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There maybe intermittent software upgrade issues... email me (any name @this domain) if you get errors or a blank page when trying to post.

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395 No. 395 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Hello, any Admins or Moderators? Hi, this imageboard has recently been marked by pedophiles for a raid. I don't know if it will or when it will happen, but please be mindful of your website. This imageboard doesn't appear too active, so if you can, will you consider shutting this down or becoming an archive instead?
>> No. 396
I noticed that, but thanks for the heads up.
Already deleted a few posts and banned some users... this place is due for an overhaul and domain name change anyway, I think.
>> No. 425
This started in a 4chan thread.

Plan was to plant some drama on Mchan and blame them. Scare and repair.



This guy either was the douche on 4chan who wasted your time or he was a pedo hanging out looking for pedo porn on Mchan.

Either way, he loves drama.

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391 No. 391 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
cough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Bav1kNw1U

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345 No. 345 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Hey guys, so I recently contacted Curveball (the animator of the Emma Watson -> Sofia Vergara mask video)and they're looking for people to work with. You can contact Curveball on Youtube, so best of luck if anyone is interested.

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204 No. 204 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
No idea how this happened... This wasn't here when I put it away last time :(
17 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 317
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...and there's a bit of a gap between the shoulders. Guess I should have squeezed it together harder on a flatter surface.
>> No. 318
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...but there's not much I can do about it now, so I empty the rest of the tube all in one go, and let it cure for several days...
>> No. 319
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...and so here's a not-particularly-flattering picture. But it's definitely survived being put on and taken off, huzzah!
It's a little more obvious than I had hoped, but not too terrible I think.

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311 No. 311 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I repaired my femskin that had a tear at the neck that went down the back like Jess's. Just not as far. However, I don't believe it's possible to pull the suit over my body without it re-ripping. So, I cut off the legs and put the the suit on over my head which puts much less strain on the neck. I did this years ago and have worn the suit quite often. Altho, I did get another tear at the edge of where my patch was. I patched that area and strengthened both that and my original patch about 6 months ago. So far, so good. I like the short suit because it's so easy to get on and leaves my legs free. In fact, I wear the short out in public much more often than my other full Femskin III suit. Because it's so easy dance and go ptty in!
>> No. 315
Oh, hey Doc. Haven't seen you in this part of the woods before :)
Yeah, I thought about splitting it, but I really prefer the one-piece and want something that covers my hairy legs too.
Good to hear your experience on the matter, though.

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268 No. 268 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I just want to throw in my vote for femask if its not too late. It can look *really* good.
>> No. 271
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It's never too late :)
Yeah, I usually don't go for the thinner latex masks, especially with painted on eyes, but there's just something about the Femasks I like... especilly the Fe-3 (pic related). There's a bunch of new models though and I haven't seen what they look like on people, making it hard to decide.
And while I think the Natori mask looks awesome, it makes my head too big to fit my glasses and is stiff so I can't show any facial expression at all.
So I'd finally be able to see while masked and be able to at least move my mouth. That might make me a little more willing to attempt video too, I guess.
>> No. 274
I want one of these masks so badly. I always see them listed as Much Like Real Person brand, I'm not sure if there's a more concise name. They look a little uncannyvalley and doll-like, but honestly that's what I love about them. They're all like $300 bucks though, I wish I had that kinda cash to throw around.
>> No. 275
Yeah, I've seen that "much like real person" on eBay and noticed they're using pictures of the Femask. I'm not sure if it's the guy who makes them selling them on eBay, someone else reselling them, or if it's some kind of counterfeit, which is super common in China for some reason.
The only way to be sure you're getting the real thing is to order straight from the guy who makes them at femask.com (which seems to be horribly broken right now).

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163 No. 163 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
i was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what style the outfit in the pic is? where it may have come from and if they know of any where that might be able to make it or if their is a site that sells outfits similar to the one in the picture?
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 249
i sent Baby the stars shine bright among others an email and never got a response back. you mentioned that other costume makers could duplicate a specific lolita outfit worn. would you happen to know the name of any of these costume makers that would be able to make these types of outfit? and that would respond to an email?
>> No. 269
The clothing is certainly NOT Goth Lolita. Lolita fashion has to have a knee length (or close to it) skirt/dress that can accommodate a bell petticoat (or a-line for classic). Leg warmers are not suitable accessories. Bare shoulders must not be showing (either wear an op or a blouse). The lace on that outfit is terrible quality and would result in the outfit being called 'ita' (meaning a lolita so ugly it hurts people's eyes).
The clothing in that picture is just generic mall goth.
If you are interested in actual lolita check out 'Hello Lace' for guidance. And check out 'Qutieland' or 'Bodyline' if you wish to buy outfits.
Hope this helps.
>> No. 272
that did help me out. thank you did not realize that it was not Gothic Lolita. a question though. are you saying that it would be a bad idea to try and get an outfit made that is similar to this? i was kinda hoping that this style was not a bad one to chose as i do like the outfit style but would like to have better lace Incorporated. I will check those sites out. thank you for providing the names of them.

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76 No. 76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Glad to see a dedicated board for this - nice initiative :)

I've been fiddling around with the technical aspects of this stuff for a while now. Granted, I'm spending most of my effort on the masks so far.

Threw together a demon outfit from all the miscellaneous research parts last year, with a latex bodysuit base. Much easier to do stuff when you don't have to worry about perfect skin-tones :)
24 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 217
Im sorry if this is an upsetting or offensive question: are you a guy? either way I find your work sexy and awesome =)
>> No. 218
Deviantart profile says male, so I'd assume so.
>> No. 219
Upsetting or offensive? Pscht, I'm proud o' my beard :p

DA always speaks the truth!

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