933
Oooh, you look so cute!! I'm definitely jealous right now lol. Absolutely love what you've posted of her so far, and I can't wait to see more!
>> No. 934
File 158741353170.jpg - (1.90MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200416_060722__01.jpg )
Surprise shoot posting! Unseen wig! (On the Haena mask, of course - it's the newest one, so I'll showcase it as much as I can.)

I do like how the wig looks, in between the color and the cut, but I have this impression that it doesn't fit as well with the Haena. I'll see if it fits the May mask instead, or if it's just a thing with the mask and red hair.
>> No. 935
File 158741381636.jpg - (1.83MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200416_060819.jpg )
Top-down view.

Against what you may believe, this isn't the same shoot as when I first used the Haena mask. This was done days later, after wearing the right padding and stuff. However, I did use the same shirt (I was looking for another top, but that was the one first available) and pendant, so it'll feel like it's the same. Probably because of the lighting.
>> No. 936
File 158767908423.jpg - (2.02MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200416_061518.jpg )
Attempt to make the signature look with the short-haired wig.

Of all the pics I took, this one I liked the most, if only because of how the hair ended up looking.
>> No. 937
File 158768327571.jpg - (1.51MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200416_061101__01.jpg )
Tried to do the "artiste" look, but ended up looking absolutely bored and pissed. Wasn't the intention.

Again, maybe it's the wig.
>> No. 938
File 158768466137.jpg - (1.56MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200416_060855.jpg )
And because I don't wanna leave in a sour note, how about a smile? (Because, again: this mask allows me to smile.)

Anyways, the whole shoot had a little delay because of the BB having its usual issues, but I managed to post the hallmarks of it.
>> No. 940
I can't get over how great you look in that mask. It suits you really, really well. The wig is nice too, though now I'm excited to see your other wigs with it.
>> No. 942
File 158802337472.jpg - (1.85MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_053742.jpg )
Well, you're in luck, because I thought of the exact same thing! I was mostly wondering whether I looked better as a blonde or as a redhead, considering the last shoot wasn't as exciting.

Let's start with a nice pic with the short human hair wig. I wanted to wear it, since it's been long since I rock short-haired wigs, and...well, I really liked how it looked on me. You can probably see it in my expression.
>> No. 943
File 158802354693.jpg - (1.81MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_054216.jpg )
Smile, with a bit of finger posing.

While these pictures are a bit tame, some of the later pics show I really had fun with this shoot. In particular, I really felt sexy with this very short wig and this mask. I'll do my observation at the end of this post, but I think I wasn't wrong on it.
>> No. 944
File 158802367763.jpg - (2.00MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_054227__01.jpg )
For a contrasting expression: pouty face.

Compared to the previous shoot, the expressions here flowed naturally. The more photos I took, the better everything looked. Still, haven't approached sexy levels at this moment.
>> No. 945
File 158802381917.jpg - (2.02MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_054353.jpg )
Attempt on signature look with short hair.

While it's not as dramatic as the first attempt I had, or even other attempts, I do feel a bit sexier here. I mean; even the expression seems less forced and more natural than the previous shoot! (Yes, I'll compare the shoots a lot. Didn't really feel as comfortable with those than with these.)
>> No. 946
File 158802393061.jpg - (2.16MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_054424.jpg )
Case in point: top view.

I wore no makeup for this, but the angle seems like I really nailed the makeup on this one. Maybe because the angle really takes out the gap between the eye holes. The little smirk just makes it even better!
>> No. 947
File 158802414215.jpg - (1.96MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_054431__01.jpg )
Isometric view, with a smile.

Again, I can't stress out how great it is to have a wider range of expressions while wearing the mask. The difference you can make when showing just a little bit of your teeth is amazing. It goes to show something about this exercise; I'm not very photogenic, and when I get photos taken of me, I do pained smiles. These ones feel a LOT more natural.
>> No. 948
File 158802431692.jpg - (1.86MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_054713__01.jpg )
Profile pic, showing off the outfit.

So for this one, I went with a little bit of a throwback, but using the jeans instead of the denim miniskirt. It should also be obvious that this denim jacket is my favorite, and I love wearing it. I feel that it defines a lot of my looks. I think I should find a good amount of tops to combine with it, no? Definitely looks great with white and pastel colors...
>> No. 949
File 158802445238.jpg - (1.84MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_055519__01.jpg )
Wig change! This one is my lace-front long curly two-tone blonde one.
>> No. 950
File 158802462153.jpg - (2.24MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_055632.jpg )
Top-down view.

Again, the angle of the pic does wonders. It feels very natural, and I hope very feminine as well.
>> No. 951
File 158802480644.jpg - (2.05MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_055639__01.jpg )
Relaxed pose.

As natural as this one may look, you may notice there's a slight little crease on the wig hairline. I'll make a confession. I loved so much how the short-haired wig looked on me, that I wore this one on top of the other one. So I'm wearing two wigs on this particular set of photos, with a wig cap on the short-haired wig. So, the crease you see on the wig is actually the wig cap. (I took both wigs on subsequent shoots, though.)
>> No. 952
File 158802487720.jpg - (2.04MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_055657.jpg )
Sexy "don't mess with me" look.

Not much to say except I took a lot of photos. A LOT.
>> No. 953
File 158802493595.jpg - (2.06MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_055828.jpg )
Signature look. I think I nailed it, didn't I?
>> No. 954
File 158802508763.jpg - (2.00MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_055848.jpg )
Playing a bit with my hair. As I said, the more pics I took, the sexier I felt. I really ramped up the playfulness with each pic I took. I guess that what made this pic look so nice was that I played with the angle of the light, so as to emphasize the face itself.
>> No. 956
File 158802532712.jpg - (2.00MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_070124__01.jpg )
Wig change! (And also lighting change - instead of using artificial light, I took advantage of sunlight.)

I must admit, this wig is the one that definitely complements the mask. Since it has dark roots, it meshes well with the eyebrows. However, it is the look itself that makes it so spectacular. I'd dare say it's my response to >>824. (But there's more to this!)
>> No. 957
File 158802542899.jpg - (2.07MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_070025.jpg )
Signature look.

See what I mean when I say this wig complements the mask perfectly? Can't help but feel so sexy with it.
>> No. 958
File 158802550080.jpg - (1.81MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_070043.jpg )
Top-down view.

Again; this mask is perfect for it. Add to it a wig that complements it so well, and it becomes the most amazing combination around.
>> No. 959
File 158802563439.jpg - (1.85MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_070056__01.jpg )
Isometric view.

Seriously; I'm this close to posting ALL of the pics I took with this wig. They're all so beautiful! But, if there's a wig that I feel can encompass everything about it, it'd be this one - natural look, eyes on the right place, hair falling so naturally, and a smile to fully complete it.
>> No. 960
File 158802573517.jpg - (1.82MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_070154.jpg )
I insist. I can't stop posting these pics! I look so pretty in them! AAAA!
>> No. 961
File 158802581913.jpg - (1.64MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_070215.jpg )
"Artiste" look.

Compared to the others, this one makes me look a bit more serious, so I think it's the angle or the way I have to set my face rather than the mask itself.
>> No. 962
File 158802602069.jpg - (1.92MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_070326.jpg )
Mostly a selfie, but this one, I think, encompasses why I love how this wig looks on me with this mask. It's definitely the cut and the way hair falls down. Notice how it just...curves on top of the jacket, framing the face. Considering the eyes don't seem to show any crease, and the little smirk on top of it, and you can notice why I took so many pics with this wig. By then, I was considering my observations to be true, but again - won't say a thing until I finish posting. And trust me - there's quite a bit left to post!
>> No. 963
File 158802612943.jpg - (1.84MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_070428__01.jpg )
Pic with hair behind my ears.

I think the wig does a lot to add to the style. With this little change, my look altered almost dramatically.
>> No. 964
File 158802626678.jpg - (1.90MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_070450__01.jpg )
Switching the look.

One thing I noticed as I was posting is that the mask took on an oily sheen at some points. This one is a good show of it, but I'm pretty sure there's others that show it as well. (Also; notice there's a rebel strand that tries to steal the show?)
>> No. 965
File 158802644191.jpg - (1.70MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_070521.jpg )
A pic from the opposite side, as you can see from the way I have to extend my arm.

I'm particularly fond of this one for many reasons. It's definitely a new angle. It makes my shoulders look slim and helps emphasize my figure a bit. I could have smiled on that one, which would have made it perfect, but I still like it. I look quite girly on this one, don't you think?
>> No. 966
File 158802657558.jpg - (1.98MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_070638.jpg )
As I said: I could post pictures with this wig all day long. This one has a sly, flirty smile that I adore. Not in vain I mention that I really felt sexy as the shoot went on.
>> No. 967
File 158802668949.jpg - (1.85MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_070741.jpg )
Alright, I promise, I promise this'll be the last one! But as I mentioned, I could be posting pics with this ensemble all day long. I really feel this resumes why I like this combination so much.
>> No. 968
File 15880268246.jpg - (2.03MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_071123.jpg )
...Wait, did I mention that was the last one? I really wanted to say the last one with that wig, because...wig change!

Here, I was setting my observations to the test, using one of my favorite red-hair wigs (the one with the asymmetrical cut). I like how it ended, making me look so flirty, but as you'll probably see in some other pics, it seems to confirm that observation I was perceiving all along.
>> No. 969
File 158802689038.jpg - (1.67MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_071054.jpg )
Signature look.

There's very little I can say about this, except this wig also has black roots, so it should combine with the eyebrows.
>> No. 970
File 158802699283.jpg - (1.90MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_071404.jpg )
Top-down view.

I also like this one, but as you can see, it seems to lack the "oomph" of other pics. And the angle was quite flattering, if I may say so myself.
>> No. 971
File 158802707042.jpg - (1.85MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_071410__01.jpg )
Isometric angle, with a smile.

I'm particularly fond of the "beady" eye look in here.
>> No. 972
File 15880273085.jpg - (1.82MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200424_071316__01.jpg )
Showcasing my pendant.

I'm not sure if I've talked about it, but it's a sort of "hand-me-down" from my sisters, and I feel it's as much a part of my overall look as the denim jacket is. I feel it's because the combination of the two makes me feel a bit more...bohemian, maybe? It certainly adds some distinction to my usual rocker look. These two items seem to define my typical expression, and I feel they're absolutely necessary for that "default Carla" look.
>> No. 973
File 158802758739.jpg - (1.70MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200424_071208.jpg )
Aaaand I think I'll end it here, with this nice fun pic.

So, what was the observation I was talking about? I have the impression that the Haena mask fits best with blonde wigs. I still have a lot of red-hair wigs to test, but the best and more expressive looks were achieved with blonde wigs rather than red-haired ones. Granted; the blonde wig pics outnumber the red-haired ones almost by 3 to 1 (or maybe 3 to 2?), but you can notice just how good the mask looks with blonde hair than with ginger hair. I'll see if I can gather more data with more ginger wigs this time, but so far, my observation seems to be that I look better as a blonde when wearing the Haena. (Which isn't so bad, because I rock any look with the May mask!)

Anyways, which were your faves? I'm pretty sure you'll agree with some of the ones I pegged as favorites.
>> No. 974
Alright, I guess Evie's now the one that's MIA. I had another shoot with some pics ready for when she answered, but I guess I still have to keep this place alive, so might as well start, no?
>> No. 975
File 15906222439.jpg - (1.56MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_061756.jpg )
First, let's go with a short red wig. It's the most flattering photo I got here so far, and it has a smile too. I like the blurry effect it has as well.
>> No. 976
File 159062242720.jpg - (1.55MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200428_061432__01.jpg )
Another smiling profile pic.

You may notice I have an odd choice of garment. You see, I mentioned before that I couldn't wear the "Office Lady" look because buttons began to fly here and there, but I recalled having this vest somewhere, and I figured that, if I wore it, I could cover up a bit of the blouse and be able to do some pics. It ended up giving me a more professional look in a way.

I also look cute, don't you think?
>> No. 977
File 159062257993.jpg - (1.49MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_061535.jpg )
Attempt at signature look.

I insist that Haena!Carla doesn't like to be a redhead, but I keep insisting, because dammit, I like being a redhead, and I'm gonna look super-cute as one! However, I think the wig itself is a bit to blame - too stiff, I'd say, and hard to style.
>> No. 978
File 159062270175.jpg - (1.71MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_061634.jpg )
Top-down view, with a hint of the full outfit.

As you can see, I went for the "Office Lady" blouse, the black vest to cover up some of the imperfections, but also a denim skirt. I didn't use the one from last time, but a more solid one. And of course, the pumps and the pearl necklace.

I also have fake eyelashes, in case you haven't noticed.
>> No. 979
File 159062282885.jpg - (1.54MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_061958.jpg )
Side look.

This is, I think, the other most flattering of the pics with this wig. You can see the extension of the lashes, and I think it captures the best side of the wig itself.
>> No. 980
File 15906234314.jpg - (1.86MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_071645.jpg )
Different wig! (Because it's neither new nor unseen.)

I guess this is about the one red-hair wig I feel it fits the Haena. It definitely looks very nice, full-bodied, with nice bouncy curves.
>> No. 981
File 159062352032.jpg - (1.93MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_071434.jpg )
Signature look.

Does my face look a bit too wide?
>> No. 982
File 159062367390.jpg - (1.98MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200428_071453__01.jpg )
Isometric top-down view, with a smile.

As I said, this mask is great as it blends so well with my eyelids. With the fake lashes, it gives a surprisingly great natural look.
>> No. 983
File 159062380970.jpg - (2.22MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_071927.jpg )
Top-down "nasty" view.

Another reason why I love this mask; such natural expressions, even if unintentional. This one has a grin, but because of the angle, it looks like a smirk. Mix it with the shifty eyes, and you get a "don't mess with me" look.

Scrap that, a professional "don't mess with me, boss" look. I could probably work as a tough-as-nails secretary for a tough-as-nails boss, don't you think?
>> No. 984
File 159062411183.jpg - (1.68MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_072210.jpg )
Profile pic with the vest unbuttoned.

Because...yes, this is a button vest. A pretty old one, with one of the button slits stretched out so much, I need to twist it to keep it in place. It's pretty tight to wear, but since it's stretchy, it only goes to "mildly bothersome to move". If the blouse was fixed, I could wear the vest and nothing more, and I'd look really nice.
>> No. 985
File 15906243331.jpg - (1.77MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_072547.jpg )
And I decided to upgrade the look to "posh executive".

So...it turns out, I have an outfit like this. It barely fits me; my shoulders are too wide for it, so I can't move my arms very well. However, I look so spectacular in it, I weather the restraints. I also had the black vest (though unbuttoned) with it, so it's pretty much clothing porn from this point onward. The jacket comes with a matching skirt, of course, but it fits kinda weird. That said, it's not the best outfit for selfies. If I had a cameraperson with me, though...?
>> No. 986
File 159062442116.jpg - (2.05MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200428_072600__01.jpg )
A little more distant and lower shot, to show off the jacket.
>> No. 987
File 159062458352.jpg - (1.99MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_072720.jpg )
And to finish it off, a top-down look with the fancy jacket.
>> No. 988
File 159062470384.jpg - (1.55MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_073810.jpg )
As a bonus set of pics, here's a comparison. I took some close-ups to my eyes while wearing the mask and the eyelashes, and then I decided to take a similar pic without them, so you can see how they look.

This is the one with the eyelashes, obviously...
>> No. 989
File 159062483642.jpg - (1.80MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200428_074030.jpg )
And this one doesn't.

However, do notice one little thing. See the thick black line at the edge of the eyelid? That's all the makeup I do, since I don't know how to do makeup that doesn't look too charged (i.e., that doesn't make me look like a drag queen, no offense to the ladies). I'd love to have a good set of eyeshadow and stuff to do spectacular makeup, but then I'd also need some training.
>> No. 1007
File 161042375692.jpg - (1.78MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200721_061013.jpg )
Well, it's been long since I posted a new photo here, so I'll just do the highlights of last year.

For starters, this is me in my Haena mask + boobs, showing off a new lace-front bob wig, but most importantly, what I feel is my favorite new accessory - the choker. Though it's a bit tight and I had to improvise to "stretch" it, I like the design. I feel it fits some outfits more than others, obviously, but it's a good counterpart to the necklace I usually wear.
>> No. 1008
File 161042389036.jpg - (1.71MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200721_061959.jpg )
Close-up of the choker. It should be obvious why I like the design.
>> No. 1009
File 161042411478.jpg - (1.77MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200721_065450.jpg )
I personally like this picture, since it's a close-up but it's rather coquettish. I rarely nail these kind of close-ups.

Also - yeah, the glove is kinda peeled off at some places. I don't really seem to mind, though.
>> No. 1010
File 16104243003.jpg - (1.99MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200728_044330.jpg )
Here I am on my May with breasts, a new wig and new (fun) earrings I got as a gift for buying...other earrings, actually. The wig is actually sewn to the headband and is that curly, just so you know.
>> No. 1011
File 161042450148.jpg - (1.85MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20200728_061014.jpg )
Trying a new angle, and also showing off some (real) skin. I often try to use long-sleeved blouses or jackets, or taking advantage of angles to wear just one glove while taking photos with the other. This one shows a bit of everything, including the outfit, the earring, the wig and even the mask itself.
>> No. 1012
File 161042481943.jpg - (1.98MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200728_061255__01.jpg )
I really like this pose. It's cute, but at the same time fierce (IMO). It also shows just how much effort I do to get the shape I want.
>> No. 1013
File 161042497982.jpg - (2.12MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200806_071444__01.jpg )
On Haena once again, same choker, different shirt, and yet another wig. And once again, I insist that I love the lip movement on the Haena, because it makes me smile!
>> No. 1014
File 161042533989.jpg - (1.65MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20201007_061719__01.jpg )
Back to May with breasts, different wig, but the outfit's different. I took this when I got a new set of outfits, in which I made a mix-and-match: a sleeveless dress coupled with the cardigan from another dress. Also, I decided to go without a bra this time, so I can show my perky nipples.
>> No. 1015
File 161042566046.jpg - (1.63MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20201020_044413__01.jpg )
Once again, another change of mask. This is a Kathy mask, which I think I must've shown once, but I've had it for some time. I'm also wearing the dress that came with the cardigan I used on the last pic, as well as a pantyhose and boots. The important contribution here is arguably one of my favorite prosthetics so far - H-cup breasts, 6th generation.

