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697 No. 697 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Hey folks! It's been a minute, but I'm back. Thought I'd make a dedicated thread for people to post their masked pics in the hope of stimulating this place a bit. I took this one recently and wanted to show it off; hope you like it!
655 posts and 562 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1485
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More attempts to try new shots.
>> No. 1487
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I always love mask pics that show a little teeth, mouth movement is my favorite part of masking imo
>> No. 1488
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I agree. It's challenging to make smiles and mouth movement look natural, especially without any adhesive. It helps when the mask fits you well and when it's stretchy and flexible enough; otherwise, the eye holes stretch and the whole face distorts.

(Pic is a little tease of unreleased photos I still have to update.)

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1065 No. 1065 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Mehry Krimbus!
7 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1372
Any activity is good activity. (And if you have something new to show, the better.)
>> No. 1374
Bodyshots are always nice to have especially when youre good at covering up the lines
>> No. 1486
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Happy Hallowe'en, my minions! <3 XOXO

(A taste of things to come, but this one was taken today - alongside many others.)

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169 No. 169 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Dumping all that I have. This will be a multisession effort.
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>> No. 201
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>> No. 202
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>> No. 313
Is there a video that went with this?

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329 No. 329 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Can we talk about masks? What is your favorite mask? What is the best-looking mask? What's the best mask for someone who doesn't have a lot of money?
72 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1376
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While I'm pretty happy with my mask (a Cyomi), I can't help but wonder how to conceal the eye slots, if it's bad design (either cost-cutting or the lesser-of-two-evils option since these aren't tailor-made) from most makers or there's something I'm supposed to do. Or if I can/should get plastic eyes and glue them in (and be unable to see anything from inside).

It's just... idk really
>> No. 1380

I've thought about the idea of using foundation around the eyes, making it a few shades lighter than the mask in order to compensate for shadows, and then wear makeup to blend the seams. Since most of the masks I wear either fit snugly in my eyes, it's not as noticeable, but I thought this might help nonetheless.

Using glasses helps distract people from the seams, though - at least at a distance.
>> No. 1436
well first you've gotta try and match the lower eyelid with yours as close a possible
A noob friendly way to blend the edges is to use black eyeshadow (the famous "panda style" ),
Use false eyelases (glue or magnetic) to blend the upper eyelid .
alternatively you can also try to glue eyelashes to the eyeholes with some silicone glue (Irecommend using some Silpoxy™ )

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1147 No. 1147 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm new to this but I'm not just a curious bystander. Do you date wearing a mask or is it a taboo you'd rather keep hidden? Do you meet up with others?

7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1385
I was pointing the choice of words. I'll admit, they made me feel a bit uncomfortable, mostly because you were too quick to clarify.

Bold choice.

Morrigan's costume uses a lot of spandex. Hip-wise, you could go for a pantyhose under the leggings and mix it with padding (a trick used by drag queens), making sure the leggings are from breathable fabric. Beating sweat will still be difficult, though - have you tried spray-on antiperspirant? I doubt it'll stop sweating altogether, but at least it should make it *less* sticky.

It's alright if you don't want to mix it with a mask. I'm curious about why you'd say your experience with a mask is "shaky", though.
>> No. 1386
I'm also >>1376 for reference, the shaky part of masking is dealing with the eyeholes. Turns out the mask seems to be a tiny bit too small for my face and the holes get stretched and that's why it looks bad.
Good call about antiperspirants. Gotta give it a try - between that and the generous amounts of baby powder I usually go for, that should buy me some nice extra time while suited
>> No. 1387
I've found baby powder doesn't always help with sweating - there's a point where sweat accumulates so much, it becomes slimy. Antiperspirant should stop that, particularly if it's spray-based. (And if it's designed for women, then it's a bonus.)

As for the eye slots, that's the issue with early-design masks - they were designed for smaller heads. That said, judging by the pic, they fit you pretty well. Try using foundation and eyeshadow to blend in.

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1375 No. 1375 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I thought I would be nice to start up a thread on masking equipment and gear.

What kind of equipment are you using from what seller? Are there any brands or masks you would recommend, and the opposite would there be things you would advise against? Im planning on beginning masking myself but i am not sure what is good to start with. Whats your favourite mask and boob combo? How do whole bodysuits work? This may also be a good place to generally discuss other masking equipment like wigs and clothing.
>> No. 1383
I got quite a good collection, always finding a way to buy more stuff.

Mask-wise, I tend to prefer those from Dreammask, as they fit very well. MoliFX has turned to be my second choice - their Luxuria mask looks amazing. I've also purchased from Roanyer and from others, and my first mask was a CreaFX but it's too damaged to be reused.

As for other prosthetics, I tend to purchase breastplates, girdles and gloves. I've gotten them from multiple sizes, though ever increasing.

