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1150 No. 1150 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Requested by anonymous on /d/: clip from a porno video where they pretend to knock out and kidnap a guy, and dress him up in a suit and mask while unconscious.
>> No. 1151
Does anyone have the full video this is from? Or the follow ups?

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1031 No. 1031 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
what do people think about the future of masking? is the technology going to improve significantly, or is there little room for improvement from the designs we have today?

also where are we all hiding nowadays? guessing we’re all on reddit, facebook, twitter, or moved on past our degeneacy
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1034
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Well, a bit of motivation always goes a long way.

That said: I guess most people have mostly moved on, either going deeper or using social media to promote themselves.

I'm doing kinda like Jess now - lurking, watching for new posts, not using social media. I've been tempted at times to get into the Female Masking subreddit, but...eh, don't feel very comfortable using a subverted entry (so to speak).

Pic is also fairly recent, showing some of the new additions. Suffice to say that's the longest wig I have.

P.S.: Really jealous of how you look, Kylie. I don't think I can achieve that kind of look - only now attempting eyeshadow and magnetic eyelashes to improve the look.
>> No. 1035
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You know, I'm always lurkng in the /d/ threads, thinking maybe I should post a link for the people into the real-life stuff, but it just feels wrong to self-promote and I feel paranoid that I'll piss off a mod so I never do. Think anybody would be interested?

Also, here's another blond one with a more classic outfit.
>> No. 1037
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Maybe not in the Bodysuit thread, since it's essentially for drawn stuff. Maybe on the photo boards, since /d/ is meant to be for drawn stuff?

Pic showing off another of my masks.

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874 No. 874 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
New sesh, just one picture for tonight. Double posting because Carla is mildly AWOL. I really like this one, enjoy~

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538 No. 538 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Im indecisive and cant make up my mind about whether I want the playgirl or the doll...i mean big breasts who can resist? Ahah anyways anyone have any feedback on these?
>> No. 539
Never owned one myself so I'm not exactly an authoritative voice, but I've always thought the Playgirl looked just a touch more realistic. Besides, I think you'd find that C cups are plenty big enough. Up to you though, if you want the bangers then by all means go for 'em.

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465 No. 465 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So, I'm not dead yet...

Here's that pic that anon keeps pestering me about... not the most flattering angle IMO, but I wanted to include the post number and this was about the only one I could get with my eyes open... stupid fast blink reflex! More, better, pics to come soon, when I feel like it (or I get pestered enough). More info about the new mask soon too.

In other news, been continuing to murder myself with work, but I've got a new plan for fixing that, so maybe that will ease up soon.
12 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 480
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but I promised anon some pics
>> No. 481
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...so here's some full-res glory for dat skin texturing.

I guess I'll probably do some with and without glasses, and I'll try adjusting the wig a bit more next time.
>> No. 669
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I have to ask, how many of you are transitioning or otherwise transgendered,and how many of you just think of it as a crossdressing fetish?

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639 No. 639 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
But I got my Taylor in the beginning of the year and I was a major lurker here before.

Also, I’m Danielle Bittencourt on Facebook if anyone of you guys wanna befriend (even though I was thinking of quitting there an creating an Instagram account instead).

My makeup looks shit and I need adhesive but thats how I look so far.
>> No. 640
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Filler comment
>> No. 641
Looks good

Adhesive? You bought the applied version?
>> No. 642

Its not the applied version as I bought it second hand but apparently adhesive works in both but glues less in the normal version (because its already tacky). I will just glue the key areas.

I’m thinking of buying the applied version later because I love her so much already, and then I’ll sell this one.

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561 No. 561 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Has anyone ordered from this merchant before?


Do they have any info available about sizing?

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461 No. 461 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm not sure if this is quite the right place to ask, or even if this place is even really active anymore, but since this board seems to mostly revolve around the flagship product of pic related's producer and similar things I figure it's worth a shot.

So I'm planning to purchase an item like the attached image sometime soon. I'd go with a full femskin kind of deal or their girdle but my budget's kind of limited at the moment so items like this Cherry Popper are all I can do for now. However, I'm trying to decide whether I need the full deal or whether the cheaper Chaste model would do just as well. Does anyone know how the Chaste stacks up against the full Popper?

Alternatively, I kind of wish a full briefs version of this product existed, but all I can find are nonfunctional (read: nonpenetrable) ones, a penetrable but rather hideously unrealistic gaping one with an unsightly amount of fake pubes, and one on a Japanese site somewhere that as I recall cost so much that I might as well buy a full Femskin with all the options for the price they were asking. Are there some sort of penetrable prosthetic vagina briefs for sale somewhere I haven't looked that won't totally break my bank?
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 473
I know the forums aren't too active, just a few occasional posts here and there, and probably a little paranoid about new users. Since it's a bit of an odd culture, there does tend to be a few trolls so I can't blame 'em for wanting to screen people. It seems to me like the site is by far the most active in just posting pictures and comments, maybe a bulletin post could work a little better... not really sure. I wish I could just answer your questions but I don't know any more about it than you do.
>> No. 557
the head mod, T-vyrus, definitely gets off on a power trip. Your best chance at getting approved is to suck up to him.
>> No. 560
Heh, over a year later and I still haven't gotten around to getting one.

Considering that T-vyrus is as I understand it heavily associated with the company that makes these I'm probably going to end up looking for a similar product from a different maker out of sheer spite... if one of comparable quality even exists yet, at least. Nice job repping your company, T.

Man their subculture's FUBAR. Someone must've trolled them hard or something, and whoever it was is probably still laughing about it today considering he managed to lock down an entire web community for who knows how many years. You'd think people would realize by now that locking their communities down like this is basically handing trolls a "you win forever" card.

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428 No. 428 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

Does anyone know where I can currently purchase a femask from? The original site is gone (www.femask.com)
>> No. 440
There are a few on AliExpress, but they ain't cheap:

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437 No. 437 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Hey all, I've been looking around at mask options for a while now and I'm considering buying a Greyland or Makupartist (not a Diva) as my first, seeing as there's absolutely no way I could afford anything more right now. There's some things I'd like to know first though, even before I decide on a particular model, and I was wondering if people who've ordered from these two before can tell me about their experiences with the realism/flexibility of the masks - any and all of them. Photos would also be greatly appreciated if you can manage any. Also, I'd like to know how the masks arrived...I'm afraid of receiving a less-than-discrete package and arousing suspicion.

Thanks :)

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