These are the ones that have the "floating point" design, and to be honest, they're far and above everything else I've worn. They're light, comfortable, don't get oily or greasy, rarely gets hair stuck... About the only complaint I'd get is that the flesh color's too white.

But...who cares? Big boobs. That I care.
>> No. 1016
File 161042580877.jpg - (1.83MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20201124_115703__01.jpg )
Fast-forward to a completely new outfit, as well as one of my newest acquisitions - a May mask *without* breasts. This is to couple with my new breasts. There's a big difference between the May with breasts and the May without them, and it can be pretty obvious upon close examination. The wig I've worn before, though, but I like how it looks.
>> No. 1017
File 161042593279.jpg - (1.64MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20201124_120646.jpg )
Same outfit, same mask, different wig, and another nice close-up look.
>> No. 1018
File 161042619764.jpg - (2.33MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20201208_044557.jpg )
Change of wig, but not exactly noticeably, also a change of scenario. I used the room beside mine, which has a different source of light, since it finally got cleaned up enough to at least walk in.

While not a lace-front, I really like this wig. But then again, I think I have a good eye for cute wigs, no?
>> No. 1019
File 161042637421.jpg - (1.58MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20201213_050651__01.jpg )
Then again, I can also go for some pretty random ones.

Like this. This is supposed to be a cosplay wig that mimics the hairdo of Anna, the deuteragonist of the CGI movie "Frozen". It's not exactly 1:1 to the original, but I didn't buy it to cosplay as Anna; I bought it because it'd give me a somewhat distinguished look. Turns out, the wig's a bit of a hassle, because it doesn't stretch on the back and the knot is too damn heavy. It's pretty obvious that it's a wig.
>> No. 1020
File 161042650928.jpg - (1.40MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20201213_055504.jpg )
Another new wig, this time a really short bob cut with ombre roots. I like this one; it's cute and provocative.

With this, I think I got just about any length imaginable for both blonde and ginger looks. I'd have to ask: do I look better as a blonde or as a ginger?
>> No. 1021
File 161042668914.jpg - (1.66MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20201217_062010__01.jpg )
Another fast-forward to test a new mask I got. If you know your brands, this is a Ria (neckless version) from Roanyer, though I got it from a cheaper reseller. I did a bit of makeup here, mostly eyeliner and that thick rouge on my lips. I do feel this mask makes me look older, though. Maybe I could spice it up with proper makeup?
>> No. 1022
File 161042686339.jpg - (1.84MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20201217_063808__01.jpg )
Same set-up, different wig. Trying to see if it was the wig that did the difference, but mostly I just wanted to fool off with my new mask.
>> No. 1023
File 161042739663.jpg - (2.33MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20201225_061717.jpg )
Taken on Christmas Day, and it's a callback to >>745, taken almost exactly 11 months before. (Can't believe I'm about to be a year in here...) I used nearly the same outfit, except this time I went for the newer breasts and the choker.

Also, by this time, I got ahold of a new set of silicone pants with the usual urination/vaginal combo. The ones I'm wearing are from Roanyer as well (bought from the same cheap reseller), and I really like the method they used for the catheter - wider, but stockier. That way, it's easier for my...well, thing, to get through, and it makes urinating easier. It also has a bit of padding for my bum, which added to the padding I already add, makes my ass look spectacular.
>> No. 1024
File 161042754852.jpg - (2.20MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20201225_062151__01.jpg )
Case in point: sideways shot, showing my heightened caboose
>> No. 1025
File 161042775953.jpg - (1.80MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20201225_075021.jpg )
Changing wig to the sewn-headband one.

One thing I like about this wig is that it gives me the feel of a rocker. Another thing is that, I think, I could wear it without the mask. But the second one wouldn't be as fun.
>> No. 1026
File 161042796076.jpg - (2.15MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20201225_085757.jpg )
Yet another change of wig, but I seem to have problems styling this one. I do like how it looks, but as you can see, that little stray bunch of unruly hair doesn't seem to help. I think I fix it on subsequent pics, but for the most part, it looks kinda weird.
>> No. 1028
File 161050004743.jpg - (2.21MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20201225_085953.jpg )
This is an attempt at a different angle, using my left hand instead. Since the emphasis is on the shorter, blacker hair, the stray strand gets lost, and the way the lighter gray hair hides half of my face really intensifies the cuteness of the look. Or maybe it's just that look of surprise. I dunno. I like it.
>> No. 1029
File 161050647340.jpg - (1.99MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20201225_090342__01.jpg )
Final pic, delayed for a day.

As you can see, this is probably how the wig was meant to be worn - brushed to the side, behind the ear. This makes it look rather juvenile.

Anyways: what do you think of this collection? Anything you think might improve?
>> No. 1038
File 163432490667.jpg - (1.50MB , 4000x1800 , IMG_20210106_054412.jpg )
Quick pic dump.

I really like this pic because of the...ahem, "filter" it has. Which is really taking a picture in a dirty mirror. Maybe it's where I'm looking at or something, but I really like this.

This is also a cute little dress I got past year, alongside a curly ginger wig.
>> No. 1039
File 163432551461.jpg - (2.10MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210113_070908.jpg )
Side view, showing up some new tassel earrings. Decided to couple them with my pearl necklace, though it shows the seams.

Ah well; I just wanted to feel like a rich and elegant girl.
>> No. 1040
File 163432586899.jpg - (1.74MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210113_085718.jpg )
Isometic view, change of wig.

This one showcases the outfit a lot better. I wore a white bra with that, but it's one of the only two bras that fit that size (H-cup breasts, in case you didn't catch above), so it may seem a bit off.

I do look cute in this one, don't you think? ;)
>> No. 1043
File 163774215422.jpg - (2.01MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210127_050828.jpg )
Let's see if we can motivate things a bit with another photo dump.

This is a better view from the cute little vinyl dress I got. It's got a zipper, which is excellent for showing some cleavage.

I'll admit that I love that breastplate for two good reasons...
>> No. 1044
File 163774241771.jpg - (1.91MB , 4000x1800 , IMG_20210127_053611.jpg )
And an even better view of that dress, with a change of wig.

As you can see, that dress has a REEEEEALLY short skirt, so I need to lower it down a bit. I wore two pairs of pantyhoses, but you can see the pads I use from them.
>> No. 1045
File 163774396432.jpg - (2.02MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20210131_024145__01.jpg )
Same mask, same wig, but this time I was fooling with a hoodie. The head looks large because I was wearing headphones at that moment.
>> No. 1046
File 163774421062.jpg - (1.97MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210131_025319.jpg )
This is a mask I bought off AliExpress on a whim, thinking it wasn't silicone. It *is*, but it's, as you can see, pretty cartoonish. It came with a long lace-front red hair wig, so it was a pretty solid deal.

As you can see, it has added eyebrows and very heavy makeup, but it's otherwise the equivalent of a cheap latex mask - except actual silicone. I use it now and then to fool off, but there's a very peculiar thing I can do with it.
>> No. 1047
File 163774465359.jpg - (1.70MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20210218_072220__01.jpg )
Top-view of a rarely-seen ensemble.

I'm particularly proud of this look because of a couple of things. I was reusing some of my old stuff, such as a full torso with breasts and a long set of silicone pants alongside my longer gloves, allowing me to show a bit more "skin". This allowed me to combine this sleeveless blouse with these very short and tight pants, allowing me to show a look I rarely can achieve.
>> No. 1048
File 163774484337.jpg - (2.60MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20210218_072240__01.jpg )
Body shot, no head.

As you can see, part of what I could achieve was showing off more than a bit of skin. Though the belly button appears bloated, the fact that I could show it without using a corset really sealed the deal.

(If you're asking, I'm using a shaper below. Still has me showing some of my belly, but at least it makes the trim seem a bit more natural.)
>> No. 1049
File 163774500251.jpg - (1.84MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210218_072309.jpg )
Here's why I believe I like this look - the shoes. I used some socks to hide the seam, and with the angle, it's almost as if I was wearing a full bodysuit, showing no actual skin.

That, and I feel like I should be going for a picnic or something? No, wait - school games! Do you have a pompom I can use~?
>> No. 1050
File 163774518027.jpg - (1.65MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210312_042531.jpg )
Another top-view, taking advantage of...erm, using my left hand.

The shirt is a new one (at that moment), with several buttons for when you want to be decent or when you want to show some cleavage. You can figure what I chose, I guess.
>> No. 1051
File 163774533533.jpg - (1.91MB , 4000x1800 , IMG_20210312_043425.jpg )
Mirror selfie with change of wig.

Again, showing off the ensemble with the blouse. You'll notice I like that jacket/jeans combo, since I use it a LOT.

Probably because it helps me hide my shoulders while showing off my curves?
>> No. 1052
File 163774553231.jpg - (1.61MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210326_013748.jpg )
Close-up using my left hand, with curly red-head wig and my Haena with boobs alongside my cute black dress.

I always mention I love how the mask allows me to smile, and I'll repeat it. I feel Haena is one of the masks that best fits me.

That said, that'll be one of the last few moments where you'll see the breast version. Bad news: the mask with breast has a tear on the side of the shoulder, which only got worse after a second use, so it's sidelined by the moment.

The good ones? You'll see later on.
>> No. 1053
File 163774570788.jpg - (1.74MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20210326_014307__01.jpg )
Top-view, showing the look alongside the pumps. (And a bit of the mess in my room.)

This time, perhaps because of the angle or because I used better-covering hose, my legs look a lot better. Would you agree on that?
>> No. 1054
File 163774584930.jpg - (1.71MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20210326_015548__01.jpg )
Case in point - showcasing my legs.

One thing I forgot to mention is that this is one of the few red-head wigs that seems to fit Haena. This is great, because I've always said that it feels like she doesn't like to be a redhead but a blonde. Maybe it's the curls, or that it turns darker as the tips reach?
>> No. 1055
File 163774609537.jpg - (1.64MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210326_022515.jpg )
Experimenting with looks, and showing off my blonde bob.

I really like this look, even if it's not the most striking. I feel it has a bit of bite to it - maybe because the lower lip's protruding?

And yeah: I think I got one too many wigs. But it's that I like how I look with all of them! Like, don't you think I look kinda cute with this bob?
>> No. 1056
File 163774630493.jpg - (1.63MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20210407_053750__01.jpg )
Isometric shot, using my hot red lace wig.

As you can see, I'm using the buttoned blouse, but with all buttons up, rather than showing cleavage. It's otherwise the same ensemble as that of a few photos back.

This photo, alongside others from this set, represent the last moment I've used my Haena with breasts. There's a few things I gotta repair, but I haven't got the time to. Maybe if I repair her, I'll use her again, but for the moment, she's resting in its box.
>> No. 1057
File 163774644443.jpg - (1.72MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210407_054707.jpg )
Signature look, as a bit of a "farewell" to a good friend.

Nailing it so nicely should've felt like an omen, but it didn't.
>> No. 1058
File 163774655968.jpg - (1.78MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210407_055117.jpg )
...Or maybe one last, coquettish one.

Oops! Seems the girls decided to have a peek...~
>> No. 1059
File 163774691218.jpg - (1.77MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210422_055445.jpg )
You've seen this mask already (Rona, IIRC), but this is the first time I attempt applying some make-up on my eyelids and on the mask itself. Mostly some eyeshadow and lipstick.

There's also one more thing, which is the reason why I'm winking - magnetic eyelashes. I have to admit, these have changed my life. The applicator is pretty thick (almost like a gel), but once you put on the eyelashes, they stick. To an extent: you really have to lay the liner very well, with precision, or you'll have a strip too thin to work.

On the other hand: it's an eyeliner, which adds to the look. I'll admit, maybe it's not my best look, but it's yet another improvement.
>> No. 1060
File 163774714565.jpg - (2.48MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210607_045325.jpg )
Another attempt at makeup, this time using the OOX... Erm, this mask!

As you can see, I believe I nailed the lips, and the eyeshadow effect is...uh, I think maybe better. The brows got erased a bit (they're painted, after all), for which I want to excuse because it makes the look feel alien and awkward.
>> No. 1061
File 163774750691.jpg - (2.66MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210802_055455.jpg )
Top-view with Rona.

As you can see, there's a lot of new things on that pic - a denim dress, a new wig and new silicone gloves.

The denim dress is a lot like the cute black dress I bought, but obviously with a different kind of fabric. It's almost as short as the previous one, though, so it's meant to be provocative.

The wig is a "Rapunzel" kind of look, reaching down below my bum, and full of curls. It's a very natural ginger look, making it one of my favorites because of everything.

And the gloves...well, they're shorter and thinner, and they came in with the nails glued. Of course, the glue isn't very good, since the nails started falling almost immediately, but it's nonetheless a great addition to my look. The hands look a bit slimmer AND more feminine, which is what I wanted in the first place.
>> No. 1062
File 163774779829.jpg - (2.25MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210807_013127.jpg )
Alright, so for starters - not what I was intending for, mostly because the breastplate absolutely doesn't match the mask, but...

I bought a mask and a combination of breastplate and pants to see if I could change my look drastically, but the effect was...well, you can see. This is a Kathy mask, but in the darkest possible tone - meanwhile, the breastplate/pant combo is several tones lighter, which leads to this.

I'll be on the lookout for a fitting mask, or maybe a breastplate/pant combo that's darker.

Note that it's not my intention to appear offensive. A lot of mask-makers focus mostly on Caucasian or Asian looks, making this mask a bit too striking. I just wanted to change my look from the usual.
>> No. 1063
File 163774809030.jpg - (2.02MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20210810_054818__01.jpg )
And I'll finish this photo dumping with a mask you've seen before, but I didn't have time to explain.

Yes, this is the Hathaway mask. I caved in since it's a more "European/Western" look, and to celebrate, I got all the pieces of clothing I liked the most - the sleeveless "rockstar" blouse, the jacket/jeans combo, the choker and the knee-high boots.

Compared to the Haena, the Hathaway doesn't allow for actual smiling, but it fits so good. It's almost dreamy how it fits my face, even though it makes it look a bit cheeky and puffy. It's also nicer to red-hair wigs, which is a plus. About the only minuses besides the lack of smiling ability is that the brows are painted rather than implanted.

So, whaddya think? Any looks I nailed? Looks I didn't?
>> No. 1067
File 16424105557.jpg - (732.59KB , 1892x2366 , jane 2.jpg )
hello there
>> No. 1068
File 164247169225.jpg - (3.08MB , 4000x1800 , IMG_20210810_055335.jpg )
Love how it looks. Saw it on the r/FemaleMasking subreddit and I instantly fell in love. Didn't recognize it as the Jane at first (the first pic where you showed it had a long hair wig); it definitely has a more Western look than the other Roanyer masks. Do you use glue to stick it better, or is it a natural fit? I know you said on the other thread that it doesn't fit your eyes as the May(s) do, but it fits your head better.
>> No. 1069
File 164278515392.jpg - (827.95KB , 1060x1800 , 20220117_205232.jpg )
I did say that the eye fit was a bit better than May, but because I din't knew how to do it properly (as shown in the first pic). But now I tihnk the fit is near perfect.
No glue here (doesn't workk that well with roanyer stuff anyway). Also the little makeup I did put on which helped further hide te seams
For reference, here it is without makeup, tried to redo the eye fit afew days later. even then it's still rpetty good
>> No. 1070
File 164278545330.jpg - (1.12MB , 2268x4032 , jane 1.jpg )
heh forgot the trip but whatever.
Also by "first pic", I wasn't talking about the previsou one in this thread, but as you said the first one I ever posted of it in the Femalemasking SR. I suppose I can post it as well that may interest some people :p

For these interested, those are the Strong hip pants from Roanyer as Well. Even my H cups look puny in comparison
>> No. 1071
File 164291673043.jpg - (2.79MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210810_055027.jpg )
This one definitely shows what you mentioned. I really feel envious of your makeup skills - mine are pretty much non-existent. (Pic for reference - mostly eyeshadow and magnetic eyelashes.)

Also: love the wig. It looks extremely natural.

At first I couldn't recognize the mask because of how the hair fell, but now I notice it's the same mask.

Speaking of the hips: do they use the same catheter thing as other brands for urination, or do they use a wider one? I recall the Roanyer prosthetics use a wider but shorter one that is part of the prosthetic itself. The EYung ones use the traditional catheter, which I don't like too much since it's too long and too narrow. (Just got ones with high waist and a pretty bubbly fill on the hips and rear area; I'll see whenever I can load those, but they're really overkill with silicone pads.)
>> No. 1072
File 164292693334.jpg - (974.60KB , 1837x2395 , hebe 2.jpg )
If you wanna know, it's also the panda look with fake eyelashes, my makeup level is also abyssmal (:
Just a very good eye fit and the mask pre applied makeup. Another example with my Hebe, the mask does all the heavy lifting makeup wise

on the topic of urination thingies, the consensus is that each one of them sucks
Also it's better to tuck tu avoid bulges. TBH I took all the plumbing inside so it not a wide opening
>> No. 1076
File 164316623794.jpg - (155.01KB , 656x1521 , P8080088.jpg )
Aforementioned technical issues aside... I am so jelly of how good the Roanyer masks look on you two (especially bestan, wow)! I tried a May mask, and apparently my big ugly mug distorts it too much and it don't look so good on me :(

Also, this still counts as a selfie, if I used the timer on the camera, right? I do have a new phone with a front facing camera now, so maybe I'll snap a few "real" selfies with that sometime...