Breastplates: I find the ones I use the most are those from Dokier, followed by MoliFX. Dokier sells good, long-lasting breastplates at a relatively cheap price, though sometimes they can make them pretty thick.

Girdles: Since I like big curves, The Kim has solved many of those problems. I got a couple others from Dokier, EYung and Roanyer; the latter is more of a panty, with thin and stretchy silicone, but the genital opening is very wide. I usually have issues with those little tubes, which is why I like when they're wide and stubby, I will say that I think I got more EYung girdles than anything else.

Gloves: I started with ones from Celesmask, which I still have, and moved to test a few others. Gloves are the least exciting because they're hard to put in, hard to take out, and prone to tearing. The ones I got from Dreammask fit snugly and nicely but got a nasty tear after a couple uses, mostly because their nails are glued on properly and I was trying to avoid breaking them.

As to where I buy everything - AliExpress, though the MoliFX stuff I buy directly from their site. You can find them cheaper while still being the real deal.

And as a final remark: I have that Hathaway mask in OP's pic. Hathaway is one of my favorites, though my favorite mask still has to be the Haena.
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1130 No. 1130 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
As I promised, the serious discussion.

Though I showed a bit of a heads-up on the Selfie thread, I got a few prosthetics of darker color than usual - mostly a pair of masks, a breastplate and padded "pants". I've worn them and even took pictures of it, but that made me think. What are your thoughts on wearing prosthetics and masks of a different skin color than yours?

For emphasis: I'm not Caucasian, but I'm pretty light-skinned. Most of the masks I wear (like the Hathaway) are actually lighter than my own skin color (as you can probably see on the pictures), but most of the popular masks are tailored towards the "white/Asian woman" archetype. Far as I know, other than an example in "Secrets of the Living Dolls", there's no example of POC masking up, either in their own skin color or a different one.

You may realize how controversial this sounds, which is why I decided to make this a serious conversation. What are your thoughts on it? How does it touch what we as maskers do? Would it be acceptable within the community, even if it might not be acceptable outside? How would that change the perception of our community as a whole?

I apologize if you feel like this isn't acceptable, but I feel it can expand the scope of what this board can do, and might even spark discussion on different places where maskers reunite.
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>> No. 1371
Not sure exactly what it is about this one, but I particularly like it. It's like a busty office lady posting selfies while out a lunch or something, and were it not for the fact that this is the kind of thing we do here, if I saw the thumbnail posted somewhere on the internet I might not even guess that's a mask.
>> No. 1373
I dont think you should be concerned about raceplay beind a bad thing. Skinsuits are about the other the...contrast and difference and changing race is part of that appeal. Ive seen white maskers turn into black women and thats becoming more common nowadays. I think you should not worry to much and just enjoy what youre doing without feeling concerned about feeling racist or whatever. I'd love to take a spin as an asian chick but none of the Aisan fitting masks seem right for my face so its a shame.

Just look in the mirror and enjoy what you see, and if you dont oike it you can change it. ;)
>> No. 1378

Well put. Thanks for sharing your opinion. I like how it deals with the appeal of masking outside of personal reasons - it is, as you said, a play on contrasts at its core, because it lets you be someone that you aren't.

I'll admit I made this thread out of cautiousness - given how easy it is to anger people, I didn't wanna offend the few people that enjoy this as a hobby, as an expression or even out of kinkiness. Considering how the very act of masking can be offensive to people (though the consensus seems to verge on "weird", apparently), I figured touching on the community's consensus would help clear things out.

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1 No. 1 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Here's these for now.
I'll post more when I feel like it, I guess.
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>> No. 1005

Oh wow...that's a May with breasts, or neckless with a separate breastplate? (Or neckless + full bodysuit? I know you've said that on the subReddit...)

That's definitely such a nice pic - simple-looking, but projecting just the right mix of cute and sexy. The blurring effect makes eyes focus only on you, which is a plus.

(Kinda feel disappointed that the only thing I can do is take selfies with my phone.)
>> No. 1006
It is indeed only may with breasts :)

also thanks for the kind words ^^
>> No. 1036
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And, much later, here's a pic with just the new booty to show what a difference just adding some hip, butt, thigh padding can do.

Maybe I'll get around to the unboxing and showing what I got while pretending it's all new (since I took the pics then).

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442 No. 442 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Ho boy an heavy box coming from the USA, wonder what could it be...
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>> No. 458
damm girl looking very nice hope to see more pictures of you around still stay a shame i cant find anybody a normal proximity :P

such a shame
>> No. 460
Well done Bestan. You look realistic :3 Have fun ! ^^
>> No. 1193
that looks incredibly sexy, how does it feel to wear? You look absolutely fantastic, congratulation!

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1160 No. 1160 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
femask new bodysuit

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