Would you happen to know how much those "strong hip pants" weigh? I've got a theory that another seller is re-selling another brand, but I'm not sure yet. Or at least, I can compare the two and see if they're a viable alternative.

In regards to the catheter things, I have a couple of suits with those built in and and I'm not even sure how they're supposed to work (things don't seem to line up for me to use it in any way), and they caused ugly bulges (like mentioned in >>634 ) so I just removed them. I snapped a few pictures of the process, but I dunno if anybody's interested, so they're just sitting with tons of other images that I just haven't gotten motivated to post.
>> No. 1078
File 164316722383.jpg - (1.86MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210417_051456.jpg )
Roanyer or Dreammask? The latter does very good masks, I'll admit. I feel jealous of the Nina and the Hebe, but I managed to snatch a breast-less Haena before they got decommissioned, and I insist they're the best fit for me.

Pic is me using May, for comparison.
>> No. 1080
Oops, I was getting the two mixed up. The one I tried was definitely May, though. Maybe I should try one of the Dreammask ones.
>> No. 1081
File 164316903881.jpg - (1.93MB , 2080x4603 , IMG_20200617_044949__01.jpg )
Maybe a Hathaway Plus? That one seems to be their largest. The Ann mask from Roanyer is also pretty big, though I'd say mostly the lips which are oversized. Ann is the only mask that's too big for my size.

Pic for demonstration.
>> No. 1082
File 164316920494.jpg - (533.84KB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210906_060424.jpg )
And another pic for contrast. >>1081 is wearing Ann, this one is wearing the Hathaway. Same wig, not the same outfit though.
>> No. 1083
I'm not even sure if it's a size problem or not, or just that the features line up badly. I guess I don't really know how big is a big head, heh.

Now I'm curious, so I've just measured around my forehead, about 58 cm or just under 23", which is 1 cm above average. Any chance you're willing to share the size if your noggin? :)
>> No. 1084
Love to, but I can't seem to find my measuring tape right now. Not able to recall it by memory, I fear.

That said; maybe it's the shape of your head? Seems oval, while mine is rounder.
>> No. 1085
Yeah, maybe.

All I know is you've got me wanting a new face and I've got some research to do!
>> No. 1086
How about scrounging for a Hebe? Doesn't seem round, which might fit your size.

Also: with the technical issues, I had no chance to thank you for the compliment on >>1076. I'm really doing my best effort to look passable at least.
>> No. 1087
File 164374022915.jpg - (666.08KB , 1811x2264 , may 8.jpg )
Yeah Roanyer fit can be quite hit or miss. I can do ok with May, but somehow Jane fits me like a dream

As for the hip pants, Roanyer website says it's around 7.5kg. Although it could be a lot worse if it hadn't that honeycomb parrtern inside. To wear it's not that bad
>> No. 1088
File 164629316655.jpg - (566.00KB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20210906_051435.jpg )
Let's begin another photo dump, shall we?

Top-view, Hathaway with blonde bob and black dress ensemble. I've noticed this angle catches my eyes better every time.
>> No. 1089
File 164629333968.jpg - (884.52KB , 1800x4000 , IMG_20210906_052057.jpg )
Mirror shot, showing the body. Again, I apologize for the dirty mirror.
>> No. 1090
File 164629357223.jpg - (562.21KB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20210906_060334.jpg )
Wig change to lace front bright red.

Now that I notice - I kinda have that Mona Lisa vibe, don't you think?
>> No. 1091
File 164629380047.jpg - (779.16KB , 1800x4000 , IMG_20210906_060724.jpg )
Another mirror shot.

This is from the same day, so you can notice usually when I do dress-up. (Then again, the timestamp's always on the photo name) Dawn was already approaching, which you can see from the windows. I also took out the gloves to take photos easily.

The contrast between the mask color and the breastplate color shows up, but the shadows formed by the way the wig wraps my head makes me look a lot more natural.
>> No. 1092
File 164629403597.jpg - (714.46KB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20210906_061024.jpg )
Signature look, changing into one of my favorite lace-front wigs.

The angle I use for this shot helps show my eyes, which is nice because a ton of the other photos I took hid them.
>> No. 1093
File 16462943073.jpg - (751.34KB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20210906_061224__01.jpg )
Side body shot.

I often take these shots as a way to show off the effort to, ahem, emulate the feminine figure, and also how each outfit helps showcase it. In this case, the dress is rather loose, killing a bit of the curves. I've found that H-size breastplates do the job nicely, but I needed some extra curves on my hips and butt. That got fixed later, and hopefully at some point I'll show the comparison.
>> No. 1094
File 164629457262.jpg - (590.44KB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210906_061653.jpg )
Panoramic shot with curly red wig.

Though, as I mentioned, the angle hides my eyes, it's still a nice shot. I've noticed that I can achieve some good shots if I use my left hand to take them, rather than the right one - unfortunately, I'm a righty, not a lefty, which makes these shots harder. (Or maybe that's why the shots look better?)

And yeah - I was having a lot of fun testing several wigs with the Hathaway. Gotta milk my newest acquisition, no?
>> No. 1095
File 16462948228.jpg - (710.94KB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20210906_062043.jpg )
Case in point: top-view with platinum-blonde wig.

Though it's obvious it's a wig, I like the look nonetheless. Part of the fun is seeing how the look changes just by replacing parts of the whole ensemble.

I guess reading my thought process on the matter might be boring to you, but to me, part of the excitement is that - experimentation. Switch masks, switch wigs, switch clothes, switch accessories, and see how everything changes - see in how many versions of myself I can turn.
>> No. 1096
File 164629500640.jpg - (657.67KB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20210906_062739.jpg )
Last wig change of that photo shoot, using the asymmetric bob with gray highlights. Again, it's a challenge to make that wig look good, but I feel this one made for a good shot.
>> No. 1097
File 164629547010.jpg - (619.55KB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20210922_012643.jpg )
Different day, left handed side shot with short human hair wig.

As you can notice, I skipped the corset this time, showing my actual belly. (Impressive how a corset makes your waist so thin, no?) The good thing about this shot is that it proves that H-size cups are my kind of cup size. On the other hand...do I look a bit boyish here?
>> No. 1098
File 164629572116.jpg - (1.18MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211009_035853.jpg )
Different day, top view, same mask and wig.

I may have thought it was the wig that made me look boyish on the last photo, but I guess it was the top squishing my boobies and the lack of the corset, coupled with the wig. Replacing that allowed me to end with this shot.

Do I look cute here? Because I look cute, honest to goodness.
>> No. 1099
File 164629594444.jpg - (2.25MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211009_040725.jpg )
Frontal body shot, no face.

Again, I tend to take these shots to showcase the effort of feminizing my figure, and this one is a huge example. The corset is visible, and you can see how it forces a hourglass figure when coupled with hip pads. The breasts don't look exceptionally huge, IMO - they look fitting, though I don't mind being bustier ;)
>> No. 1100
File 16462960987.jpg - (2.24MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211009_040847.jpg )
Taking advantage of the mirror to show how the wig looks from behind.

All in all, though it shows a pretty disturbing bald spot, the wig fits pretty nicely. It does make me look boyish from behind, though, which is troublesome. Then again, I don't get out while dressed, so there's no need to worry, right?

>> No. 1101
File 164629627087.jpg - (2.04MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20211009_041339.jpg )
Boob shot, coupled with waist.

This is a good example of what I seek when I shoot these - how the curves mold out. The corset isn't shown here, but you can see how it compresses. I guess it's also why I like this jacket - it forces people to look at the curves by creating a contrast space.

Yeah, I probably overthink things a lot, but as I said, one of the things I love about masking is the experimentation.
>> No. 1102
File 164629637575.jpg - (2.69MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211009_041402.jpg )
The other, of course, is grabbing and squishing my boobies.

Because, what's the fun in turning into a busty and curvy girl if you can't enjoy being a busty and curvy girl?
>> No. 1103
File 164629671425.jpg - (2.96MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211024_062935.jpg )
As you may know, Dreammask Studios decided to discontinue selling the Haena mask. Knowing about this, and as I mentioned in >>1056, my Haena with breasts has a bad tear that made me, uh... Keep her well hidden.

Since I love this mask so much, I decided to buy myself a new one - and of course, I couldn't wait to put it on myself. This one lacks the breasts but has the neck bib, so I can use it with my own breastplate. (Meaning, I can have the same smiley face but with bigger boobs!)
>> No. 1104
File 16462968735.jpg - (2.88MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20211024_063140.jpg )
Top-view panoramic.

Again, I feel that Haena is the mask that fits me best, though I'm tempted to get myself another Taylor OR another CreaFX mask to see if it fits me better. (Maybe a Carmen?) That said, I love how it shows my smile, even if it's a small one.

Sorry for the hairy arm. There's a reason why I'm a masker, not just a crossdresser. (Ahem!)
>> No. 1105
File 164629708950.jpg - (2.81MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211103_093416.jpg )
Different day, new wig showcase!

This one is a short bob wig with a bang meant to cover half of my face. I wanted to see if this wig would help this face look good as a redhead. Not so bad, IMO.

Also, experimenting on the order of how to wear the newer Haena with the breastplate. Neck looks awkward, I know.
>> No. 1106
File 164629723518.jpg - (3.08MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20211103_094420.jpg )
Panoramic mugshot with larger bob wig.

And once again, Haena loves looking like a blonde. I can't help it - I just look so nice with this face as a blonde.

As for the wig, I was looking for a ginger variant for the blonde bob I found, and I saw this, and...well, I bought it at a whim.
>> No. 1107
File 164629739375.jpg - (3.17MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211103_094744.jpg )
As I mentioned, I was looking for a ginger alternative to my blonde bob, so I bought two. This one is actually an ombre burgundy color, but the left bang has a pretty stiff wave and the partition is too obvious.

And again, it doesn't bring the cuteness of the Haena to focus. *sigh*
>> No. 1108
File 16462975063.jpg - (2.94MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211103_095350.jpg )
Of course, though, I wanted to have another opinion, so I switched into my Hathaway. I'll admit this was my best shot, though latter photos bring the best of this wig to mind. I guess it's that the lips combine with the hair?
>> No. 1109
File 164629770429.jpg - (2.90MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211103_095739.jpg )
New blonde bob wig with Hathaway.

One of the reasons I liked it was because it's a lace-front blonde bob, meant for the volume. You can see that I didn't remove the lace, but curiously enough, it wasn't noticeable in the Haena.

And yeah, I apologize for the bored look. I was just trying to see how it looked anyways.
>> No. 1110
File 164629826959.jpg - (2.90MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20211103_100139.jpg )
Hathaway with ombre burgundy bob.

Another thing that affected the shots was that I really needed to sleep, but I wanted to test the new wigs. This one is the most flattering of the group, even if it doesn't look like it.
>> No. 1112
File 164629838527.jpg - (3.24MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_041112.jpg )
Hmmm, is this a new mask?
>> No. 1113
File 16462985502.jpg - (2.96MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_041251.jpg )
It's certainly great for shots. Like this one. I really look nice in this one.
>> No. 1114
File 164629862071.jpg - (2.86MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_041503.jpg )
And this one too. So beautiful, don't you think?
>> No. 1115
File 164629878844.jpg - (2.57MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_041519.jpg )
But only one mask (literally) makes me smile.

As you may recall, I usually have issues with doing makeup - specifically to blend the eyelids to the eye openings. This time, I took a bit of effort to cover up with eyeshadow most of my eye, and coupled with my magnetic eyelashes and a bit of rouge, I made my Haena look a lot different. Gone is that cute look, replaced by something I feel just oozes sexiness.

But of course, her cute smile doesn't lie, don't you think?
>> No. 1116
File 16462989474.jpg - (2.60MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20211123_041758.jpg )
Mirror selfie, showcasing face and body.

Though it shows the corset, I'm particularly proud of this look. Yeah, it also hides the eyes, but it projects strength. Strong, decisive, beautiful.
>> No. 1117
File 164629912195.jpg - (3.30MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20211123_042822.jpg )
Here, I'm finally experimenting with my phone's other modes. As you can see, the photo is framed square and focused on me, rather than my room.

You may also notice that I look a bit busty-er, but this is merely the bra I'm wearing, which pads up things a bit.
>> No. 1118
File 164629933537.jpg - (3.71MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20211123_042855.jpg )
More experimentation, this time with a top shot.

Considering just how long I've been taking photos, this is the first time I feel something has changed for the better. The lack of focus on the room helps a lot.

Then again, the outfit being my favorite combination also helps.
>> No. 1119
File 164630036715.jpg - (3.23MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_050933.jpg )
Experimenting with filters now.

The following photos will be effectively the same, but with different filters placed through. This is the most "normal" and the one I use for most of my photos.
>> No. 1120
File 164630042654.jpg - (3.46MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_050951.jpg )
This filter seemingly mutes the light, but gives it an aged look.
>> No. 1121
File 164630053393.jpg - (3.80MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_050958.jpg )
This one seems to make colors a bit more uniform, which is great when I'm trying to blend the color of the mask and the breastplate.
>> No. 1123
File 164630078690.jpg - (3.36MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_052517.jpg )
And this one...

This is me changing my mask. I wanted to see how the Hathaway looked with the filter I eventually decided for the rest of the photos. I simply used the same wig, the same outfit, and most importantly - the same pose.

So, it feels like if I had transplanted the Hathaway into my face.
>> No. 1124
File 164630092143.jpg - (2.89MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_052621.jpg )
Profile look using left hand.

Again, I like how the Hathaway looks from this angle. Maybe it's how the lower lip just hangs there, or the way my eyes just seem to fall into that position, amping the cuteness.
>> No. 1125
File 164630112073.jpg - (3.43MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_054555.jpg )

Remember I said subsequent photos would bring the best of the ginger bob wig? This is what I meant. (I even used the same top!) Though it's not an ombre wig as the blonde bob one, it's still pretty cute looking. I've always said I look better as a redhead than as a blonde, and this is good proof of it.
>> No. 1126
File 164630121050.jpg - (2.51MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20211123_055104.jpg )
Mirror selfie with ginger bob wig.

I like this shot specifically because it brings the best of the wig and how it enhances the look.
>> No. 1127
File 164630143885.jpg - (2.93MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_055348.jpg )
Another thing I love about this wig is that the cut allows you to do a slight change of look just by combing the bangs aside. Though it's a top-shot, I look a bit different from the other photos.
>> No. 1129
File 164630172032.jpg - (3.18MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20211123_055418.jpg )
Profile look with one of the bangs swept behind ear.

This'll be the last photo for the night, leaving it on a good spot. It's great because it helps me to show off my current makeup skills, which amount to covering all my eye on eyeshadow and draw a thick line over my eyebrow for the magnetic extension. One thing I did, though, was to darken the lower eyelid with eyeliner, so that it blends easier.

Anyways, I'll probably do a new thread during the week for some serious discussion. Any photos you like from this group so far?
>> No. 1161
File 16600194681.jpg - (2.01MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220114_023042.jpg )
Been a while since I posted, so time for some quick pics for y'all.

Top-down view with short blonde human hair wig, Hathaway mask, knee-high boots. My breastplate wasn't behaving very well, so it seems like my neck's swollen.
>> No. 1162
File 166001985523.jpg - (2.78MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220114_023645.jpg )
Same top-down shot, but with an outfit switch.
>> No. 1163
File 166002002330.jpg - (2.50MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220129_031915.jpg )
Side shot, switching wigs.

It's an interesting transition shot, from outfit change to wig change. I took quite a few shots with this combination, in fact, because I like this combination pretty much.
>> No. 1164
File 16600202255.jpg - (2.62MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220129_032229.jpg )
As usual, body shot.
>> No. 1165
File 166002065787.jpg - (2.62MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220129_032621.jpg )
Mug shot, parting my head aside.

This one is a weird and, I dare say, unsettling one. It's actually one of the better pics I've shot, perhaps because of the way I styled the wig to show the earring, but as I glance at it, it makes me feel as if I was looking at my sister.
>> No. 1166
File 166002100954.jpg - (3.10MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20220301_042832.jpg )
Another wig change, but this is from a shot roughly two months later.

Oh, and...can't be sure if I showed it, but if I didn't...new wig? (It's pretty much definite now, but getting new masks and wigs is becoming an addiction.)
>> No. 1167
File 166079589671.jpg - (2.84MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20220301_044554.jpg )
Time for some more pics! Wide-pan shot, using my phone's primary camera.

As you may have noticed, I took the photo on another room which has a big difference. You'll notice that the light comes from a different direction, and that's because it comes from a lamp.

Not just that, the photo also blurs the background a bit to focus on me, but that wasn't intended. (I don't alter pics, other than the options the camera has.)

Really love how this pic ended.
>> No. 1168
File 16607966332.jpg - (3.24MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220301_044946.jpg )
Isometric shot on other room.

So, I was wondering... Are those eyes looking at my pendant?
>> No. 1169
File 166079762482.jpg - (1.80MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220301_053856_01.jpg )
Side shot with new...uh, wig-cap?

Yeah, I bought one of those, mostly to accesorize. As you can see, it's awkward, as it fits relatively poorly, and shows bald spots on the sides.

(Also: had to blot out the t-shirt. Did the best I could, but it still shows a few things; it should be enough to hide the logo, though.)
>> No. 1170
File 166079785753.jpg - (3.37MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220312_044749.jpg )
A pretty rare isometric shot, sitting on my bed.

This time, I hope the outfit distracts you from...well, the surroundings. (Yes, I am a messy girl. I love my little chaos, thank you very much...)
>> No. 1171
File 166079819470.jpg - (2.51MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220312_044506.jpg )
Profile shot in new room, using the little black vinyl dress with fastener.

I really like how I look in this combination. Everything, from the angle, the pose and the setup, just works wonders. Do you agree?
>> No. 1172
File 166080025856.jpg - (3.00MB , 3472x4624 , IMG_20220312_044933_Bokeh.jpg )
Mirror selfie.

The undergarments I'm wearing have an unfortunate gap, which shows a bit of my leg. You may notice I have the same (or similar) wig, outfit and boots on a pic on the race-play thread, where you can notice the garment goes all the way down to the knees.

I got several of these undergarments, but this one and the darker-skinned one have the peculiarity of adding volume to both hips and rear, which helps so much with the look, it's unbelievable. A definite upgrade, if you think about it.
>> No. 1173
File 166080040227.jpg - (3.48MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220312_045116.jpg )
Side profile pic, showing off earring.

I'm getting the fun of bob wigs. Though I like longer hair, it's fun to stick a side of it to one of your ears and play with the length.
>> No. 1175
File 166443069632.jpg - (2.74MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20220312_045457.jpg )
Alright, let's go for a couple more photos, shall we?

I'll start with a flirty pic from the same batch of photos from last time. I'm trying to diversify my poses a bit, and I found this pretty cute and alluring.
>> No. 1176
File 166443165385.jpg - (2.16MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220312_060321.jpg )
Isometric shot, same arrangement except for a change of clothes.

It's pretty obvious that this kind of shot hides the eyeholes a lot better, making the look far more natural. Also: ombre lace front wigs definitely add to it.
>> No. 1177
File 166443191180.jpg - (3.52MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220312_060520.jpg )
I've said before that I'm getting used to my phone camera. This is a selfie I took with the "portrait" mode, which is really a size change - less "phone" like and more squared.

The advantage of this mode is that I can show a lot more than usual, but at the expense of...well, showing more than usual. Like my hairy arm.

(I should've worn one of my gloves or the denim jacket. Sorry if this crushes your boner!)
>> No. 1178
File 166443204960.jpg - (3.52MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220312_060609.jpg )
Body shot in portrait mode.

Another thing about this mode is that it has a "zoom-in" feature, where everything except you gets blurried out, focusing attention on you. I know the corset makes those fat flabs look a bit unsightly, but at least it shows a bit of curve. Well, maybe not the bottom. It looks flat, for some reason.
>> No. 1179
File 166443217145.jpg - (3.39MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220312_062016.jpg )
Signature shot with new wig.

As you may have noticed, it's another red hair lace front, but with some body and wave to it. I guess I should've installed it a bit down, since it makes me feel like I have a huge forehead.
>> No. 1180
File 166443231338.jpg - (2.64MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20220312_062322.jpg )
Portrait mode with tilted camera, this time after fixing my wig a bit and adding the jacket. (And of course, the new location.)

As you can see, adjusting the wig a bit makes for a lot of difference. It almost feels like I dyed my hair red instead of being a wig, don't you think?
>> No. 1181
File 166443244978.jpg - (3.84MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220312_062921.jpg )
Portrait mode, with closed eyes.

One thing that bothers me a bit is that the shutter seems to like catching me with my eyes closed, because this kind of shot happens a lot to me. I tend to erase the pics I don't like, but this one in particular I kept, because everything else is just on point.
>> No. 1182
File 166443291173.jpg - (2.63MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220427_211939.jpg )
New date, new change of look, and back into the lovely Haena! (Except this is the breast-less version, of course.)
>> No. 1183
File 166443324819.jpg - (3.08MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220427_212052.jpg )
Top-down view, to show the full outfit. Do I pass as a secretary, boss?
>> No. 1184
File 166443331322.jpg - (2.80MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220427_212121.jpg )
Side body shot. Again, the unsightly fat flab's there, but the skirt shows the rest of the curves. Especially my big butt.
>> No. 1185
File 166443373129.jpg - (2.21MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220427_212246.jpg )
And a frontal for good measure. While it's not exactly a hourglass figure, it's pretty close to it. One thing I like, though, is that this shot makes my titties look huge. The secret, of course, is the bra. No, it's not stuffed, but it's slightly larger than usual, if only to fit my breasts.
>> No. 1186
File 166443522822.jpg - (2.93MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220427_212407.jpg )
Side profile shot in portrait mode.

Once again, this is a good example why I love the Haena so much; even if I'm not opening my mouth, it moves enough for me to seem like I'm smiling. It's a fitting complement for the outfit.
>> No. 1187
File 166443538917.jpg - (2.70MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220427_212516.jpg )
Side profile shot in portrait mode, while clutching my pearls. (With my short gloves, of course.)
>> No. 1188
File 166443653379.jpg - (2.34MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220427_213954.jpg )
Same outfit, change of wig.

I know I'm repeating myself, but it's impressive just how much a single replacement can change your look. I guess, in part, that's why I love this so much - the sheer enjoyment of changing my appearance until I can't recognize myself.
>> No. 1189
File 166443680273.jpg - (2.08MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220427_214918.jpg )
Here's something different, to finish this photo dump - a timed shot to try a different pose.

Perhaps it's not noticeable, but doing so at that angle *and* on my bed isn't helpful. Even with an undergarment that tucks my...uh, "thing" ...a bit, it's still difficult for me to cross my leg. This is made worse because of the corset, which constricts my movements a little bit. So, the pose is pretty awkward, but I wanted to make full use of my camera timer for something different.

Any thoughts on these, or other pictures that you like? Don't be shy to ask - or post!
>> No. 1190
Feels so empty with nobody replying but I'll chime in to say that I like a lot of the pics.
>> No. 1191

Any kind of reply is always appreciated, even if it's once in a blue moon.
>> No. 1192
seconded. As little visited as this place is, its good to see people posting here and having a good time. Sites like these remain small...but good quality, so quantity doesn't matter.
>> No. 1194
File 166805221830.jpg - (2.33MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220504_022236.jpg )
Been a while since I posted, so let's go with a new round.

While it may seem like it's merely a change of wig, this was actually done at a different date. This wig is between the previous one and a larger one in length. Between these three and a longer one, I can easily simulate hair growth. Strange development, but I really seem to love different wig styles.
>> No. 1195
File 166805283183.jpg - (2.54MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220504_022258.jpg )
Profile pic, showing off the outfit.

Perhaps it's just me, but the more I use the Haena, the more I notice I seem to resemble a former (and obviously female) workmate. It's strange, as she's a brunette while I often incline towards blonde or ginger, but I've increasingly noticed the resemblance with time.

I do like the combination, though. It's a great combination between casual and elegant, something I feel I could wear if I worked at an office. (And of course, I wear it with pumps.)
>> No. 1196
File 166805320151.jpg - (2.37MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220504_022632.jpg )
Isometric shot, with a smile for good measure.

It's pretty obvious that this angle flatters me quite a lot, particularly since it hides the eyelids and blends them to make the look feel a lot more natural. This is a challenge with masks when you don't use Photoshop or image-altering software.

I've definitely felt curious about how I'd look if I added some "retouches", but I'm pretty glad to have advanced in my, well, "technique" a bit in order to look more passable.

This also implies a lot of shots and check-ups, but it goes to show that you don't need expensive set-ups to get nice, good pics like this. (Even if the boundary between the breastplate and the mask are pretty obvious.)
>> No. 1197
File 166805338530.jpg - (2.14MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220504_022801.jpg )
Same angle but a bit more distant.

One thing that I've noticed helps with pictures a lot is lightning - the dimmer the light, the better. This one I took while I was sitting, and the light is a lot more distant. I also tried to cross my leg to look more feminine and elegant, and I think I nailed it, particularly since it's a very natural look IMO. Again, perhaps software could blend the breastplate, the mask and the gloves to the same, natural looking color, but the projection is on spot.
>> No. 1198
File 166805349999.jpg - (2.92MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220504_023531.jpg )
Another shot, but this time with my back behind the door with the mirror I use for selfie shots. I like it because I managed to lift my arm enough to strike a different pose. I'm always experimenting with shots to provide some variety and learn from it.
>> No. 1199
File 166805377232.jpg - (3.24MB , 4624x3472 , IMG_20220504_024247_Bokeh.jpg )
Selfie shot in portrait mode. (Yeah, I took a LOT of pics with this set-up.)

Over the time, I've developed a sort of technique with selfies to avoid showing too much of the mirror frame or the door, but since I don't have a lot of space in my room, it kinda limits the angles I can shoot at, which makes it a challenge.
>> No. 1200
File 166805402255.jpg - (3.23MB , 4624x3472 , IMG_20220504_024331_Bokeh.jpg )
Fun selfie where I touch the mirror. It was a whim of the moment, but it was quite interesting how it ended up. Mostly, I wanted some variety, even if it meant showing off the mirror itself and the frame, so it didn't end up looking like every other selfie pic.
>> No. 1201
File 166805446265.jpg - (2.85MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220504_040927.jpg )
Frontal shot alongside a change of wig, reviving one of the very first ones I got.

I like the pouty expression, even if it not intentional - mostly I took a pretty normal pic and the eyes did the trick.

(And yes, it's still the same date!)
>> No. 1202
File 166805452696.jpg - (2.68MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220504_041101.jpg )
Attempt at signature shot.

Tried a sexy look, but it kinda ended up a bit threatening, don't you think?
>> No. 1203
File 166805483971.jpg - (2.16MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220504_041340.jpg )
Isometric body shot, mostly as another vanity pic to show off the body.

One thing I feel I've gained from doing all this is getting a different POV about female beauty. It may seem easy to just put on a breastplate, hip pads, fake pussy, corset, pantyhoses and a mask and be instantly beautiful, but it's an art to be admired sometimes. I definitely cheat a lot and don't have the skill of others, particularly more experienced crossdressers, but I'm satisfied with my looks.

Yet, what I've also gotten from this lesson is that you can work up for your look, so in the end, what matters is who you are and not what you project to be, right? It's helped me to notice the beauty in women no matter how they look.

(And to do that, all I needed to do is dress like one and put on a girl mask. Weird, huh?)
>> No. 1204
File 166805496392.jpg - (3.15MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20220504_041736.jpg )
Then again, not gonna lie, I *am* a bit picky. Otherwise, I wouldn't go for a busty, curvy hourglass look like this one. Or do a lot more pics as a brunette.

Goes to show that seeking beyond beauty is a journey.
>> No. 1205
File 166805522259.jpg - (3.53MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220603_022316.jpg )
Full change-up, reusing my old May mask with breasts. (Yep, the one from the first pictures.) The outfit is new-ish, though: a full denim one-piece dress with medium-length sleeves. The wig isn't a lace-front but I love it nonetheless.
>> No. 1206
File 16680553623.jpg - (2.93MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220603_022526.jpg )
Isometric top-shot, showing a bit of cleavage.

After going with a huge G-cup breastplate for so long, it's weird to regress to a C-cup like the breasts from the May mask. Some people say that C-cups are huge, but that's probably because they have slimmer shoulders. The wider your shoulders, the larger your cup size should be, since that way they won't seem small.

But, these puppies don't look slow to you, do you? ;)
>> No. 1207
File 16680555251.jpg - (3.26MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20220603_022748.jpg )
Selfie shot, showing the full outfit and the knee-length boots.

Of course, you also have to see my hairy legs, which is a shame because the fake hip pants add a decent amount of curve to hips, but are too short for anything but wearing them under jeans or a long skirt (and even the latter is debatable).
>> No. 1208
File 166805564922.jpg - (2.21MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20220603_022817.jpg )
Another selfie shot, this time with a focus on the face. I kinda feel like I'm moping about something, but that's not the case. Probably because I gained some weight while at it, so wider cheeks stretching the silicone a bit wider. Or maybe something else. You be the judge.
>> No. 1209
File 16680557537.jpg - (2.26MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220614_050407.jpg )
Same wig, but on the Hathaway and with a change of outfit. I definitely love how it looks on me.
>> No. 1210
File 166805591653.jpg - (2.35MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220614_050825.jpg )
Side shot using my left hand.

Don't know why, but as you may notice, my titties are pretty perky on this shot. Another thing is that, ever since I got my newest phone, I tend to always have my eyes closed on most of the shots for whatever reason. Still like it, though.
>> No. 1211
File 166805601335.jpg - (2.11MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20220614_050945.jpg )
This selfie shot probably showcases what I love about this wig - length and volume that helps me frame my face and distracts people from seeing my wide shoulders.
>> No. 1212
File 166805676590.jpg - (3.24MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220614_051205.jpg )
Not the most flattering angle, but other than the face, it's a nice looking shot.
>> No. 1213
File 166805685713.jpg - (3.19MB , 3472x4624 , IMG_20220614_051301_Bokeh.jpg )
Selfie shot with a fuller look at the body. Since I wasn't wearing the gloves, I had to hide my hand, but other than that, it shows the completeness of the look - the way the wig combines with the outfit.
>> No. 1214
File 166805704728.jpg - (2.34MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220614_055029.jpg )
Wig change, and also taking advantage of early morning light. Perhaps it's because of the combination of white walls and the mirror aside, but sunlight makes everything look glossy for some reason.
>> No. 1215
File 166805710569.jpg - (2.32MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220614_055145.jpg )
Let's go with some other shots to take advantage of natural sunlight.
>> No. 1216
File 166805715930.jpg - (2.39MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20220614_055319.jpg )
Like this selfie close-up, just to show it's actual natural sunlight and not something else.
>> No. 1217
File 166805724861.jpg - (2.60MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220614_061811.jpg )
And a change of wig while at it.

Something I'm noticing is that I seem to have periods where I like certain hair styles over others. I got very short wigs and very long wigs, and right now I'm sort of in a bob cut, neck-length period.

I feel I should get a few brunette wigs, though. That's the one thing that I feel would be brand new.
>> No. 1218
File 166805731773.jpg - (3.50MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220614_061942.jpg )
This one's pretty fun IMO - looking aside, the angle, it projects a sort of happy-go-lucky or carefree attitude. Do you agree?
>> No. 1219
File 166805745710.jpg - (2.31MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220907_042812.jpg )
And lets end up with a new acquisition - a Ching 4. That'd make it the first half-mask I got, and the first one that looks less realistic and more doll-like.

It's also the only mask to which I've had to add one of those pads you put on your forehead, because otherwise I can't see. Even when worn, the eyesight is pretty limited, even more than when wearing a full-head mask. Good thing I'm not claustrophobic.
>> No. 1220
File 166805766553.jpg - (2.33MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20220907_053244.jpg )
And to end it all up, a shot of the Ching 4 mask itself. As you can notice, it may seem round, but when I wear it, it distorts a bit into an oval shape. The lips are also hard to move, but they do move up a bit. And you get enough air flow to breathe. It's very different from wearing an open-eyelid full mask, definitely, but I'll probably keep on with the latter.

(Though, maybe at some point I'll buy one of those Poppy masks, with the gag. I was thinking of the vampire version, but I declined doing so, mostly since it'd only fit well for Halloween.)

I'll probably post another set of pics somewhere during the week while I load up a treasure trove of newer pics, including ones with new wigs and shoes. Stay tuned!
>> No. 1233
File 167365762773.jpg - (2.85MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20220719_192039.jpg )
Let's start the New Year by going through the (HUGE) backlog of photos I've taken so far. (Did I mention I now have over 5,200 photos AND videos?)

And let's start that with a new wig! As always, I find myself gravitating towards red-hair wigs, possibly because I love red-heads. This one, however, has far too much volume - it feels like a lion's mane more than anything.

Still love it, though.
>> No. 1234
File 167365786793.jpg - (1.51MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20220719_192242.jpg )
And also: new gloves! (Though, there's some news I'll have to say about much later.)

These are the DreamMask Jade gloves with embedded nails. Since I have such large hands, they look freakish and bloated, but at least it hides the hairs which is good. Also - the glue on the nails is pretty strong, and the nails themselves are short enough. The silicone, however, is pretty thin - and that's all I'm going to say.
>> No. 1235
File 167365802086.jpg - (2.41MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20220719_192326.jpg )
(Literal) arms-length shot of the gloves. As you can see, they cover up all the way to your armpits, but they're super stretchy.

A lot of other things snuck up, however - like my *other* clothes, the bunch of boxes where I store all the masks and prosthetics, a little view of the place I live...and if you're eagle-eyed enough, my favorite Pokémon.
>> No. 1236
File 167365878020.jpg - (3.27MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220719_192149.jpg )
Showing up the top as well. I mostly did the shots to show off the new wig, gloves and top. One of the tops, that is. I bought essentially the same two pairs of tops, except one pair has different colors and both pairs are different-sized. Why?

Because I was expecting something which arrived late, but actually arrived.
>> No. 1237
File 167366128178.jpg - (2.78MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220725_051605.jpg )
Roughly a week later, I did a better, proper shoot with the same mask except for a different top (plus the corset and jeans). This is a top view showing up...mostly the wig.
>> No. 1238
File 167366198034.jpg - (2.25MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220725_051904.jpg )
Body shot, showing the top, as well as the gloves. As you can see, even the arm I used to hold the camera was gloved, and there's virtually no seams shown.

(And yeah, I went bra-less for this one.)
>> No. 1239
File 167366451019.jpg - (2.65MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20220725_052132.jpg )
Mirror selfie, showing the full outfit.

Though it's very obviously a wig, I really like how it looks. It has some beautiful curls, making my face look slimmer in comparison.
>> No. 1240
File 167366528275.jpg - (2.09MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220725_052256.jpg )
Here's me, goofing off with my new gloves. The nails, as you can see, barely extend enough to look like claws, but I wanted to look fierce nonetheless.

That said; if you're planning to buy them, note that you'll have to fiddle with the nails so they fit, since sometimes they move to either side. (Probably if you have long and meaty fingers...)
>> No. 1241
File 167366659681.jpg - (1.96MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220725_061336.jpg )
Let's finish this with a semi-nude shot (with gloves off). This should show off the breastplate and how large is the girdle (specifically, right up to the knee), as well as the stockings I was wearing under the jeans, which are good enough to hide my legs.

That should cover June and August. Next - September!
>> No. 1242
File 167395242968.jpg - (2.85MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220825_051434.jpg )
I guess I maybe misjudged the timestamps. I was doing June and July of last year. *This* is August, which had only one shot, but a pretty good one.

This is mostly a recurring look - Hathaway with lace-front ombre blonde wig - but the outfit itself has some new components. The jacket I already had, but I barely use it since most of my jeans are dark blue or somewhere along the lines, but the top's relatively new.
>> No. 1243
File 167395263474.jpg - (3.36MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220825_051604.jpg )
Full shot of outfit, showing off the jeans - which is actually the other new thing I was showing. These ones are stretchy, so they can be used for just about anything. It also shows the top a lot better.

Of course, the one unfortunate thing is that the jeans are also dark blue. Still looking for the ones that fit the jacket perfectly...
>> No. 1244
File 16739531001.jpg - (2.37MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220825_051630.jpg )
Side shot, showing hips.

Something interesting I've noticed is how difficult it can be to emulate feminine hips. Not like it's impossible, but making them look pleasing can be hard - particularly if you like big hips. (And derriere!)

When taking photos with a phone on your own, sometimes you can't reflect the curves as you'd want to, as your angles are limited. Thus, for all the effort you make to get that right amount of curves, sometimes you're only able to show very little. This, I feel, is a good example - the girdle already has a few curves, and the padding (both in the buttcheeks and in the hips) add to the volume, while the jeans are fit enough to help adjust the curvature of the area, but when you try to show it off, the camera angle makes everything look a bit flatter than it should.

However, the difference is notable when you're actually wearing it. This, I feel, is part of the experience - not just nailing the shot, but how you feel while doing so. And, for the most part, it feels nice to have all this tight cushions all around you. They feel like protective layers - fragile ones, since silicone can just burst and tear - but layers nonetheless.

Would you agree that's part of the fun? The layers?
>> No. 1245
File 167395387922.jpg - (1.86MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220825_051634.jpg )
Continuing this rumination: same shot, but slightly to the right.

Just like with hips and rear, the front area is hard to mimic. Most girdles usually offer a "urination pouch", which is a little rubber tube that you wear over your thing and lets you...well, pee.

*Warning - may be either disgusting or arousing. Read at your own discretion*

I've tried some of these, since part of the experience is replicating that feel of, well, peeing as a woman. Suffice to say that it's a bit of a wash - it's good in an emergency, but not perfect.

First things first, it depends if the sleeve actually fits your thing. The best way to put it, usually, relies on your thing being at half to full mast, then roll it up, and then wrap it around your thing. Which doesn't usually work as indicated.

Bit of a history lesson - the rubber tube is actually China's attempt to normalize these things. The original attempt comes from the US, specifically the FemSkin's urination pouch which was actually a cover for your thing alongside what's called a "Texas catheter", which wraps around your thing like a prophylactic but ends up in a tube. These, of course, are thinner and meant to be disposable - probably easier to roll up (can't really say), but not durable. As these prosthetics became more popular, the need for a more durable solution ended up with a silicone catheter which is a bit more complicated to put on.

As to its function? If it doesn't fit *just* right, you'll have two issues. First, depending on how you tuck it, some of the urine may get stuck on it, so you need to manually "pump" it off. Given the force of that flow, it usually means either getting all the way into the inside part of the girdle (not a good idea), or retained (which is painful!). Even if that flow ends up going through the little tube provided for it to escape, you still need to pump it up a bit afterwards, to ensure it's all out.

You may notice (if you read the other threads, or elsewhere) that most users usually don't bother with those kits, or if they have them, they just rip them off. This, of course, leads to problem #2 - the bulge.

Explanation to follow.
>> No. 1246
Part 2:

Whether you have the pouch or not, when wearing a girdle, you'll end up having the problem of bulging up. Even with what's essentially three layers of clothing (girdle, panties, pants - if you somehow wear a pantyhose, that's four), it's undeniable that you'll get that messy bulge.

When it's relaxed, as you can see in many frontal photos where I show up the curves (>>1051 >>721 >>1048 for example), it's hardly noticeable, but a keen eye might notice where it starts. If aroused, however, the girdles help very little, because they stretch. Having tight clothes can be a double-edged sword, as it can be both a boon (keeps everything tight and helps with the shape) and a curse (because, being so tight, it can be both constrictive and can make anything protruding more noticeable).

So, even if it seems almost effortless, creating curves where there are none can be a work of art in itself. That drag queens and crossdressers make it look so easy with so little should serve as a testament to their skill.

Finally: why did I get into a thoughtful mood? Maybe it was just seeing that pic. No idea, really.
>> No. 1247
File 167395784176.jpg - (2.54MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20220825_051825.jpg )
Mirror selfie, showing full outfit. (You can compare it to the posts I quoted on the little thought about curves I just had.)

Over and over, I consider this look to be kind of my signature - Hathaway, a nice looking wig, the corset, denim jacket and jeans over a nice top. The only thing I'd love to improve is to have a bit more expression with the Hathaway, as it always makes me look too serious.
>> No. 1248
File 167395804986.jpg - (1.85MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220825_062551.jpg )
Experimenting with natural light - or, the lack of it.

So, I took this picture right around sunrise, with the most minimal amount of light getting in. (I also took the jacket off, just because it was getting tight on my arms.) The contrast allows you to see just how different is my breastplate compared to the Hathaway *and* my natural skin tone.

I also like the slight twinkle in my eye, for some reason.
>> No. 1249
File 167395824446.jpg - (2.68MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220825_062637.jpg )
This, in contrast, is with the flash of the phone camera. Artificial light seems to bounce differently from the breastplate, making it blend better with the mask. Curiously enough, the eyelids blend better as well; if it weren't for the shine, I could definitely pass off easily.
>> No. 1250
File 167395839574.jpg - (1.98MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20220825_063028.jpg )
Selfie taken with flash on camera. The angle's necessary to avoid reflecting the flash, or else I wouldn't show anything. Unfortunately, the lack of light means my arms look even more hairy than ever.
>> No. 1251
File 167395850240.jpg - (2.86MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220825_063259.jpg )
And, to finish the contrast, pic with artificial light.
>> No. 1252
File 167395869948.jpg - (2.56MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220825_063913.jpg )
Same day, same ensemble, but I decided to give an opportunity to this very old wig I had. You might be noticing I'm on a big "bob wig" phase right now, which is ironic because I have naturally long hair and I hate very short hair. However, as a girl, I can definitely see myself having this look - for a while, at least.

For any longer? Not a chance.
>> No. 1253
File 167395893027.jpg - (2.02MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20220825_064021.jpg )
This pic wasn't meant to be taken, actually. It was taken while I was looking aside, without noticing I was holding the thumb too close to the "shutter".

I decided to keep it in just because of how odd it is to look anywhere else, yet feel mostly natural. You can see the seam in the neck as well as the eyelid, though, so there's still that feeling of wrongness with the look.
>> No. 1254
File 167395901811.jpg - (2.74MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220825_064128.jpg )
And, to finish, an attempt at signature shot with this wig. Which...wasn't exactly successful, sadly. It teases the earrings I was wearing during the entire shot, though.

Next: September. (Honest to goodness this time!)
>> No. 1255
I'm definitely a fan of wearing layers.
>> No. 1256
File 167461831252.jpg - (2.38MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220901_012919.jpg )
As promised - pics from September.

This one has the new gloves, even if they can't be seen, alongside one of the new tops, alongside the very short blonde bob and the Hathaway mask. This is an attempt to have as little clothing as possible while still covering up as much.
>> No. 1257
File 167461850785.jpg - (2.45MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20220901_013023.jpg )
Close-up shot. On one hand, I like how the eyeholes blend almost seamlessly (you can still see the lower eye-lid overlapping with my own), which is cool. On the other, you can see the breastplate isn't being nice with me.

And you can see the seams between the breastplate and the gloves a bit closer now.
>> No. 1258
File 167461882525.jpg - (2.34MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220901_013109.jpg )
Body shot. As you can see, the top reaches just below the breasts, leaving my belly intact. (Because, yes, I have a belly; thank you very much for noticing!) The undergarment I'm wearing reaches all the way to the top and I didn't feel like using the corset this time, so you can see it.

What you might not see is the waist cincher I'm wearing *under* the silicone garment. That makes the tummy less pronounced.

Also: very short shorts. Why?
>> No. 1259
File 167462695721.jpg - (2.72MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220901_013334.jpg )
Well, this upper shot *sitting and crossing my leg* should show why. I decided to combine the silicone "leggings" alongside the long gloves, which combined with the breastplate and the mask covers roughly 90% of my body. (What it doesn't cover is the armpit and, if not stretched well, the area under the breast but above the belly.)

I'm also expanding the poses a bit, even if it means showing off more of my room.
>> No. 1260
File 167462708359.jpg - (1.82MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220901_013529.jpg )
Sitting shot, different angle.

Again: the breastplate wasn't working at that moment, but everything else did - specifically, the gloves and the leggings combined almost perfectly.

Not a fan of the look in my face, though.
>> No. 1261
File 167462719765.jpg - (2.24MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220901_014359.jpg )
Top-down isometric shot while biting my finger. Nothing too special - just trying to look sexy.
>> No. 1262
File 167462738411.jpg - (2.11MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20220906_074328.jpg )
Different day, new set-up. This time it's the Haena, except I was wearing both the new gloves and the silicone leggings. (Which I guess I showed off for the first time during September?)

This time, I wanted to address the two bits I couldn't cover, so from a distance I should look completely feminine.
>> No. 1263
File 167463507833.jpg - (2.15MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220906_074528.jpg )
Body shot, showing the outfit. As I mentioned, I wanted to experiment with near-full body enclosure, while still looking like wearing very little.
>> No. 1264
File 167463580724.jpg - (1.83MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220906_074558.jpg )
I love this pic in particular because it just nails so many things - casual look aside, smiling, laying my arm behind very naturally... Just like the first "signature shot", it's a one-in-a-million shot.

Or should I say one-in-a-thousand? Because that seems more like it.
>> No. 1265
File 16746371106.jpg - (2.53MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20220906_074750.jpg )
Mirror selfie, natural lighting.

Curiously enough, while the glare usually wouldn't help, this time it does - mostly as a way to play with the difference in color between the mask and the gloves, as well as blending the eyelids.

Who needs filters when you have the technique?
>> No. 1266
File 167463804219.jpg - (2.02MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220906_074931.jpg )
Top-down shot, sitting down.

Once again, mostly working on how to nail the shot for future occasions, combining some of the things that naturally enhance them - top-down to align the eyelids better, bending my hip a bit to align them to the shot, puffing up my chest - for added sexiness - to improve the quality of the overall shot.

And also, to hide most of what's on my bed. (The D&D textbooks can still be seen, though. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise?)
>> No. 1267
File 167463811711.jpg - (2.01MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220906_074943.jpg )
So, whaddya think? Does this pic make me look cute?
>> No. 1268
File 167463817056.jpg - (2.16MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220906_074950.jpg )
Or do you prefer this one?
>> No. 1269
File 167463837239.jpg - (2.78MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220906_075447.jpg )
Simple selfie, except I'm pushing up my chest. Nothing much to say except I really dig this angle. Or maybe it's just the mask. I really love this mask.
>> No. 1270
File 167463893837.jpg - (3.03MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20220906_075618.jpg )
Yet another chance shot that ended up looking good. I guess some of my best shots are done by accident, so there's not so much technique involved and instead there's a lot of luck?
>> No. 1272
File 167463947583.jpg - (1.74MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220906_075813.jpg )
Full body shot, mostly showing the leggings.

As you can see, the silicone leggings reach all the way to the ankles, but don't cover them. I wanted to wear socks and some tennis shoes to look better, but I couldn't find them, so you'll have to see my hairy feet. (Sorry!)

The leggings happen to have a bit of padding to it (not that much, but some), which helps with the curves, and with the "floating point" pattern inside, it's also easier to wear and take off, which is always a plus.

Definitely one of my best investments, if I may say so.
>> No. 1273
File 16746401099.jpg - (1.97MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220906_080452.jpg )
Let's end this up for today with this pic. I took way too many photos during this session - way too many to count - and there's still quite a few more pics to go.

Next: end of September!

I was wondering where this comment came from, but after checking out - yeah, layers can be fun.

There's a couple of photos in the future where I do something pretty crazy, which I'd love to do again, except with all the new stuff I got. Let's just say I go crazy with layers and leave it at that.
>> No. 1274
File 167607638914.jpg - (2.59MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20220907_042911.jpg )
Let's see if we can finish September, shall we?

As you may have seen on a previous teaser (>>1220, roughly by this date), I got my first "doll" mask: the Ching 4. I only took a couple of shots this time just to see how it looked, so it's not a very "big effort" set-up in terms of clothing - just the breastplate and some clothes.

What made me do that choice? Well, it's a cute face, I won't deny it, and it's the only way I'll probably be able to change my eye color, because I have issues with contacts. (Well, actually, I have issues with putting anything directly on my retina - I clamp my eyelids shut reflexively.) I was also intrigued by the experience of wearing a half-face mask with low visibility, and wondered how flexible it was.

To answer all those questions: it's very strange. Definitely not recommended for those with claustrophobia, but the lower part of the mask is *somewhat* flexible. Not very much, to be honest.
>> No. 1275
File 167607897446.jpg - (2.38MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220907_042923.jpg )
Top-down shot, mostly so you can see the difference between an open-eye mask and a mask with fake eyes.

There's very little to say here except the fake eyes make posing a bit more complicated. To be precise: I'm looking at the phone directly because of the lack of peripheral visibility, but it feels like I'm looking downwards.
>> No. 1276
File 16760792113.jpg - (2.26MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220913_031654.jpg )
Change of date, change of wig, change of clothes, but still the same mask. I wanted to see how the Ching looked on a (mostly) red hair wig.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of these shots show I had an issue with the breastplate that day. For some reason, the neck portion wasn't helping me, so it looks like it's bloated. It's a shame, since half-face masks shouldn't allow any issues with breastplates. (I unfortunately noticed too late that I had the breasts themselves a bit higher than they usually should be, and that caused the issue.)

The top is also new, meant for something I planned to get later on but took an *eternity* to arrive. (Something I'll explain later on, but rest assured, it was definitely worth the wait!)
>> No. 1277
File 16760795018.jpg - (2.66MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220913_031749.jpg )
Top-down shot, showing the outfit.

Like before, I decided to go with the waist cincher instead of the corset, so you can see a more "natural" tummy rather than the svelte figure I usually sport. Waist cinchers are a lot better if you don't have a large...well, *waist*, because it can only reduce it so far. On the other hand, waist cinchers are easier to reduce.

The top is similar to others I have, except this one has a very open cleavage and slightly shorter arm sleeves, so you can see my hairy arms. I bought two of the same kind, mostly because I wanted one for these breasts and another for the much larger ones I was expecting, but it so happens that these ones were the better-fitting in the end. (Note that clothes bought through Chinese online outlets tend to have smaller sizes than advertised.)
>> No. 1278
File 16760796864.jpg - (2.30MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20220913_031823.jpg )
Breast-level shot. And yes, I wasn't wearing a bra this time.

I like this shot because it shows how the right breastplate, wig and clothing can hide some of those secondary sexual characteristics - specifically, my shoulders. The cup size and overall size of the breasts, coupled with the slimming effect of the wig, makes my shoulders look, if not smaller, less protuberant. This helps with feminizing the figure.

Then again - the breastplate was hanging a bit higher, so that might've ended up helping at some point but not in another, as I mentioned before.
>> No. 1279
File 167608022291.jpg - (2.39MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20220913_031947.jpg )
Selfie shot.

This is without the waist cincher (and, to be honest, I might've just worn nothing this time, because later pics show me with my, ahem, *normal* figure), and as you can see, the difference is very obvious. I apologize if it's not to your liking after spoiling you with slimmer figures, but sometimes you just don't want to constantly wear something so restrictive all the time.

I will admit it's pretty unflattering, considering that the mask appears slim regardless of your actual head size, so it can end up being jarring. However, I think you may agree that, sometimes, just looking natural and not worrying about how society expects you to look can be a bit liberating.

Think about it this way: if someone who's trying to always look more feminine sometimes goes "eh, screw it, gonna let my gut flow freely", why should I insist that others always look their best? Try to find the beauty in natural looks, and thank them for subjecting themselves to body shaping and tons of makeup *when they feel like it* because they want to look beautiful.

In short: seek natural beauty and complement it.

(But if you feel this pic, and others from this shot, aren't to your liking...well, go ahead and say so! Doesn't really matter.)
>> No. 1280
File 16760804397.jpg - (2.83MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20220913_032241.jpg )
Attempt at signature shot.

The fake eyes of the mask give this particular shot something that open-eyed masks can't. On one hand, the contrast between the upper iris being obscured and the lower iris almost sparkling, looking distant, make me look as if longing for something. On the other hand, there's this lack of sensuality and liveliness of actual eye contact.

Surprising to see how this little difference can change everything.
>> No. 1281
File 16760817349.jpg - (2.56MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220913_032931.jpg )
Top-down shot with wig change.

This is mostly where I start to notice that the breastplate is bulging in all the wrong ways. Which is a shame, since the breasts are so comfy just sitting there...
>> No. 1282
File 167608188233.jpg - (1.86MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20220913_033148.jpg )
Random shot that I found interesting.

If the previous one didn't made it obvious, this one does. I believe I'm trying to stretch the extra "skin" back, but even then that's not helping. However, it feels like I'm just casually placing my hand there, which - if not for that issue - would look sorta cute.
>> No. 1283
File 167608206630.jpg - (2.73MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220928_022105.jpg )
Change of date, change of everything.

As you can see, I'm back at the Hathaway, but this time I got a large business-style coat coupled with a new wig. This is one of two bob-styled blonde wigs I found interesting. Curiously, this one is the *least* I like, because the other one I simply fell in love with.

I guess it's because one of the strands just twists to the other side, or the length of the bangs, but while I still like it, it's not on my top fave wigs.
>> No. 1284
File 167608218954.jpg - (2.74MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220928_022219.jpg )
Top-down shot, showing off the wig a lot better.

It's weird, because I don't understand why I like the other one instead of this one, since I like the style itself. I'm assuming it's because the ends aren't as round as the other one, standing almost squarely at the shoulders.

You'll have to wait to see the other one, though.
>> No. 1285
File 167608232822.jpg - (2.21MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220928_022244.jpg )
Body shot, showing the coat.

As you can see, this coat can be worn by itself or over a different outfit. It's pretty short, though, ending up *juuuust* below the crotch, so make sure you have a decent skirt on it if you wear it. I bought it for the huge tits I was (at the moment) waiting for, so it ended up being much larger than expected. This affects the waist more than the chest or shoulders, however.
>> No. 1286
File 167608244097.jpg - (2.24MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220928_022249.jpg )
Side shot for comparison.

As you can see, without a belt to cinch the waist, the whole coat looks blocky rather than form-fitting. You can also see where the garment ends, which is dangerously close to that place.

Worn with a nice skirt or pants, it shouldn't cause too many problems. Otherwise...well, it's not very appropriate.
>> No. 1287
File 167608258479.jpg - (2.12MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220928_022333.jpg )
Top shot, showing a little leg.

I tried to find a good skirt to match, but I had none. However, I planned to wear my knee-length boots, mostly to cover my prosthetic undergarments. As you can see, they didn't disappoint. (Except for being much lighter than the rest of the prosthetics, for one.)

I still feel I'm not giving this wig a fair chance, though.
>> No. 1288
File 167608270727.jpg - (1.72MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20220928_022446.jpg )
Sitting body shot, cross-legged.

Turns out, sitting down helps a bit to cinch the waist. (That, or probably pulling the fabric back a bit.)
>> No. 1289
File 167608283249.jpg - (1.59MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20220928_022554.jpg )
Mirror selfie, mostly body.

As you can see, the coat also has a couple of pockets, so I can hide my hand there and work things out a bit. The mirror hides some of the contrast of the outfit, however.
>> No. 1290
File 167608313925.jpg - (2.70MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221008_081834.jpg )
...Actually, y'know what? Let's end this with a tease for next month (i.e., October).

Why? Because I want you to see the *other* wig I bought, and the reason why I say I'm not giving the previous one a fair chance. See just how *gorgeous* it looks on me?

In any case, expect October to be mostly showing off the new wig. November is when things become a bit more interesting (as well as when tragedy strikes) and December is when you'll see the new things I've got for you.

See you then!
>> No. 1291
File 167704639443.jpg - (2.53MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221004_040551.jpg )
Alright, so I probably went ahead with a different shot for the teaser, but let's start October with the wig proper. I'm using my Hathaway on this date, alongside one of the new tops and a rather light outfit.

I think this shot encompasses why I love this wig so much - the layers. It has different-colored strands of hair that make it look natural, bangs that sweep very lightly aside, the ends of the bob fall symmetrically... It's an entirely different - and exhilarating - experience.
>> No. 1292
File 167704658133.jpg - (2.51MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20221004_040618.jpg )
Close-up panoramic selfie.

This is another reason why I love this wig so much - though I previously mentioned the layers, it's much easier to see here. Notice how the ends look like you were wearing a cowl of feathers. Even if tussled a bit, the wig slims my face, making it look sultrier.
>> No. 1293
File 167704678639.jpg - (3.10MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221004_040729.jpg )
Top-down shot, showcasing outfit.

For this, I was using my short, um, "girdle", and it was a sweaty night, so you can see where the seam should be even if I'm wearing jeans. I'm also wearing boots underneath them, and one of the new gloves underneath the jacket. Add the corset to the whole outfit, and I'm essentially covered head to toe in silicone and feminine garments.
>> No. 1294
File 167704698221.jpg - (2.40MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221004_040905.jpg )
Isometric portrait shot.

I like how this (and the shots directly before and after) ended, because the depth effect makes you concentrate on the wig, the mask and the chest.

If I were to go outside one day fully dressed, I feel this would be close to what I'd wear. Maybe a change of outfit, but other than that, definitely this combination.

Then again, with the new acquisitions, I might just alter a couple of things...
>> No. 1295
File 167704715142.jpg - (2.74MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20221004_041220.jpg )
Extreme close-up mirror selfie.

When I take a mirror selfie, I usually look at the phone camera, then at the mirror while keeping my thumb close to where the "shutter" at the screen would be, ready to take the shot.

This is done (obviously) with the door closed, but that depends on *how* closed it is. Sometimes it's only halfway and I get a smaller amount of space, sometimes I have it fully closed and I can back off a bit. This is an example of the former, which is why it seems like I'm looking somewhere else. (But, really, I'm looking at myself. Wouldn't you/)
>> No. 1296
File 167704727270.jpg - (2.71MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221004_041341.jpg )
Here, I show one of the earrings I usually wear with these kinds of masks. As you can see, even holding the hair behind the mask's ear feels so natural and so delicate.

It's almost as if the wig didn't seem like a wig at all. Perhaps that's why I'm so obsessed over it.
>> No. 1297
File 167705602465.jpg - (2.14MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20221004_044059.jpg )
Extreme close-up selfie on "location B". (That's how I'll refer the other room from now on, I guess.)

Again, everything conspires to make things work in this shot. Perhaps the strands of hair sticking from my lip help with the illusion, despite that room having no fan nor strong breeze to justify it. (And I'm not wearing any make-up, I believe.)

I could keep talking about the wig, but it wouldn't do it any justice.
>> No. 1298
File 167705623233.jpg - (2.95MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20221008_081934.jpg )
Different date, different mask, (slightly) different outfit. This one is with the Haena, and part of the same shooting from where I took the teaser shot.

As I changed into my favorite top, I could safely say this is the outfit I'd use if I ever were to go hang out somewhere. The jeans are different (the newest ones in my collection), and the wig is a little bit looser, but IMO better looking.

Top is fully zipped up in order to hide the "bib" of the mask.
>> No. 1299
File 167705640214.jpg - (3.66MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221008_082147.jpg )
Body shot.

Even though I have the corset on, you'll most likely notice my gut's bloating up a bit. Corsets help a lot but aren't magical - adjust them too much and they can become obnoxiously troublesome. Sit the wrong way and you'll feel breathless, or get a little sting of pain on your backsides, but if you're standing up or in a tall stool, you shouldn't have any problems.
>> No. 1300
File 167705659646.jpg - (2.89MB , 3472x4624 , IMG_20221008_082452_Bokeh.jpg )
Mirror selfie.

Again, I'm going for a single gloved hand, trying to hide my other one (or at least reduce how much it remains in sight).

It might seem like I'm holding my breath and straightening up, but that's not the case. It's either the angle, or the corset that's keeping me straightened out.

That said, I like how my curves ended showing up. They're enticing, wouldn't you think?
>> No. 1301
File 167705667735.jpg - (3.29MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221008_082649.jpg )
Coquettishly cocking my head. Not much to be said.
>> No. 1302
File 167705679564.jpg - (3.29MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221008_082656.jpg )
Showing up a little smile.

Again, this is the main reason I love the Haena - it fits my lips to such degree that they allow me the best lip movement I can muster. So, take my favorite mask (or one of my faves; it's a toss-up between the Haena and the Hathaway) and add it my newest favorite wig, coupled with my favorite top, and what do you get?
>> No. 1303
File 167705701295.jpg - (3.10MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221008_082749.jpg )

This is the moment where I truly embraced this wig as one of my definite favorites. This is where I feel the wig shows its greatest strengths - shaping the face to look slimmer, while the mask hides my eyes just good enough to make them sparkle, giving this serene and happy look.

I like this happy look. A lot. That, plus the lips always ready for a smile, and you can see why this particular shot enticed me the most.
>> No. 1304
File 167705718451.jpg - (2.91MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20221008_082814.jpg )
Which is how I ended up taking this.
>> No. 1305
File 167705722118.jpg - (2.99MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221008_082852.jpg )
And this.
>> No. 1306
File 167705726576.jpg - (2.83MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221008_082903.jpg )
And this one too.
>> No. 1307
File 167705731559.jpg - (3.36MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221008_082935.jpg )
And yet another one such as this.
>> No. 1308
File 167705735183.jpg - (2.80MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221008_083004.jpg )
And also this.
>> No. 1309
File 167705739178.jpg - (3.03MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221008_083008.jpg )
And four seconds later, this one.
>> No. 1310
File 16770574347.jpg - (2.70MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221008_083029.jpg )
And then this one.
>> No. 1311
File 167705758223.jpg - (2.90MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221008_083058.jpg )
And this one, and a couple more.

It's very rare to feel such a rush because of nailing the look so well, it's like you'll never repeat it at all.

There's a couple more shots in October, but I feel rushing you with this last one took most of the time I have for you. Thus, I'll finish October next time, with the return of some old wigs.

See you then!
>> No. 1312
File 168235756768.jpg - (2.70MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221012_053438.jpg )
(Trying to see if this works; browser change seems to do wonky things...)

Top-down view, reusing (and reviving) an old bob wig. Also using the lighter denim jacket and thigh-high boots.
>> No. 1313
File 168235781118.jpg - (2.42MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20221012_053523.jpg )
Close-up shot.

Just to clarify, this wig isn't a cheap one, at least in terms of "cheap wig you can buy in stores for Hallowe'en". It's not a high-end wig either, but it's done by a company that does good quality wigs. You can see that the shine of the strands clocks it as fake, but the cut is passable enough. At best, it's a bit "old-school", though not to the level of pompadour of the eighties. Maybe the edginess of the nineties.

(Good grief, I love the 90's punky aesthetic!)
>> No. 1314
File 168235807650.jpg - (2.35MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20221012_053646.jpg )
Selfie shot, showing earring.

This is another reason why the wig looks obviously fake despite being of pretty good quality. Baby hair does wonders (which is why lace wigs are so good).

This is the first time in *years* that I've used this wig, and I wanted to see how it looked with a different mask. This was one of the wigs I had when I had my Taylor mask in good condition.
>> No. 1315
File 168235825521.jpg - (2.77MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221019_050733.jpg )
Change of date, change of wig & outfit.

One of the issues with short wigs is that they're designed for small heads. This one would look great if my head was shorter, but as it is, it obviously looks like a wig that fits ill atop my head. (And this is one of the best angles I could get!)
>> No. 1316
File 168235850349.jpg - (3.64MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221019_050825.jpg )
Top-down view.

Alright, so I got another good shot. I like this wig because , despite lacking hair on the sides, it has a very bold cherry red bang.

One curious thing I noticed is that, despite being the largest bra I got, it looks like I'm deliberately pushing my boobs up. Maybe the top doesn't help with it?
>> No. 1317
File 168235867077.jpg - (3.31MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221019_050951.jpg )
Body shot.

This might give you a good idea why it seems that the bra's giving my boobs a push-up. It's a nice figure, though - you think the same?
>> No. 1318
File 168235880116.jpg - (2.59MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221019_051133.jpg )
Top-down shot on different room.

I like how lighting makes a difference on the shot, but also how the camera, despite focusing on me, shows a very crisp image on the floor lit by my own room. Mostly the reason why I chose this one.
>> No. 1319
File 168235920272.jpg - (2.15MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221109_035011.jpg )
Finally (finally!) got into November, and I decided to wear my newest favorite wig alongside one of my favorite masks!

Not (necessarily) pictured: the new gloves and the silicone leggings. This is, essentially, me being, for all intents and purposes, completely encased in silicone. This is the closest I've gotten into "full suit" experience.
>> No. 1320
File 16823593547.jpg - (2.20MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221109_035120.jpg )
Side shot, head slightly cocked.

Alright, so it's *not* my actually newest favorite wig (didn't notice it's a bit stiffer), but it does suit the look, as it slims my face to look prettier.

I still like how it looks on me, though. Do you like it?
>> No. 1321
File 168235976410.jpg - (2.56MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20221109_035313.jpg )
Mirror selfie shot.

You can see from this shot that I'm wearing the short pants, showing off a bit of the silicone leggings, as well as the gloves in full fashion. However, I chose to show this pic because it exudes full femme energy.

I presume it's because of the full figure: the hourglass curve being subtle but noticeable, the way my arm lays straight but my hand curves to my thighs, or maybe it's how the pants shape up my crotch.

But yeah: big femme energy. Maybe one step short of big bimbo energy.
>> No. 1322
File 168236023628.jpg - (2.77MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221109_035435.jpg )
Top-down body shot.

You can see what I mean about being *almost* fully encased in silicone - I got the mask, the fake breasts, the silicone leggings (with padding, of course) and the gloves, but the mid-riff and the feet are exposed. The corset helps covering up the mid-riff, but sadly I couldn't find the tennis shoes that combine with this - which also means that, sadly, my feet betray me as someone wearing a full-body disguise.

Is it a good full-body disguise, though? It doesn't show a lot - maybe I'm distracting you enough so that you don't see it?
>> No. 1323
File 16823608217.jpg - (2.59MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221109_035539.jpg )
I like this shot because I feel cute on it. Probably the nail bite.

Maybe the very short sleeves are something we can discuss. I placed the gloves *after* I put on my shirt, and putting them on turned out to be pretty difficult. Part of it is because they'd end up on my shirt sleeve, which meant I had to take it down, which meant it rolled down and I had to fix it, which meant... You get the idea.
>> No. 1324
File 168236093321.jpg - (2.59MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221109_035615.jpg )
Sexy shot #1.

Remember when I said I was exuding a lot of femme energy with this ensemble? Here's where it starts to manifest.

Maybe the gloves are starting to crumple, but that didn't stop me.
>> No. 1325
File 168236116061.jpg - (2.29MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221109_035712.jpg )
Sexy shot #2.

If it weren't because I have to wear a corset and that the breastplate ends up just above my tummy (and because the mask has a bib), I would've tried doing this on a bikini.

Seriously. This is a bonafide bikini shot.
>> No. 1326
File 168236135910.jpg - (2.10MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20221109_035943.jpg )
Changed to the other room, which for some reason is brighter than usual.

I like this one because it doesn't look like I'm wearing a mask. The flaps in the glove are the only thing that reveal it, but the energy I'm projecting just overcomes that.

Maybe it's the smile. Yeah, that's it.
>> No. 1327
File 168236162010.jpg - (2.68MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221109_040059.jpg )
Yet another great shot. I feel especially proud of this shooting...or I'd say that, if it weren't because something really bad happened in the end.

In this shot, I guess what worked is that I looked very natural doing it. This is during a moment where I was just taking shots in all different angles, just to see what worked. This is mostly what a lot of people posting on Instagram does - taking a thousand pics to find the perfect one, then reduce it to a hundred after getting some experience (valuable or otherwise).
>> No. 1328
File 168236182745.jpg - (2.55MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221109_040306.jpg )
Sexy shot #3

I got a couple shots just like this one - and in fact, one that's identical in everything *except* for one thing.

The smile.

And that does a world of wonders. It's not even a big one - it's a short, small, taut one, but it enhances everything.

Again, the reason why I love this mask so much.
>> No. 1329
File 168236228735.jpg - (3.10MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221109_040401.jpg )
And a booty shot, just for the heck of it.

Speaking of the rear end of things, remember I said some time ago that a tragedy happened with the gloves? Well, at the end of this shoot, while I was trying to remove them, one of them got a pretty nasty gash that left it effectively unusable. This is my fault, though, as I wanted to remove it ASAP and I pinched that side instead of rolling the ends (as you're supposed to do), because I didn't want the nails to screw it up. Turns out, the pinching did.

So, be very careful with your stuff. The other glove still works, which means I can do stuff with it - plus, I got the other gloves, so it means I'm not glove-less.

And with that, we end up October and November. Next - December, a surprise in layers, and the reveal of more new stuff, including a package that was well worth the wait!

(Hopefully the change of browser, and therefore of VPN, doesn't screw things up. I'm actually excited for that last one!)
>> No. 1330
File 168244267338.jpg - (2.07MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221216_060505.jpg )
Alright, let's start off December by using another wig that you might've seen before - in fact, *way* before, with the May mask.

You've also seen this mask, however - it's cheap quality but silicone, oversized on purpose, but not something you'd wear for photorealism.

And you probably know why I'm using it, right? ;)
>> No. 1331
File 168244377814.jpg - (2.28MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221216_060513.jpg )
Side shot.

If it's not obvious, I'm wearing a mask over another mask - and because it's large enough, I'm wearing a mask AND a wig alongside another mask and a wig. Other than that, it's a pretty basic ensemble.
>> No. 1332
File 168244465970.jpg - (2.03MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221216_060523.jpg )
Busty shot. (What else there is to say?)
>> No. 1333
File 168244501847.jpg - (2.19MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221216_060548.jpg )
Top-down view.

Normally, when I wear a mask, this is when the eyes align perfectly. However, as you may see, the eyes don't seem to follow the camera - in fact, they look a lot different than usual.

As I said before, I'm wearing a mask *AND* wig under that mask and wig...
>> No. 1334
File 168244571992.jpg - (1.91MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221216_062155.jpg )
...specifically, this mask and wig.

And yes; I was wearing that wig under the mask, which meant that sometimes the hair would get all over it.
>> No. 1335
File 168244649957.jpg - (2.26MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221216_062322.jpg )
Selfie shot.

As you can see, I opted off the corset, but the breasts look larger. See, wearing a mask under a mask wasn't the only layering.

I have the first breastplate I ever wore under the newer one as well. And *that* is wrapped tightly under a bra, making those milkers look positively huge!

History time: my first breastplate was somewhere between a B cup and a C cup, but not very big. At the time, they felt pretty heavy, but that was during a time I was slimmer. They complimented the Taylor mask and some foam pads alongside a waist cincher - the first attempts at bodyshaping and masking. I couldn't say it was a breastplate as it was more of a bra of sorts - a silicone vest, tied behind with velcro, rather than the breastplates you see (and that I use) now. Once I started saving more, I started buying more and more stuff, and those first breasts were hidden and tucked away, but every now and then I wear them, without the velcro, for a quick feel.

Since I saw others using two breastplates to increase the size of their chest while taking advantage of the larger cup, I decided to do the same - and this is the result.

Declined for a waist cincher (different from the first, as the zipper went bust) under the girdle but over the corset for even more layers, because the whole experience would've been a but too much for my tastes.

But that isn't the only layering, though. Oh, no...
>> No. 1336
File 16824470218.jpg - (2.42MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221216_062620.jpg )
See, I was wearing a mask *under* a mask and wig *under* another mask and another wig.

And quite frankly, while the experience can be exhilarating, it's also a pain. Wearing Haena isn't an issue, but when you pair the Ching4 over it, you lose a lot of visibility. That's not bad, but when you add a THIRD mask over it, you also start to lose some airflow, and that's when everything starts to screw up.

Couple that with attempting to find something you haven't worn yet, and things get a bit more complicated. (Imagine wearing gloves with all that!)

But yeah - this was a session that had layers of masks and wigs and whatnot. I could've used the short cherry red wig under all this, since the Ching4 happens to have straps that keep it in place, but I decided not to. I *was* careful with all three masks, though.

All in all, it was pretty fun. I'd definitely love to repeat it, probably with a fourth mask and everything set up.
>> No. 1337
The nail bite shot is pretty cute!

And wow at the layers. Even 1 mask feels pretty tight for me, never imagined 3.
>> No. 1338

Thank you! (Though, don't think I didn't notice that your post has a very unique relevance...)
>> No. 1339
File 168273906235.jpg - (2.58MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20221216_062756.jpg )
So, where was I? Right, on the layers.

As you may have noticed, I have the Haena with the bib covered by the breastplate, so there's yet another sort of "layer" in there.
>> No. 1340
File 168273985834.jpg - (2.13MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221216_063041.jpg )
So I went for a wig change, because i wanted to see how everything looked, and...

I know I mentioned how the Haena doesn't seem to work with ginger wigs, but it seems this one suits me particularly well. Maybe it's the bang? Or maybe the pose?
>> No. 1341
File 16827400123.jpg - (2.55MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221216_063511.jpg )
And a top-down pose, once again taking advantage of the bang hiding part of my face.
>> No. 1342
File 168274143746.jpg - (3.20MB , 3472x4624 , IMG_20221216_063641_Bokeh.jpg )
With this selfie shot, I finish this particular shot, though I haven't finished December just yet.

I guess it's time to reveal what's with that...ahem, *big* teaser from New Year's.
>> No. 1343
File 168274172068.jpg - (2.69MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221220_210426.jpg )
First, how about I present my newest mask?

This one is a Molly from MoliFX. You may have seen them on the Internet - the latest company to hit the market. MoliFX sells a (currently) small, yet increasing variety of products from their own brand, though the owner also has a separate site that acts as a reseller.

This one is the Fair skin color, and as you can see, it's quite interesting. I have a bit of an issue with the lower lip, but for the most part it's great - it has the largest eye holes I've seen, not to mention a very solid fit.
>> No. 1344
File 168274197268.jpg - (2.33MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20221220_210500.jpg )
As you can see, it also allows opening my mouth, though not with the naturality of the Haena. It also lacks pre-set makeup, which is both a boon and a curse - a curse for people who don't have many makeup skills.
>> No. 1345
File 168274214297.jpg - (2.60MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221220_210530.jpg )
One thing I like is that it captures expressions pretty well. Perhaps it doesn't show teeth, but it's a smile through and through.

Of course, the mask isn't the only thing I got...
>> No. 1346
File 168274254753.jpg - (3.20MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221220_210636.jpg )
Perhaps it's not very obvious here, but I also got myself a new breastplate - in fact, the largest breasts I've bought for myself.

Though the breastplate is pretty thin and I have to manage it carefully, it's probably my favorite breastplate amongst all I have. The breasts fall naturally, much like the first proper breastplate I bought, but the breasts themselves don't feel heavy at all. (Make no mistake, though - they *are* big and heavy, but once worn, they don't weigh down your chest and back.)

Perhaps they look small, but this was a test run and I didn't use a waist cincher or corset. Trust me when I tell you they're BIG.
>> No. 1347
File 168274300345.jpg - (3.28MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221220_220843.jpg )
But, since you need the evidence, here they are, unleashed.

See when I tell you they're big? (I had a better pic, but it exceeded the size limit, sadly.)

However, you may have noticed my tummy is fully covered in silicone. There's a reason for that.

A HUGE reason.
>> No. 1348
File 168274567573.jpg - (2.85MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221220_210650.jpg )
I also got myself some lower parts with a delectably HUGE ass.

Just like the Molly mask, this is also from MoliFX - their outright legendary Kim 2.0. These, um...pants? Buttocks? These prosthetic lower parts are absolute truth in advertising - no matter your body type, you end up with a massive derriere.

However, that's not the only thing. The penis pouch is long and traditional styled but surprisingly wide for a good fit. The padding is actually built-in, made from the very same silicone, giving it structure and also firmness. As you can see, the whole thing goes from your belly to just right above your knees. With some good fitting jeans, you can also presume of having a beautifully large and sexy rear - though, if you wanna show it, make sure to get some opaque stockings or thigh-high boots.

Oh, and as a first one - it also has an open rear. One that stretches pretty wide without tearing up.

Are those enough words to say just how MUCH I love these? Because I think they're not enough - they changed everything for me, and I always find an excuse to wear them.
>> No. 1349
File 168274641831.jpg - (3.13MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221220_210913.jpg )
Side shot showing the new breasts and butt.

Obviously, the belly makes both things look smaller than they really are, but they aren't. Maybe not today, but you'll definitely see how they look when I wear something to cinch that belly.
>> No. 1350
File 168274672654.jpg - (2.99MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221220_220303.jpg )
Same ensemble, but with an old, reliable wig.

Again, the mask has no makeup, but it has its charm despite that. This shot is especially flattering, perhaps because it's one of the few that show my eyes in a placid mood.
>> No. 1351
File 168274701011.jpg - (3.29MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221220_220418.jpg )
This particular shot also shows one of the peculiar advantages of this mask. Those, believe it or not, are my actual eyelashes. With some makeup to cover the eye slits, they should look quite alluring.
>> No. 1352
File 168274744080.jpg - (3.85MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221220_220817.jpg )
Top-down view for comparison.

You can see how the eye slits are cut, which is very different from most masks. The eyebrows are punched in and combined with a shadow to enhance their look, which is pretty helpful.

The shot also helps showing off just how large the breasts are. Guess I have "torpedo tits" now, don't you think?
>> No. 1353
File 168274758440.jpg - (3.28MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20221220_220608.jpg )
And with this mirror selfie I leave you for the day. The next few shots should finish up last year, showcasing the new breasts and derriere a bit better. After that? Well, let's see what's to come.
>> No. 1370
I'm a thousand years late on commenting yet again, but this is another one of my favorites. Gives some punk vibe or something, and I can imagine you standing outside a dance club late at night with a bunch of neon lights everywhere.
>> No. 1388
It's been a while since I've actually posted something (rather than responding) and I **still** haven't finished with 2022, so let's do that first.
>> No. 1389
File 170945219723.jpg - (2.92MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221222_041243.jpg )
Back on the Haena, but testing some of the new wigs.
>> No. 1390
File 170945238557.jpg - (2.76MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221222_041303.jpg )
And of course, showcasing my new puppies.

One thing I like about them is how they hang. You need a bra to lift them, but they feel a lot more natural than some torpedo tits.
>> No. 1391
File 170945267141.jpg - (2.20MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221222_041435.jpg )
Full-body shot, showcasing both the new breasts AND the new derriere.

Compared to last time, I decided to add the corset to the mix to flatten the belly, but since I've gotten some weight, it's definitely not as flat and hourglass-shaped as I'd like to.

Curiously enough, while I might not look young, I do look MILF-y. (And I don't mind!)
>> No. 1392
File 170945274597.jpg - (2.40MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221222_041443.jpg )
...Or maybe I'm deceiving you?

Compare the two and judge for yourselves.
>> No. 1393
File 170945281464.jpg - (2.28MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221222_041454.jpg )
One more for better comparison.
>> No. 1394
File 170945315158.jpg - (2.16MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221222_041459.jpg )
And a twist to the opposite side for an even more complete comparison.

(Though, I won't deny this shot flattens my tummy quite a bit.)

I also suppose that the MILF-y look is a combination of the ensemble: the stretchy long-sleeved top, the pearl necklace, but then the jeans and the curves create the contrast.
>> No. 1395
File 170945338884.jpg - (2.48MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20221222_041617.jpg )
Mirror selfie.

Once again, that MILF-y look shows up.
>> No. 1396
File 17094536859.jpg - (2.23MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20221222_041646.jpg )
A rather rare mirror selfie from an angle I don't do often.

On one hand, the eye slits are visible, so it's not one of the best angles, but on the other hand, the smile looks way much cuter than usual. So it's a toss-up.
>> No. 1397
File 170945384627.jpg - (3.52MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221222_042029.jpg )
Booty shot, because I didn't spend all the money I spent on them to keep it hidden.
>> No. 1398
File 17094540595.jpg - (2.26MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221222_042708.jpg )
Some of the things I've tried is new angles to shoot, even if it means revealing more of my room. This is one such moment, though I tried to hide as much of it as I could.
>> No. 1399
File 170945448627.jpg - (2.29MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221222_043204.jpg )
Showcasing the tassel earrings I was wearing back then. (Sadly, one of them had its clip torn off, so I can't use them.)

Strangely enough, maybe it's the ombre roots that make it work, but I like how the wig looks on me. It definitely looks natural, which is weird considering I've always said the Haena doesn't seem to mix with red hair wigs.

But then again, this isn't exactly a bright red but more of a reddish-brown, so that's why it works?
>> No. 1400
File 17094547388.jpg - (2.54MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221222_043509.jpg )
Change of wig.

Compared to the other one, this definitely looks like a wig, but I love how it looks on me.

Seriously. I love this wig so much.
>> No. 1401
File 170945512986.jpg - (3.14MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221222_043525.jpg )
I don't know what's with this pic, but I love it. There's so many things clicking with it: the wig makes my look be on point, combined with that mystifying smile coupled with that semi-serious look...

I dunno. Maybe you can tell me?
>> No. 1402
File 170945539789.jpg - (2.46MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221222_043541.jpg )
"Hey. Come clean.

You're looking at them, aren't you?

Don't try to hide it! I'm not mad at you. If anything, I'm mad that you're not saying anything!

So, what about it? Want me to smother you?"

>> No. 1403
File 170945570446.jpg - (2.08MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20221222_043943.jpg )
And another one just for the heck of it. I look cute here, admit it.

Buckle up, though - this photoshoot is LONG. (Trust me, all of this was done in roughly an hour.)
>> No. 1404
File 170945596443.jpg - (3.05MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20221222_044258.jpg )
Another wig change, this time to one you've already seen, but not with this ensemble.
>> No. 1405
File 170945614935.jpg - (2.56MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20221222_044351.jpg )
Mirror selfie with wig change.

There's a distinct sort of "magic" to mirror selfies (the distortion, I guess) that makes the imperfections fade.

I mean - it's even making me look slimmer!
>> No. 1406
File 170945635466.jpg - (2.38MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221222_044649.jpg )
Yes, I am biting my pearl necklace here. It's intentional. Just wanna see if you feel allured by it.
>> No. 1407
File 170945652045.jpg - (2.17MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221222_044817.jpg )
I like how this one ended up - the cute smile, showing off the earrings...

Yeah, definitely that. Nothing else.
>> No. 1408
File 170945688618.jpg - (2.39MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221222_044910.jpg )
Love this one as well, even if it shows the seam of the mask. Maybe it's how the hair covers up part of my face, or the distant look, or how my arm rests so naturally on my waist.

I suppose, like I've said before, that practice does make perfection, because I'm not sure if I could've done these shots so well years ago.
>> No. 1409
File 170945717024.jpg - (2.41MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20221222_045409.jpg )
And yet another wig change, to one you haven't seen in a long time. (Probably because it looks a bit fake, even if it's supposed to be human hair.) This one will obviously showcase the tassel earrings.
>> No. 1410
File 170945746944.jpg - (2.81MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20221222_045624.jpg )
Mirror selfie with short-hair wig.

Once again, showing how the effect of mirrors helps with the illusion. (Though I look a bit too serious, don't you think?)
>> No. 1411
File 170945768536.jpg - (2.76MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221222_045847.jpg )
And one last body shot to end *this* day.

Because...there's still ONE more day left in 2022 before I can start showing all the pics from 2023. But that'll have to be another day (hopefully tomorrow!), because, as you can see, this was a lot for one day.
>> No. 1412
File 171001769644.jpg - (2.95MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221225_035542.jpg )
Well, it wasn't "tomorrow" but it was before a week passed, so there's that.

For the last shoot of 2022, I went for the Hathaway and the new boobs/cabooze on the denim dress. I'm quite sure I've shown everything I'm wearing, so this was mostly for fun.
>> No. 1413
File 171002029927.jpg - (3.36MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221225_035559.jpg )
Lower shot, showing the cleavage.

Given that the dress is pretty tight on the chest, it's essentially squishing them, but you can see just how soft and squishy they are. Love them!
>> No. 1414
File 171002151882.jpg - (2.94MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221225_035721.jpg )
Body shot. As you can see, the dress is very, VERY short, but the new cabooze extends well below the hips, reaching just to the knee. Couple that with knee-high boots, and nobody has to know they're fake.

And of course, as always, I'm wearing the corset to flatten the abdomen.
>> No. 1415
File 171002174417.jpg - (2.94MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221225_035732.jpg )
Side shot, just to show that round, firm booty.

Best investment I've made so far.
>> No. 1416
File 171002354823.jpg - (2.66MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20221225_035854.jpg )
Mirror selfie.

Probably not the most flattering one, I'll admit, but a nice-looking one nonetheless. Now, if you're eagle-eyed, you might notice some of the boxes where I store some of the stuff, including the open one with the boxes where the new boobs and booty came, and a bit above, the box holding the Molly mask and the logo.

But if you're very, VERY observant, you'll notice something else.
>> No. 1417
File 171002422271.jpg - (3.26MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20221225_035911.jpg )
If you pay attention to this picture, I'm holding my phone with one of my hands, which happens to have nails. I normally don't glue nails to my hands, which can only mean one thing.

Remember when I said one of my new gloves tore off? This is the other, which is still intact. However, if you notice the previous pic, you'll notice my other hand is also very smooth.

This is because I mixed and matched two different kinds of gloves. I was testing if I could use the first pair of gloves I ever bought with my newest phone and take pictures, and it so happens that I can, because of the increased sensitivity.

It's the only way I'd wear a dress like this, with short sleeves. But, because they're so different, I decided to focus on one side at a time, rather than the other.
>> No. 1418
File 171002477049.jpg - (2.42MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20221225_035926.jpg )
Another mirror selfie to show the difference. Look at the arm at the left, and then the hand in the right. The mirror helps hide the lack of nails on the right hand.
>> No. 1419
File 171002558088.jpg - (3.30MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221225_040044.jpg )
Top-down full body shot, showcasing all but the earrings.
>> No. 1420
File 171002615944.jpg - (2.32MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221225_040141.jpg )
And speaking of the earrings...
>> No. 1421
File 17100267422.jpg - (2.98MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221225_040718.jpg )
Shot on other room. Little else to say except I look cute here.
>> No. 1422
File 17100273297.jpg - (3.38MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221225_040957.jpg )
Sitting shot, showing up some body.

As you can see from this shot and the previous shoot, I've been experimenting with these kinds of angles, and this one in particular definitely nailed it.

It's all in the curves.
>> No. 1423
File 17100279132.jpg - (3.05MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221225_041119.jpg )
Another sitting shot, this one showing up the boots.
>> No. 1424
File 171002845442.jpg - (2.19MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221225_041307.jpg )
Once again, testing different locales. I used a seat to pose. Unfortunately, the gloss of the mask became too obvious here, but it shows a pretty strange effect - almost like if I was shapeshifting?

No, gals and guys, I'm not an extraterrestrial. (Just in case.)
>> No. 1425
File 171002880761.jpg - (2.28MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20221225_045710.jpg )
Top-down body shot, but without the dress!

This is a good moment to show the breastplate and the hips, in fact.

The breastplate is supposed to represent S-cups, but I feel they're a bit too small. I don't care, though, because they're big, and I like having them big.

The lower part, as I mentioned before, is the Kim 2 from MoliFX. As you can see, it covers a large area (pretty much all the belly, the groin and the hips all the way to the knees) and adds some exceptional curves.

Of course, this makes this shot (and the next few ones) NSFW, but... Let's say it's my 2022 Christmas gift for you, because I took them on Christmas night.

Let's say I wanted to surprise Santa ;)
>> No. 1426
File 171002913685.jpg - (3.59MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221225_045850.jpg )
Portrait shot showing up the cleavage.

Another of the things I like about this breastplate is that, as you can see, under the proper light conditions it matches my skin tone. That said, when I mentioned these breasts felt smaller than the S-cups they were telling me, the reason is because I bought this bra to fit G-cups, and they happen to fit just right.

I suppose the reason is because it's challenging to do full silicone fill breastplates of that size without the whole thing tearing apart. Because yes - the jiggle and softness comes from them being full of silicone, rather than elastic cotton.

Other than the size, I really recommend them.
>> No. 1427
File 171003054162.jpg - (3.08MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221225_050016.jpg )
Mid-body shot in underwear.

This one should showcase the Kim prosthetic a lot better. As you can see, coupled with the corset, it creates a very natural feminine figure (which is what I'm always looking at).

Of course, the groin area isn't as tight at it should be, but that's what you get when you look so good. Some...ahem, "parts" just don't want to behave as they should.
>> No. 1428
File 171003173326.jpg - (2.85MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221225_050021.jpg )
Side body shot.

Though I've mentioned it previously, this is undeniable evidence that the Kim can provide a shapely round butt. It's primarily the reason why I purchased it, and I have no regrets.
>> No. 1429
File 171003214898.jpg - (2.48MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221225_050720.jpg )
Top(less) down shot, to show the nipples. You can also see how the breasts fall without any supporting underwear, as well as a better look at the breasts themselves.
>> No. 1431
File 171003253664.jpg - (2.23MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20221225_050857.jpg )
And to finish, a close-up of the Kim's vagina, complete with the little tube connected to the catheter that allows you to...ahem, urinate while wearing it. Not shown, though, is that the prosthetic *also* has an anal hole, though reinforced in order to avoid teardown.

With this, I FINALLY complete 2022. From now on, everything I post is 2023 content. So yeah - I'm catching up. Slowly but surely.
>> No. 1432
File 171097757965.jpg - (1.06MB , 2448x3264 , Kiara 1.jpg )
Heya, don't mind me just passing by with my Kiara mask :3
>> No. 1433

Where did you get it!? I love it! It looks so good in you!

Shame I might not be able to afford it - on a difficult situation at the moment. Then again, my focus right now is on fancy clothing and jewelry. (Only wish high heel boots were a bit cheaper - they're always on the 60 - 80 range.)
>> No. 1434
It is the latest CreaFX model :)


I also asked for customised makeup, with my Hebe from DMS as a reference
>> No. 1438
File 172177138484.jpg - (2.65MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_042712.jpg )
It's been a while, but here's the first of the 2023 photos. (Of which there's a lot.)

This is mostly with the Hathaway while using this cute red bob wig.
>> No. 1439
File 172177154418.jpg - (2.65MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_042738.jpg )
Side shot, showing part of the outfit.
>> No. 1440
File 172177171315.jpg - (1.97MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20230103_042758.jpg )
Close-up mug shot, mostly to show off the wig.
>> No. 1441
File 172177350949.jpg - (2.94MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_042848.jpg )
Another side shot, showing the outfit a bit better.

In essence, it's a two-piece set, comprised of a stretchy black sleeveless dress and an equally stretchy black jacket, acting as the sleeves. You can easily see the straps of the bra, but not the corset.

Also, the angle of the shot hides the seams of the mask pretty well and the lighting helps a lot to blend the color of the mask and the breastplate, though it does little to hide the eye seams.
>> No. 1442
File 172178582698.jpg - (1.70MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_042859.jpg )
Body shot.

As you may have noticed, there's a new addition to the outfits - a garterbelt. I felt curious as to how it'd look, but most importantly, it helps stretch the stockings when having big hips.

Did I mention I love these big hips?
>> No. 1443
File 17217861788.jpg - (1.58MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_042916.jpg )
Side body shot, showing the shape, as well as the straps of the garterbelt.
>> No. 1444
File 172178813577.jpg - (2.20MB , 4624x2080 , IMG_20230103_043122.jpg )
Mirror selfie.

This shot shows the straps of the dress, in contrast with the other shots where the jacket covers them.
>> No. 1445
File 172178826253.jpg - (2.23MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230103_043325.jpg )
Side shot, showing off the earrings.

(And the cleavage, of course.)
>> No. 1446
File 172178885685.jpg - (2.57MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230103_043557.jpg )
Sitting shot.

I'm trying to nail down these shots, looking for the best angle. Wearing corsets makes sitting down difficult, since it presses the stomach and cuts a bit on breathing.

The biggest difficulty, though, is trying to cross my leg in a proper feminine way. Part of the reason is because the prosthetic doesn't exert a lot of pressure on the groin, so there's still a little bulge preventing me from clamping down my legs closer.

(And just so you know, I'm wearing panties there. I was simply laying my hand there, and only later I noticed the skirt lifted up a bit too much.)
>> No. 1447
File 172178926450.jpg - (1.91MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230103_055530.jpg )
Body shot on other room.

This shot perfectly exemplifies the combined effect of the new breastplate and hips as well as the corset.

Humongous breasts. Broad hips. Thin waist. Is it a reasonable hourglass feature, or is it too exaggerated?
>> No. 1448
File 172178966847.jpg - (2.53MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230103_055814.jpg )
Sitting shot on other room.

Of all the outfits I got, this one is... weird, to say the least. The design invites spending the night on a party, striking a balance between elegance and flirtiness, but the textile seems suited for sleepwear with how stretchy it is. I'm not sure if I'd use it to step out (if for some reason I had the opportunity, the chance and the bravery to step out of my house while masked).
>> No. 1449
File 172178989324.jpg - (3.23MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_20230103_060214.jpg )
Wide selfie while sitting.

This should do for today. Hopefully I'll update more in the upcoming days, to deal with the 2023 pics ASAP.
>> No. 1450
File 172248464540.jpg - (3.18MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_032851.jpg )
New photo set, wearing the Hathaway, the S-cups and the Kim with the rocker girl attire.

You've seen this wig before, but this time it looks a lot better for some reason.
>> No. 1451
File 172248529638.jpg - (2.66MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_032941.jpg )
Body shot.

The angle of the shot doesn't help, but at least shows the curves and the attempt at a hourglass figure. As always, it's achieved through a corset alongside the new breastplate and hips.

The jacket is what's affecting the shot, since it feels like it's too tight on me. (Which, surprisingly, isn't necessarily so.)
>> No. 1452
File 172248541451.jpg - (2.68MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_033011.jpg )
Top-down shot.

Love how the cleavage looks here, but you'll see on the next shot why that's so.
>> No. 1453
File 172248557646.jpg - (2.72MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_033117.jpg )
Side shot.

As you can see, the breasts are being squished upwards, not projecting as much. It's a combination of how the breastplate was placed and that the bra was too tight.

Thus, sweet cleavage but not too much projection.
>> No. 1454
File 172248596197.jpg - (3.15MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_033020.jpg )
Top-down shot, opposite angle.

As I've said before, I'm expanding my repertoire of options, and this is a good example. I often use my right hand to make the shots, but this time, I'm using my left. The change of arm (and hand) makes for a completely different experience, since while it's mostly on the same height and mostly the same angle (just the opposite side), the way my eyes look and how the light projects is strikingly different.
>> No. 1455
File 172248614544.jpg - (2.83MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20230118_033201.jpg )
Mirror selfie.

I really like that shot, as the light reflected by the mirror blends everything uniformly, showing the curves. Of course, the loose blouse makes me look bloated, but that's what happens when you get some pounds, no?

Mirrors definitely help with the illusion, is what I'm saying.
>> No. 1456
File 172248776994.jpg - (2.39MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20230118_033335.jpg )
Gratuitous cleavage shot.

That's it. Just boobs. Big, tight, delectable boobs.
>> No. 1457
File 172248900011.jpg - (2.28MB , 4608x2080 , IMG_20230118_033352.jpg )
Side cleavage shot, aiming for the mirror.

This shows best what I mean about boobs being squished, since there's two ways to compare it; through the closer angle and the mirror providing a slightly different angle. They appear much higher than they should be (hence the cleavage) and just as wide, but not protruding.

The mirror shows the breasts protruding a bit more, but they still show how much they're squished. They're basically yearning to be released.
>> No. 1458
File 172248939681.jpg - (2.54MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_033433.jpg )
Booty shot.

Again, I love the size and shape of the hips from the Kim 2. It's great that we're getting better hip prosthetics from other companies now, but at the moment most companies offered only a couple extra inches down there. It's definitely worth the money to get them.

(Just get enough walking space, since you can knock things down with them. It has happened more than once.)
>> No. 1459
File 172248995568.jpg - (2.36MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20230118_033514.jpg )
Mirror booty shot.

This one's interesting because it shows the whole leg, including thighs. They may seem thin, but note the closer leg and compare.

Also, a little anatomy lesson. Did you know the calves are comprised of two muscles, known as the gastrocnemius and the soleus, both of which are known as the triceps sureus?

I'm saying that because they sell prosthetics for those - and I don't need them. Those calves, as I've said before, are all natural. (And they make wearing boots and tight jeans more difficult!)
>> No. 1460
File 172249033834.jpg - (3.29MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_033538.jpg )
Selfie shot.

This one is mostly to showcase the wig - the curls, the bangs and the volume. This one's becoming one of my favorites since it hits all the right spots: length, style, volume and color.

Do I look good as a redhead? Or am I missing the green eyes to look better?
>> No. 1461
File 172249051245.jpg - (3.28MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_033635.jpg )
Top-down shot.

This one is wider, which helps me make a point about opposing angles. This one is with my right hand.
>> No. 1462
File 172249105362.jpg - (3.56MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_033642.jpg )
This is with my left hand.

Both are roughly at the same height and position, but they reveal different things. One focuses more on the cleavage and the eyes, the other makes me look slimmer.

While I'm at it, lemme speak about what the jacket does. When crossdressing (not just masking), you need to hide some of your sexual characteristics and fake the others. For men, shoulders are a dead giveaway.

With this angle and how the jacket poses, I appear *smaller* than I'd normally would. The trick is that the jacket, coupled with the style of the wig, is making the shoulders look smaller, whereas the breasts being large enough helps with the proportion.

This shot makes my (fake) breasts look natural when in contrast to my shoulders, which makes my overall frame look more feminine. And trust me when I tell you, I'm not exactly short or slim.

If I can pull it off, so can you. You only need to know and practice!
>> No. 1463
File 172249116667.jpg - (2.24MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_055451.jpg )
Semi-nude shot, to showcase the breasts and the Kim 2.
>> No. 1464
File 172249377365.jpg - (2.41MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_055458.jpg )
Side nude shot.

This (and the previous) shot demonstrates best how both prosthetics appear when worn. For example, you can see how the breasts protrude, but also how the hip prosthetic doesn't exactly hides the bulge. You can also see where the Kim 2 ends, which is just around the knee - great for when you're wearing knee-high boots.

Which is part of why I took these - to showcase how much I can hide with these prosthetics and with only a few choice pieces of clothing. (In this case, only the jacket and corset. And the boots, if you consider them clothing.)
>> No. 1465
File 172249391731.jpg - (1.74MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_055508.jpg )
Gratuitous & nude booty shot.

Yes, the color looks a bit off, but overall it looks round and tight, don't you think?
>> No. 1466
File 172249419081.jpg - (1.58MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_055543.jpg )
Close look at the perineum. (Yes, another anatomy lesson!)

In case this seems a bit too explicit, do note that the Wikipedia page for perineum literally shows the male and female genitallia for purposes of explanation, so this isn't explicitly sexual. (That's what the nude boob and booty shots are for.)

That said, it shows how the Kim 2 replicates that area, in case you're wondering.
>> No. 1467
File 17224943764.jpg - (2.38MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230118_055600.jpg )
Top-down shot.

When I mentioned the breastplate looked odd, this showcases it. Like with most breastplates, there's the illusion of a clavicle, but you can see it's slightly stretched out, making it seem odd.

It's another angle that shows the breasts themselves, though, and how they fall naturally and their size.
>> No. 1468
File 17224946765.jpg - (2.26MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20230118_055620.jpg )
Semi-nude mirror selfie.

Compared to the view of the perineum, this one is actually meant to be lewd and sexy. You can see the boots up to the knees hiding the seams, the corset hiding the seams of both the hip prothesis and the breastplate. Other than the hands, I'm almost entirely covered in either silicone, cotton or (faux?) leather.
>> No. 1469
File 172249504736.jpg - (3.32MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_055959.jpg )
Sitting top-down shot.

As I mentioned previously, I'm attempting some variety on shots, and this one is excellent - sitting down makes hips look much larger, for example. It's also meant to be sexy - or at least, I'm trying to. The crossed leg, for example, emphasizes the hip over the crotch while at the same time being suggestive.

Another interesting thing is how the corset cinches and squeezes the hips to add a sense of naturality to it. The standing shots barely show this, which is the reason why I'm aiming for this kind of variety.
>> No. 1470
File 172249520358.jpg - (2.97MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_060039.jpg )
Another sitting top-down shot, with the angle hiding (partially or totally) the naughty bits.
>> No. 1471
File 172249535142.jpg - (2.89MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_060432.jpg )
Top-down selfie.

Though again standing, this one's pretty cool since the eyes look just right, the hair falls just right and the mirror completes the tale by showcasing the hips and the boots.
>> No. 1472
File 172249565954.jpg - (2.91MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_060450.jpg )
Top-down body shot, to show off some of the stuff I already talked about - the way the breasts fall, the width of the hips (and the curvature of the rear). Arguably the best example you can see of the prosthetics in use and how they can alter my body.

See you next time with
>> No. 1473
File 172249597461.jpg - (3.12MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230118_060606.jpg )
And finally, a selfie with hair pulled back. Nothing educative or exceptional - just a random shot. I feel like I mixed cuteness and seriousness in the way I look.

More 2023 photos soon!
>> No. 1474
File 172715751970.jpg - (2.29MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084151.jpg )
Sorry for being so distracted, everyone!

Moving to February with this little mix of Haena and a ginger wig.
>> No. 1475
File 172715830613.jpg - (2.63MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084244.jpg )
Frontal shot.

Again, I'm sporting the S-cups and the Kim girdle, taking advantage of a pair of wide jeans I got. One thing I didn't notice until very late was that the bib of the mask wasn't stretched properly, making it bulge.
>> No. 1476
File 172715881488.jpg - (2.74MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084306.jpg )
Side shot, showing the jeans. These ones are pretty loose-fitting, making them perfect for large hips, but don't fit the top now that I think about it.
>> No. 1477
File 172715977916.jpg - (2.60MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084423.jpg )
Booty shot, showing how they look with the jeans.

Again, I can't stop praising the design of the Kim. They give such a nice roundness and curves to that area that I feel pads don't always provide.
>> No. 1478
File 172716056747.jpg - (2.90MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084513.jpg )
Simple selfie.

Nothing too impressive, other than to show the fit of the mask and how I like that it gives me enough upper lip control to smile.
>> No. 1479
File 172716101237.jpg - (2.42MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084630.jpg )
Here, I'm trying to make a stylish shot, placing my arm behind the door and casually resting on it. There's two others in reverse, but I feel this one, being less explicit, feels more natural.
>> No. 1480
File 172716171140.jpg - (2.39MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230203_084735.jpg )
Boob shot.

I deliberately chose this one to explain a little something. The breastplate I'm wearing has very soft and squishy breasts. The bra I'm wearing, however, is too small for the cup, making them heave upward and outward. Despite this, they push inward in a very natural way, which you may have seen in other photos, creating a very convincing cleavage.
>> No. 1481
File 172716256213.jpg - (2.44MB , 2080x4624 , IMG_20230203_084805.jpg )
Mirror selfie.

Despite the sun glare (it was morning - and yes, I know my room's a mess, but I know where everything is and I got mobility as well), you can see why I feel this outfit doesn't mesh well. The top is so stylish and slimming, while the jeans feel too... kitschy, maybe? Perhaps it's the pearl necklace that creates the contrast.

Anyways, you can see the curves. And yes, I'm wearing a corset to make them more pronounced.
>> No. 1482
File 172720173018.jpg - (3.00MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230203_085224.jpg )
Attempt at flirty shot (posting after a little rest). I usually try to take shots with my eyes open, but sometimes I blink just when the photo's being taken, and this is a good example.

Despite that.. I guess it's less a flirty shot and more of a happy shot?
>> No. 1483
File 172720357946.jpg - (3.19MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230203_085312.jpg )
Side body shot.

This is another example of what I mean by the bra squishing the breasts. From this angle, you can see how they're being pushed inward, but when you see them from the front, they spread outward. The top does seem to amplify the squishiness, though.
>> No. 1484
File 172720418498.jpg - (2.49MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230203_085502.jpg )
Selfie, mouth semi-open.

Besides mentioning that I'm using the same wig as in the previous shoot, I wanted to take this opportunity to restate the idea of why I like the Haena so much.

It's not just the smile, but also how it keeps its integrity when you open your mouth. Many masks stretch their eyeholes when you open your mouth, immediately revealing the illusion. The Haena should've done so, since it's thicker silicone, and it does if you open your mouth too much, but you could have a conversation and still appear feminine while wearing it.

Alas, it was discontinued, so I can only hope the mask lasts for a long time. It's been the best mask I've worn in a long time.
>> No. 1485
File 172721020337.jpg - (2.84MB , 3456x4608 , IMG_20230203_085553.jpg )
More attempts to try new shots.
>> No. 1487
File 173700746085.jpg - (141.13KB , 1080x1350 , qwertymasker-16-01-2025-0002.jpg )
I always love mask pics that show a little teeth, mouth movement is my favorite part of masking imo
>> No. 1488
File 173708125895.jpg - (2.84MB , 2080x4608 , IMG_20230225_020253.jpg )

I agree. It's challenging to make smiles and mouth movement look natural, especially without any adhesive. It helps when the mask fits you well and when it's stretchy and flexible enough; otherwise, the eye holes stretch and the whole face distorts.

(Pic is a little tease of unreleased photos I still have to update.)

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